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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Then you clearly haven't played StarCraft. Agreed. WarCraft probably has the coolest setting/history in any game I've played.
  2. Smart move one could expect from Blizzard. I think no company has higher standards than them. It's a way to ensure their fanbase keeps trusting them. One lesser game and it's all down the drain. I'm not saying I was looking forward to Ghost, but I was curious at the least. I was expecting it to be some kind of bridge between the RTS games, as I'm almost convinced they're working on StarCraft 2 at the moment. Hope this doesn't delay SC2. On the other hand, delays at Blizzard usually imply good things.
  3. Shannon was Lost's worst character ever. I was cheering when the b*tch died.
  4. Bring it on! The original God of War was the funnest game I've played last year.
  5. same here Handheld Zelda games r0xx0r ur b0xx0rz! I always take one with me on vacation trips.
  6. I just read they're going to take revenge on Isaac Hayes by making Chef a pedophile and getting him killed.
  7. No, though it seems this is what most people believe. Yes well, it appears the Mayans knew a lot more than we'd give 'em credit for. Read this: http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html. I found it to be most interesting. For people interested in more wacky theories: http://www.4815162342.com/forum. There's plenty of good stuff up there, as well as plenty of far-fetched speculation (such as the Black Box theory, which I found to be the most original one, however over-the-top it might be).
  8. Apparently, the writers are planning to stretch this show for 8 seasons total, meaning it will finally reach its conclusion in 2012. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it up that long. But anyway, this knowledge, combined with the fact that no specific date has ever been given, and that each season seems to be around 40 days, makes current speculation believe that Lost is situated in 2012, and will end December 21st, which happens to be the end of the Mayan calendar. On that date, a global event will supposedly occur which will change mankind's vision from one of conflict to one of cooperation. The Mayans, aside from being great astronomists, were also occupied with the studying of polar reversal. Add to this the elecromagnetic field Dharma is doing research on and we may actually be on to something. I've read theories on www.4815162342.com about the polar reversal thingy, but up until I read this Mayan stuff I didn't really buy into it. Now it's starting to seem quite plausible though.
  9. Showing the family unit's significance isn't as hilarious as mocking silly modern day phenomena though. The Simpsons have had their prime. South Park is at the top of my list now.
  10. People bashing South Park really don't understand its genius. At first it may come off as simple toilet humor, but it honestly is a lot more sophisticated than that. Especially the later seasons (starting from the fifth) are mainly about tackling actuality issues, such as stam cell research and the worshipping of sluts like Paris Hilton. Those episodes more often than not have a hidden message to them. Even the Simpsons only rarely did that. That's why to me, South Park is the best cartoon ever; not only is it hilarious, but it's smart too. You just have to look beyond the cursing and dissing.
  11. Trapped In The Closet is the funniest South Park episode to date. John Travolta: "Hey it's really nice in here." Tom Cruise: "Yea I told ya." John Travolta: "I feel really safe, oh my GOD!" R Kelly: "And if Tom Cruise and John Travolta don't come out of the closet I'm gonna cap this b*tch!" They'll probably come up with a hilarious way to cut Chef out of the series, or maybe change his voice for some wacky reason. Chef's role isn't what it used to be anyway.
  12. Been looking forward to this one for a while now, though it'd be nice to see some new info.
  13. Finally got to see Crash. Liked it. Reminded me of Magnolia.
  14. I liked this episode a lot. I hope to see more island flashbacks from now on (Rousseau, Alex, Desmond, Henry...). The real life ones are getting a bit tedious. To people who are complaining about Locke "losing it" and not being as all-knowing as he was in the first season, here's an interesting quote from the imdb boards: "Locke was a very frustrated man who went through anger management therapy to deal with his temper. Eventually he got into his head that he had some kind of mission, something he had to do, but time and time again he was defeated, was denied the walkabout, and the final humiliation being when he was carried onto the plane. Then the crash happened and he could suddenly walk again. The sky was the limit and he was filled with this enormous confidence. This is where we the viewers entered the picture. The first Locke we knew was the uber cool mystic who was on top of his game and appeared to have some connection to the island because he believed it so wholeheartedly. But this Locke that became everyone's favorite character was not the real Locke, it was just a role he assumed, fulfilling his wet dream of being in control, respected and admired. He thought he was invincible. This was just a fluke. The main turning point was when he saw the monster up close and his knowing smile turned to a look of pure horror. Uh-oh. Guess the island wasn't his bestest buddy after all. After that it's been downhill. His golden grail, the hatch, wasn't what he thought. There wasn't "hope" inside. Stuff that "wasn't supposed to happen", happened. He slowly became "a Locke problem". Deprived of all his 'powers' except his newfound ability to walk, he's reverting to his former self; the frustrated loner with the boiling temper, crashing plates, getting paranoid, questioning loyalties... this IS Locke. If you want to see that cool guy from his role playing days, watch reruns." Also, it could very well be Locke isn't falling for Gale's scheme (I firmly believe he's an Other) at all, but rather that he knew he was gonna hear him anyway, thus making him believe his plan to sow disarray among the losties is working. This way, Locke could be using Gale while the latter believes it's the other way around. Maybe... Anyone have a thought what Eko is up to with his trees? Finally, the theory that they've all been on the island before as children is more and more becoming a given for me now we've seen the Oceanic miniature planes in the newly discovered facility (which are identical to Kate's).
  15. American world leadership my ass
  16. RTW might be the best strategy game I've ever played. Medieval 2 is looking pretty good too.
  17. Or, you could do all that stuff on other days of the year, so it actually comes as a surprise, and to show you just don't love her one day a year.
  18. Quite a bit of new things sprang to mind, so I updated my post.
  19. Orbital - Dwr Budr Orbital - The Box (Uncut) Best. Songs. Ever.
  20. Anyway, my perfect girl... ... has eyes that make me swoon everytime she rolls 'em ... is smaller than me so she always has to look up with those pretty eyes ... has a disturbingly cute smile ... is curvy and not too slim ... has a sexy accent and a voice that makes me want to make her squeal ... has a sense of humour, smiles all the time and never gets angry ... is always open to both serious and absurd conversations, without being a chatterbox ... is always friendly and enthusiastic about everything she does ... is ambitious in a good way, without being manipulant ... is curious and constantly willing to learn more ... gladly engages herself to help out others ... is honest and definitely not shallow ... is intelligent but especially wise ... respects the good yet simple things in life, such as cooking and music ... is girly rather than womanish, meaning no make-up, high heels and stuff like that ... does not make a big deal out of little things, in other words knows when I'm kidding and when I'm being serious ... realises when she made a mistake yet not in a way that she blames herself for everything that goes wrong ... is perfect yet she herself doesn't think she is ... needs comfort once in a while without being all-out depressed ... doesn't care for money or fancy cars and clothes ... likes people for who they are, not for what they look like or what's being said about them ... makes me want to better myself (e.g. quit smoking) rather than making me feel I need to better myself ... has a good judge of character ... doesn't hesitate to comfort people, especially me, when they're down ... appreciates the same things I do, both material and immaterial, yet can also teach me stuff I don't know about ... gets along with all my friends ... has a high "tease me" factor, I love teasing girls ... makes me smile with every little thing she does and says ... can still manage to surprise me (positively) when I think I know her And as a bonus, she's half-Filipina, which drives me mad as I'm a sucker for Asian women. I know they exist, these kind of girls. At least I know one exists.
  21. I've no idea whatsoever. "The Pope" was the first thing that came to mind all those years ago when I first registered on some forum (I believe it was an M:TG board, where's the days...) Isn't it obvious? He's a Pixies fan!
  22. I met the real girl of my dreams at a time I was with another girl, which up until then I had believed to be the one. That was kinda tragic to realise. Even more tragic was the fact I broke up with my girl after 4 great years because I felt guilty having feelings for someone else, and that the new girl wasn't (and still isn't) interested in me romantically, although we get along great and I still feel she's the only one I want. Most tragic of all however is the fact that I still see these girls, both of which have played a very important role in my life, everyday at university. Love is a bitch.
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