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Everything posted by Pope

  1. I had both. Sega didn't come close to the Nintendo quality.
  2. Indeed, in some cases I knew there was one coming. Not in the case of Saw though.
  3. 'cause for some reason I'm good at predicting plot twists. Kind of a cursed gift really, since it takes the surprise out of lots of films. I saw KotOR coming, I saw Fight Club coming, I even saw bloody The Sixth Sense coming... One of the few films that actually took me by surprise was Basic. I was able to foresee it up until the second last twist. I never saw the last one coming. But that film was a bit over the top concerning plot twists.
  4. King Kong: yawnfest, except for (most of) the scenes with Kong, even though even those were quite stretched out. Saw II: enjoyed it even though I was pissed off that the twist was already revealed to me. I predicted the twist in the original Saw less than five minutes in the film, and was curious how long it would take me in the sequel. Alas, some stupid brat spoiled it for me. I could've torn off his head I swear.
  5. People always say that but they generally survive even if the next year is worse than the last. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> aight then, lemme rephrase I don't want to live through another 2005
  6. 2005 could've been the best year of my life, if not for one serious downer, so I greet you farewell, and may 2006 be radically different, 'cause I won't survive another 2005
  7. Dying by losing Baby Mario was as good as impossible (falling in pits was the most common way to death), but it was punishment enough having to hear his crying.
  8. There's only one game out of that list which truly intrigues me, and that's Spore. Come to think of it, any more news on that one yet?
  9. hehe, sounds familiar I've done many a stupid thing in video games. The final mission of Brood War comes to mind, where I attacked all three fronts at the same time...
  10. that would be Super Mario World Yoshi's Island was great, but it was a bit too easy
  11. Super Mario World (I still play that game) Yoshi's Island Donkey Kong Country (all 3 of 'em but especially 2) Zelda: A Link To The Past Chrono Trigger Secret Of Mana Killer Instinct (I'll whoop your ass with Sabrewulf) Mario Kart
  12. how about some completely uncharted terrain? say, an afterlife setting?
  13. Whoa that was one badass minotaur :ph34r: and the battle right before Pandora's Box was pretty mad too, thank Hades for his army though lol just saw him again :D
  14. I'll be getting the PS3 once the next GTA is out, and I'm considering getting the Revolution, because of its backward compatibility (oh sweet nostalgia, plus now I can finally play all those N64 and Cube games I wanted to give a try but didn't feel like buying a console just for them). Please don't turn this into a pc vs console debate. I used to think consoles are for kids, but latelay I'm slowly losing interest in pc gaming. Not that I don't like the games anymore, just don't feel like spending a fortune to upgrade my machine every year. On top of that, I don't have as much spare time as I used to, so console games - which are generally shorter and/or have "pick up & play" gameplay - are more interesting for casual gaming, and to have some friends over and play and laugh together, instead of sitting there alone in front of my pc monitor. Bottom-line: pc gaming is too costly, too time-consuming, and too anti-social; so I'm going back to the roots! (I started gaming on a NES) edit: dammit, how do you make multiple options available?
  15. The Knife - Behind The Bushes Reminds me of the soundtrack to The Godfather. Gives me the same feeling of hopelessness. Think of an army of soldiers marching to the battlefield, heads low, knowing they won't return. Beautiful.
  16. Pope


    If I'd ever get one it'd either be a yin yang or a buddha, since I know those are two icons that will remain dear to me for the rest of my life.
  17. Mwahahahahaa the Blade of Artemis is kickass
  18. You're seeing things you want to see. (MacLeod that is)
  19. Sorry, for a while there I almost forgot Hades has intellectual rights to all pessimistic lines.
  20. Waha I'm having a blast at this one. Seldom have I seen such satisfying combat. At first it may seem a bit tedious that the game sometimes just seems to keep throwing baddies at you, but it only adds to the self-fulfilllment you get when finally piercing your blades through that last opponent in a brutal fashion. Great stuff. Recommended to all who have agressive and/or sadistic tendencies, be it because of temporary frustrations, or just by nature.
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