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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Hey, they always had good waffles. *munch munch munch* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> as well as the best beer and chocolate in the world + we invented fries! damned americans just figured "French" sounded better than "Belgian" <_<
  2. finally something good to come out of belgium
  3. While friendship might very well be a prerequisite to a relationship, sadly it is not sufficient.
  4. don't give in to the seducing lure of WoW, it will destroy your social life! of course, for those that don't have any to begin with, go ahead!
  5. To Americans, there will always be a lurking plotting planning enemy out there... Statements like this keep reminding me of Bowling For Columbine, the little Brief History Of America cartoon in particular. sigh
  6. my pc is over 3 years old now, and the game runs perfectly smooth yay for low-tech pc's! just played my first Civ game ever! I must say, it was quite cool kicking Gandhi's ass
  7. The WarCraft universe actually has one of the most intriguing histories of all fantasy games I've ever played.
  8. Just noticed there's a Diablo amongst them as well. Probably just indicates Blizzcon, seeing as characters from all games are included now.
  9. http://www.battle.net/ "10 7 05" That means today. I'm betting they'll be announcing the WoW expansion, but that's not all... Try refreshing a few times. There's a Terran and a Zerg to be seen as well. But that's not all... Try refreshing a few more times. You'll get to see the undead, but instead of "10 7 05" it says ".999_ = 1" Any thought on what that might mean? I'm hoping StarCraft 2, but it could be SC: Ghost as well (though that's already been announced).
  10. Basement Jaxx - The Singles Soulwax - Nite Versions I don't understand why no one seems to be listening to more electronic stuff here. Are all of you Americans or what?
  11. My ex had the annoying habit of setting her alarm two hours before she had to work ( at six in the morning) and then pressing the snooze button for an hour and a half. I'm a light sleeper who would be wide awake after the first time it went off. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol that's my way of getting up too there have been countless times at camp when they literally had to drag me out of my tent, and even then I would not budge " I'm so not a morning person
  12. quite cryptic, this one, but vocals-wise it's one of the greatest songs of the year imo R
  13. rofl the gays and the straights and the whites and the spades! everyone has aids!
  14. I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark When he made Pearl Harbor I miss you more than that movie missed the point And that
  15. haha not at all I'm part of a not so usual group of scouts. We're located in a troublesome neighbourhood, so most of the children there are from poor families. As such, we're not so strict with uniforms and stuff. Acting like a drill instructor would serve these kids nothing. Rather, we focus on communication, and make sure everyone feels accepted in this group, so we can keep them off the streets.
  16. goddamn roshan, do something about that keyboard of yours it's a pain in the ass trying to read your posts, and I bet most people don't even care enough to read through it all
  17. One of my biggest passions is photography. You'll rarely encounter me without a camera. And no, I'm not a Japanese tourist. I lead 14-to-16-year-olds in the scouts. It's great watching these kids grow into adolescence. I'm very engaged in college life as well. I'm part of a board of people that is responsible for all things important to the students of our law faculty, such as interaction with professors and special activities (like parties and sports events). I'm a fraternity member too. I've been studying Spanish for some years now. I was thinking of taking up Chinese as well this year but it would require lots of time, which sadly I don't have. Lately, I've picked up an interest for oriental culture. I've been reading some books on buddhism and other philosophic stuff, and I've also got a thing for Asian women. " I'm a real audiophile. I spend most of my (rare) free time listening to and mixing my vast collection of cd's. I'm also an amateur with the synths. As for sports, besides working out, I'm a ski fanatic. A few years ago, I wanted some change and tried out snowblades (a small version of ski's, without the sticks), which I really liked. I now have my own, and this is one thing of which I can honestly say I'm damn good at it. I can now go downhill on a red slope wearing only one blade. :cool:
  18. I've a soft spot for the opening theme to World of Warcraft. It's also the only thing I still like about that game.
  19. I think I'm very unlike most folks in this place. My kind of music is mostly electronic. I hate categorizing stuff, so I'll just post my favorite artists: my top 5 is (in no particular order): Orbital Chemical Brothers Basement Jaxx The Prodigy Faithless other favorites: Moby The Orb Fatboy Slim Underworld Aphex Twin R
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