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Everything posted by Pope

  1. and if the current trend in moisture in colorado is any indication, you, like me, are only two months away from more slope action! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really. I won't be skiing until at least January.
  2. what a silly question luckily, the time smoking pot was a hobby is over for me I still do it, just not as regularly as I used to Pope's current hobbies: - college life: this is more than getting drunk and laid, I tend to engage myself in the faculty stuff each year again, though I'm starting to lose interest in that since now the younger generation is slowly taking over - scouting: leading the eldest of the bunch, the 14-16-year-olds, I love those kids and they love me - skiing: the ultimate rush in my life - music: sadly I've never played any instrument (I keep telling myself one day I'll do so though), but music is the only thing in the world that can wake me up, so I respect that - as everyone else I suppose, friends: somehow the number of friends I have has exponentially increased the last few years, so I spend quite some time on keeping those relations intact - watching National Geographic: it has become the only tv-channel I still watch, I love science and all that, as long as I don't have to study it - Buddhism: I love spirituality, and Buddhism is remarkably close to my views of the world
  3. Pope

    Philosophy 101

    Once again from Wiki.
  4. Pope

    Philosophy 101

    Space is space. Therefore it is something.
  5. Pope

    Philosophy 101

    ^By that definition, nothing would be something, since we can imagine it. Can we?
  6. Something that's been bugging me the last few days: What is nothing? Does it even exist? Something that exists is, per definition, something, right? So claiming that nothing exists would be a contradiction. But then again, discussing the concept of nothing makes it something, otherwise you wouldn't be able to discuss it. Therefore, nothing would exist in our minds only. What I'm trying to get to is: IF nothing does not and can not exist, has there always been something? If so, there would never have been a beginning of time. An absolute beginning of everything is what comes right after nothing. If there has never been nothing, there can be no beginning. It's so hard trying to rationalize something that falls beyond the realm of reason.
  7. I'm proud to be one of those lucky people that will never feel ashamed of their first ever cd. In my case, that was The Prodigy's Music For The Jilted Generation. Released in 1995, at 11 years old (it's as old now as I was when I bought it) it still kicks some serious ass. Sadly it has quite a few scratches on it, but since I mostly listen to music on my pc nowadays, yay for mp3's. Just thinking of it again makes me nostalgic. Listening to it right now... No Good
  8. The Knife - Silent Shout (album) funky! looking forward to seeing them next week
  9. not a movie, but Prison Break episode 1-8 very neat
  10. my Supperclub album collection this summer just begs for lounge :cool:
  11. WarCraft's lore was cool up until WoW. Then everything was forced just for WoW's gameplay. I mean, spacecruisers? Blood elf paladins?
  12. "- Season three will have a vastly different feeling, but at the same time reembrace the roots of the series." what are the roots then? "- They have 4 to 5 seasons planned out, and they knew the beginning and ending from the start. Going beyond 5 seasons would be stretching it, they said." perfect, I can't handle more than 5 "- On the season two DVD, you can expect one feature which has all of Sawyer's famous lines!" nifty
  13. DJ Shadow :cool: August 17th I'll be seeing him live, along with Radiohead, The Knife, Zero7, Tiga and more. w00t!
  14. Pope


    Make that a month of studying. Just found out I have to redo 4 exams.
  15. ^ playing BG1 in higher resolutions is pretty w00t though
  16. Seriously, I don't need no Ferraris, Maseratis or Porsches. In the "affordable" category, the Audi A3 Sportback totally does it for me. It'd have to be black though.
  17. That place sounds really gay. Isle of Man = I Love Men
  18. Pope


    July is camping month. It started with a 4-day festival (Chili Peppers, Depeche Mode, Tiga, Soulwax Nite Versions w00t), now I'm off for 3 days with some friends, and then it's 10 days camping with scouts (I'm starting to miss those little brats after 3 months of studying). After that, there's a 10-day city festival in Ghent, the biggest of Europe actually. August starts off with yet another festival (Radiohead, Massive Attack, Daft Punk, DJ Shadow, The Knife... w00t w00t). Then a month of working till half September, and then it's two weeks of doing absolutely nothing before university (and Lost w00t) starts again.
  19. No way, Spain for the win. Even Nostradamus said so. http://www.thinkspain.com/news-spain/11342
  20. There it goes again...
  21. It seems to work okay now. I've been having some troubles getting access to it lately. I'm planning a rerun through BG and gathering some item and NPC info, and Gamebanshee is the very best place for that.
  22. Is it just me or is http://www.gamebanshee.com/ seriously messed up?
  23. I want to play this game. Alas, I still have exams and thus spend 15 hours a day on studying, leaving no time for anything else. Going to sleep now. Exhausted.
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