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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    Ben: Where do you get electricity? Locke: We have two giants hamsters running in a massive wheel in our secret underground lair. instant classic! Ben is back!
  2. IWD2's main weakness was the story, some of its locations (I hated the Ice Temple), and the challenge rating system which made slaughtering the waves and waves of monsters thrown at you (hook horrors anyone?) really tiresome, while it could've been cool if you'd just get any xp for it. The 3E ruleset was perfect for a player-created party game though, and some of the other locations were awesome (Targos and the goblin fortress).
  3. Durlag's Tower was technically a dungeon though.
  4. Band: Basement Jaxx Movie: Team America TV Series: Lost Cartoon: South Park Book: The Game PC Video Game: BG2 Console Video Game: Super Mario World Games Console: SNES
  5. I doubt the atmosphere IWD's prerendered background provided could easily be matched by NWN's 3d engine. To me, those were half of the fun.
  6. Pope


    That was the first theory to be officially debunked by the writers. Not only because he doesn't want to leave, but first and foremost because he's protecting the island. Communication with the outside world means there's a possibility of intruders. I thought it was a decent episode. I have a feeling the next one is going to be killer though. It's a Locke episode, and I think we might just finally get to see how he got paralyzed, and if not that at least we'll find out what he's up to. Plus he's going to meet Ben again, so that'll definitely hold some interesting tidbits. Can't wait.
  7. Anyone remember Tiax? And when the boards went crazy and we had invisible threads that defied all rules. Those were the best times on any forum yet.
  8. The only true roleplaying instances I can remember from ToB are the lich with his ioun stone, and choosing what to do with Demigorgon. Ascension offered more outcomes to the final stages of the game. I might have forgotten some, but the bottom line is that I felt like ToB was just a railroad you were forced to follow, without being able to have a real impact on it or to stray away from it.
  9. Get a university degree: working on it, should be there soon Get a second degree: need the other one (law) first, but I'm thinking of getting another in psychology/sociology Get a good girl: check Break up with that girl: check Get another girl: working on it, might not take too long Get kids: would love so but not for the next 8-or-so years plz (being 22) Get a place: check, though I don't plan to live here for the rest of my life Get a job: check, though it's only temporarily to pay for my appartment Get a car: check So much for the mandatory stuff, there's more personal goals too but I can't be bothered summing them up.
  10. Being uninterested in politics, let alone American politics, I haven't even heard of most of those people, but LOL @ John McCain, because somehow whenever I see that name I go "yippy ka-yay mother***!"
  11. I've heard nothing but good things about the Ninja Gaiden games. Unfortunately, I never have and never will have an Xbox, so I was pleased to hear there's one coming out for the PS3, which I just might buy one day (once the price tag goes down that is).
  12. Durlag's Tower - to me - was the best dungeon in any RPG I've ever played. The traps may have been tiresome, but that was a bearable burden in exchange for the story, fights and rewards the dungeon had to offer. ToB felt over-the-top, with everyone and their mother carrying +5 weapons, and very little roleplaying. The modded Ascension battle might arguably be the best fight in the BG series though.
  13. :sad: Ah well, guess I can finally play that DMC3 SE that's been lying around for months while I wait for GoWII to hit the shelves here...
  14. Goddammit, I have to wait until April 20th (Stoner's New Year lol)
  15. Pope


    I'd love to do so one day.
  16. (salutant ) Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae. Yes, every Belgian student who ever studied Latin was forced to memorise the start of De Bello Gallico.
  17. I used to think WoW was a pathetic excuse for a social life, but this one takes the cake. Sad really, life can be so rewarding.
  18. Because - London is the most expensive city in the world - Brits have never made sense
  19. The last picture didn't do it for you? Somehow, the Leffe 9
  20. Best. Beer. Ever. especially the red (8.2%) and blue (9%) God bless Chimay is outstanding too.
  21. I've drank beer all over the world, and none has ever come close to Belgian beer. If you don't like Leffe and Duvel, you don't like beer, period. So visit Belgium!
  22. Halfway: KotOR2 (likely to revisit some day though) NWN (not very likely) Barely touched: Fallout ToEE Beyond Divinity Have it, but haven't even installed it: Fallout 2 NWN expansions NWN2 (will be installed and played very soon) Bloodlines Deus Ex System Shock 2 You may shoot me now.
  23. Pope


    According to Carlton Cuse, the skeletons found in the cave in season 1 will be proof that the ending of the series was planned out from the beginning. Some seem to think it's Desmond and Penny. I'm not sold on the time loop theory so I don't really have an idea.
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