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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Even though I said BG2, I'd have to change my vote to Tetris. There is no other game I've spent as much time on than Tetris. There is no other game in which I am as good as Tetris. This game was my best friend for a good 10 years of my life, and I still take it with me on every vacation. I'm not a person to often bloat about his skills, but I honestly kick some serious ass at Tetris. Most triumphant moment was when I finally found out there is no lvl 21 (by scoring 10 lines on lvl 20, normally the level would increase every 10 lines but starting from 20 the dropping speed remains the same, so I discovered). My next challenge is to find out what happens after you hit 999.999 points, as the score board only has 6 figures. I've managed to get to 270.000, which is pretty freakin' mad by itself.
  2. Bluetech - Sines And Singularities Abakus - That Much Closer To The Sun two truly awesome ambient/chillout albums
  3. I thought Nite Versions was the remix album. Any Minute Now - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Any-Minute-Now-Sou...4122&sr=1-4 Nite Versions (Soulwax tracks remixed) - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nite-Versions-Soul...4122&sr=1-2 Most Of The Remixes (other artists' tracks remixed) - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Most-Remixes-Soulwax/dp/B000WFFCTC
  4. ^Soulwax are the best electronic music to ever come from my little country heard the remix album yet Pop? it's pure awesomeness
  5. I'm currently totally into the album Burial - Untrue, which is a bit weird considering the dubstep genre has never been my cup of tea, but this really is great stuff. Though at first it might sound really dark and melancholic, I actually managed to fit this music into any mood, be it happy, depressed, or downright indifferent. This review describes it really well.
  6. Shpongle - Nothing Lasts But Nothing Is Lost I'm in love with this album, and I seem to love it even more than before whenever I hear it again I truly cannot pick a favorite track, as I consider all 20 to be one huge anthem, a psychedelic journey through the infinity of imagination
  7. Not being a shooter fan myself, I have to admit Crysis has been intriguing me for quite some time now. Picking this one up once my dvd-drive is fixed.
  8. Ratatouille it was okay but I liked Cars better (and I know I'm in the minority in that regard)
  9. hilarious lol it never gets old!
  10. Daft Punk - Alive 2007 (live album)
  11. Oh yeah that's right, Vice City had about the coolest soundtrack ever. Of course, it was basically "Best of the 80's".
  12. both the God of War soundtracks
  13. Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious (album) Shulman - Endless Rhythms Of The Beatless Heart (album) me like
  14. 28 Weeks Later oh cmon plz, that heli should've crashed otherwise, enjoyable flick
  15. Divine Divinity wasn't made by an eastern European developer (Larian is Belgian), and therefore wasn't bad. Alright then, the first and final parts were bad, but everything in between was good.
  16. Celtic Cross - Hicksville (album) another Posford project
  17. for Shpongle fans, two albums by Simon Posford under another moniker: Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps Younger Brother - The Last Days Of Gravity
  18. Younger Brother - The Last Days Of Gravity (album)
  19. I'm glad FischerSpooner took another direction in Odyssey whilst still remaining true to themselves. They were the pioneers of electroclash, but after #1 that genre became such a hype that they would've only parodied themselves had they not turned the more poppy direction of Odyssey. My fav track on it is Get Confused, though they're all great. Ellen Allien & Apparat - Orchestra Of Bubbles (album)
  20. their Odyssey cd is awesome for the Orbital fans: Long Range - Madness And Me Paul Hartnoll - The Ideal Condition
  21. Every time I read it the last few pages are littered with metal so I don't have the urge to read all of it. But nice to see Shpongle is known here after all. <3 Dorset Perception
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