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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    That scene was awfully similar to the opening scene of Jack in the jungle. I've always wondered how he ended up so far from the plane.
  2. Pope


    I suspect we will soon. Widmore said that everything Ben has, he took from him. So either Widmore is Dharma, or he's a native like Richard.
  3. Pope


    Smokie ftw! I predict: - Ben killed Nadia and tricked Sayid into killing for him. - Ben will order Sayid to kill Penny. - Sayid will recognize her from Desmond's picture. - Sayid will find out it was Ben who killed Nadia. - Sayid will kill Ben. - Ben winds up in the coffin. - Jack goes depressed because Ben was his hope of getting back. - The Oceanic 6 and Penny will find a way to the island, presumably through Dharma.
  4. 23 and graduating soon, so life is about to start I guess
  5. 4/20 was Stoners' Newyear. How dare he on such a sacred day as that!
  6. Be sure to check out the other half of the Grindhouse Double Bill, Death Proof. I didn't think Death Proof was that great. Just a bunch of nonsensical dialogue with virtually no story. Machete is looking very nice though. Trailer is hilarious.
  7. same I loved the ending. Paul Thomas Anderson is a master of conveying human emotions on-screen.
  8. I've loved both. Last one was a blonde, so currently I'm more into brunettes because every blonde tends to remind me of things I'd rather not be reminded of.
  9. Finished both seasons of Carniv
  10. Finished the last season of The Wire last night. The ending couldn't have been any more perfect. Some got what they deserved, some got what they didn't deserve, some didn't get what they did deserve. Just like real life. My favorite part was Kudos to the best televison experience I ever had.
  11. Pope


    Could Sayid spilling the beans on Michael be what Ben referring to at the end of The Economist when he reminded Sayid of what happened the last time he spoke with his heart instead of his gun? I have a feeling Sayid's actions will have grave consequences, he will feel remorse and Ben will exploit it into recruiting him to work for him.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGK_61omGYs ging gigigiging ging ging giging gigiging gigigiiing ging ging giging
  13. Pope


    Yes, I'm going for the second option. Sun needs a reason to return.
  14. Pope


    It's interesting how his tombstone said 22/4/2004, which is the date of the crash. 22/9/2004
  15. Pope


    It's interesting how his tombstone said 22/4/2004, which is the date of the crash. Anyway, didn't see that twist coming. Nice.
  16. Pope


    I'm sure we'll see a fashback of what happened on the freighter before the season ends. And I'm betting it will be through Michael's point of view.
  17. Pope


    I so totally called that.
  18. Pope


    If anything, the calendar on the freighter in latest episode established that time moves exactly the same on the island. The plane crashed September 22nd, 2004. The calendar said December 24th, 2004, which corresponds to the 3 months they've spent on the island. So, being on the island has no effect whatsoever on how time passes. However, passing the barrier surrounding the island seems to distort time.
  19. Pope


    remember him crying in the short flashback in ep2 though? and the card game with Charlotte in ep4? those might definitely have had something to do with this I might even dare to speculate that the sickness Rousseau was talking about way back in season 1 is what we've seen this last episode and I too was moved by the conversation between Des and Penny. one of the most emotional Lost moments, along with Sawyer meeting Cooper
  20. Pope


    best episode this season what I gather from all this is that the island is free from time, which would indeed make it impossible to find also, very interesting to see Widmore buy the Black Rock captain's log. it's becoming obvious he is looking for the island
  21. I've seen the first two seasons of Weeds, and I was very entertained.
  22. Pope


    Looking forward to next week's episode very much. has never let me down.
  23. Pope


    I think she's still on the island. Right now Aaron is being "raised by another" while he should be raised by Claire (the psychic in season 1 said so). Aaron needs to go back to the Island or something will go terribly wrong. Season 2 introduces some great characters that are integral to the further progress of the show. Season 3 is my favorite so far, although it started off really slow. Season 4 is doing much better in this regard so far.
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