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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    My bet is either Claire and Aaron, or Sun and Jin. We have to see outside world consequences of the child mystary. I'm going for the Koreans, since their child was conceived on-isle.
  2. Pope


    She was calling George (Minkowski), and the thing in the cabin is Jacob
  3. Pope


    I totally called that ending the moment Sayid told Locke he would never trust Ben. And I say Ben's man is Walt and/or Michael. Leaning towards Walt, with his psychic gifts and all that. Plus it would explain why Ben actually let him go at the end of season 2, after being so important to them.
  4. just returned from a week of skiing I still kick ass
  5. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438488/ Bale as Connor in T4?
  6. Pope


    Anyone seen the mobisodes? Basically, they're sort of like deleted scenes (13 of them), except that they were filmed later instead of deleted. You can find them on the torrents easily. Mobisodes 6 and 13 are crazy. 11 is hilarious. Looking forward to season 4 very much! There's a bunch of really cool actors joining the cast: really curious about this one!
  7. I think I needed more slowing gems near the end, to give me the time to replenish my life. I don't know how many hitpoints air units had at lvl 88 (ground units had about 250000 by then), but I was lucky if I could take 2 out, one more wouldn't really have made any difference in the time it took the surviving ones to hurt me. I had more than enough gold, it's just that 3 flyers each taking 23 life is impossible to counter when they all arrive at the exact same second. edit: exam was good
  8. After a 5-hour endurance run, I just got beaten by lvl 88 flyers. Made it to 495 in the top 500. I thought the trick, from lvl 50+, was to focus on ground units and just buy back the life flyers take, since there's no way you can take 'em all out. This screen was taken at lvl 80, forgot to take one at the end. 2 perfect and 2 black opals covered the entire battlescene. Had 4 jades eventually and 2 dark emeralds that kept stunning one poor victim who then had it coming from the entire maze until he was obliterated a few moments later. Gold is awesome. Checkpoint 3 was always a massacre to behold Ground units never even reached the 5th checkpoint, they had two runs through the maze left. But sadly at lvl 88, air units took my life quicker than I could click the buy lives button. I have no idea how anyone is able to reach lvl 200+
  9. I keep getting beaten at survival lvl 44, even though I had a bunch of splashing slow towers, which seem to be indispensible for good AA. Even had 3 of those gems that give -6 armor to air units and 4 perfect amethysts, but still the bastards got through...
  10. say hello to teh ubermaze now I need to rebuild this with more AA. damn air units
  11. Haven't managed to beat Survival yet, but this is my most successful maze on Extreme. But now I need to quit and go repeat criminal law. Exam is tomorrow w00t.
  12. Driving stick is way fun, especially once you get that feeling for timing. I'd never want an automatic.
  13. Also saw the first episode of Weeds. I don't like soaps but this one will probably be getting some attention nonetheless, for obvious reasons.
  14. Nope canceled HBO, however the first 4 seasons are some of the best TV I have ever seen. Although I was not a big fan of season 2. I seem to hear that a lot. I rather liked the docks storyline myself. It was an interesting change, and you have to admit McNulty's antics during the first few episodes were comedy gold. It's a pity he didn't get much screentime in season 4. Btw, the actor who plays will be appearing in Lost.
  15. Alright, over a year has passed, and since then I have seen: Battlestar Galactica (season 1 & 2) It was okay, definitely not too sci-fi which is a good thing. Haven't started the 3rd season yet since I was planning to watch it together with the 4th once that's done, but the writers' strike is messing things up alas. Gaius Baltar makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Heroes (season 1) I watched the entire season in 2 days. Had lots of fun. I'd like to do a marathon for the 2nd one as well, but that too is on hold thanks to that blasted writers' strike. It was awesome to see Linderman was actually A Britisch Person from the South Park episode Pip. Oz (season 1) Somehow that place feels more like a set than an actual prison (most likely because it actually is a set). Harold Perrineau's whining is getting a bit annoying though (couldn't stand him on Lost either). The ending really sucked, but luckily I already have the 2nd season at hand. I expected Adebisi to be a bit cooler to be honest. Maybe it's because I keep seeing Eko (still wonder why he wanted to leave Lost). And Kenny was also a lot more interesting in... The Wire (seasons 1-4) Where have you been all my life?! This show is freakin' awesomeness incarnate! It's the most realistic and believable thing I've ever seen on tv, every other show just pales in comparison after seeing this. Season 3 was my favorite so far, loved the whole Hamsterdam story. Anyone currently watching the 5th season? Stuff to see soon: Carnivale Lost season 4 (8 days to go!)
  16. Damn you Krez, you got me hooked, and I have an exam coming up.
  17. The Joker was supposed to make a return in the third installment of Nolan's Batman series, playing a Hannibal Lecter like "advising" kind of role in Batman's quest to stop Two-Face. Too bad that won't happen anymore. I hope Ledger's Joker is memorable, if not I'll always remember him as a gay cowboy. RIP
  18. Pope


    Lost recap in 8:15 lolz "Boone climbs up it falls Boone dies"
  19. I can't get the staircase to level 16 to unlock I'm hitting all 3 buttons though!
  20. Pope


    http://www.movieweb.com/video/V07LaxVWQLM4Zi omg
  21. Not a movie, but I've seen the first season of The Wire. Very very good.
  22. Just watched season 1. Where was the big showdown?!
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