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Everything posted by Pope

  1. This isn't going to be answered anytime soon right? I want 4 to 6. I'd be content with 4, but they could decide to go with 3 and allow one cohort for a total of 4.
  2. This isn't going to be answered anytime soon right?
  3. Just saw the first episode of Arrested Development, and I know I'm going to love this.
  4. I have a question concerning this series, which I've never played. I've a PS2 and PS3. I know MGS2&3 are available for PS2. I also know MGS1 is considered a legendary game, but that one is not available for PS2. So is it necessary to have played the original? And is there by any chance some sort of updated version? I seem to recall there was one for GameCube (with new camera options amongst other things), but seeing as I don't have one of those I'd need to play the original PS1 version (on my PS2). Which probably looks quite uitdated by now.
  5. - some kind of class specialized in ranged attacks that isn't required to be a treehugging elf - feyri or whatever those tiefling elves are called, and while you're at it, the orc version too
  6. So how many characters will we be able to create?
  7. I wonder if this means you can switch between party members during dialog, so you can take advantage of all their alignments/skills/classes/races, instead of just one guy doing all the talking. It is something I suggested for IWD2 but iirc the IE didn't allow it; or I was simply ignored. looks like I was right
  8. I wonder if this means you can switch between party members during dialog, so you can take advantage of all their alignments/skills/classes/races, instead of just one guy doing all the talking. It is something I suggested for IWD2 but iirc the IE didn't allow it; or I was simply ignored. Anyway, although I still haven't come around to playing NWN2 and MotB, this looks quite nice. Still haven't decided on race/class for those games, so being able to create a full party is a bonus in this case. (I can't believe I'm talking about games again. It's been a few years.)
  9. Pope


    We do not know how it got off the Island. All we know is it did, and it wound op in Widmore's hands. Come to think of it, I might have been mistaken. Widmore obtained the log because he knew it would lead him to the Island. How Dharma discovered the place is as of yet unknown, though it will certainly have something to do with Alvar Hanso being a descendant of the Hanso on the Black Rock.
  10. Pope


    True, but I have less difficulty swallowing the manipulation of time and space by a modern Dharma than an ancient civilization. And even then I think it's a bit over the top. It probably went like this. The natives found a way to (ab)use the Island's anomalies to control time and space, but the Island got angered by these meddlings with fate and made the volcano burst, destroying most of the civilization. So the natives returned to their primitive ways, hence the ragged clothing. Centuries passed, Dharma discovered the Island (through the Black Rock's log), and tried to do the same. The natives remembered the Island's displeasement and purged them in order to prevent another catastrophic event.
  11. Pope


    Well I am afraid it will. The foot statue was already a big hint towards an ancient civilization, and the fact that it only has four toes implied it was most likely advanced. And now the Magic Time Travel Wheel (sigh) kinda confirms that. I'm not saying every mysterious event will be attributed to such a civilization. But its mere presence is enough to make me roll my eyes in disgust for the lack of originality.
  12. Pope


    Are you saying turning the wheel didn't cause the Island to magically disappear and Ben to travel 10 months through time and space?
  13. Pope


    I don't think Jin is dead. Michael is though. I really really really loathed the part with Ben turning the magic wheel and the Island teleporting. I might've been able to stand it had it been Dharma technology, but come on, the "ancient long forgotten civilization with advanced technology to explain unexplainable things" plot mechanism has been done to death, and if they go this way what's to stop them from adding some aliens to the bunch.
  14. The "I can't deal with being in a relationship right now" is nothing more than an excuse for them not wanting to be in a relationship with you (anymore). Kinda hard to accept I know but mostly it's just that. I spent the whole day thinking about the girl who told me that some time ago. I've been avoiding her for months now and still she manages to hijack my thoughts. It's driving me insane but I can't seem to help it. The irony about this is that I use the exact same excuse for any other chicks.
  15. Pope


    This is something I wrote years ago when I was 17, to the girl I seriously believed to be the love of my life: My world, a field of grass Every joint too good to pass Every spliff I had to smoke Every blunt I had to toke In the morning and after class My eyes were glary, just like glass That field of grass was all I knew But all that changed when I met you You are the flower in the grass Just like that joint, too good to pass But unlike my beloved pot Share this flower I would not So to protect you from the mass I put a sign "Keep off the grass" I'm still proud of it
  16. I saw Before The Devil Knows You're Dead. A lame version of 21 Grams. I saw it and I thought it was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen. Then I watched it 15 more times in 3 months. I know, that's pretty sick. The entire Cairo scene is gold. Derka derka.
  17. Pope


    I've got to say I'm not too pleased with the direction Lost has taken in season 4. I miss the season 1 and 2 days. Time traveling bunnies and teleporting islands... if I'd known from the start I might've been a lot less interested. Please, I've seen Oz and most of its characters are just as one dimensional as Lost's. What separates Oz from other shows in the credibility aspect is the fact that you never know what's going to happen next. It's like a soap inside prison. Contrary to most other shows that follow a Hollywood type of writing, filled with clich
  18. I didn't do anything special today, but a few minutes ago the weather was hot and sunny, and at the moment ice is falling from the sky. Judgement Day has arrived
  19. Pope


    It was a good finale but mostly stuff we already knew would happen though not quite how it would happen.
  20. You sir, have no taste. There is no bad season of The Wire. Most people seem to like the second least. I'm guessing that's because it has the least 'gangsta' stuff of the five. But you gotta love Frank Sobotka. Personally I liked season 3 the best. Bunny Colvin's Hamsterdam, I freakin' loved that stuff. Season 4 with the kids was awesome as well. Season 5 was a bit less believable than the others at times, but I loved how they wrapped up everyone's story. Best thing about The Wire is the characters. I want Bunk to be my friend! In fact, that's probably the reason I don't have too much sympathy for the people in Dexter's police department. I give it a solid 10, really can't point out any flaws. Best show I've ever seen. Was even better the second time, noticed a lot more things I missed on the first run. Can't point out any flaws? What are you crazy. They killed off possibly the greatest character ever conceived in the entirety of games, television, literature, or any medium. How dare you sir. So what? People die. It would be a lame show if they didn't. Who are you talking about anyway? And deaths in the last season don't count, what does it matter if anyone lives or dies if the story is done?
  21. Dokes is awesome. I finished the wire. First season awesome, then sucked a little bit then progressively got slightly better until season 5 which totally was a waste of time and sucked. Overall 7.49/10 You sir, have no taste. There is no bad season of The Wire. Most people seem to like the second least. I'm guessing that's because it has the least 'gangsta' stuff of the five. But you gotta love Frank Sobotka. Personally I liked season 3 the best. Bunny Colvin's Hamsterdam, I freakin' loved that stuff. Season 4 with the kids was awesome as well. Season 5 was a bit less believable than the others at times, but I loved how they wrapped up everyone's story. Best thing about The Wire is the characters. I want Bunk to be my friend! In fact, that's probably the reason I don't have too much sympathy for the people in Dexter's police department. I give it a solid 10, really can't point out any flaws. Best show I've ever seen. Was even better the second time, noticed a lot more things I missed on the first run.
  22. I hated Death Proof. Tarantino thinks he can write awesome dialogue, but he kinda pushed his boundaries here. A lot.
  23. I started watching Dexter, and I'm halfway the first season so far Dexter's own story is awesome, but I don't care that much for the other characters
  24. I don't think that project is still on. Was only a rumor iirc. Then again, last time I checked there weren't that many actors confirmed, so it might be official now.
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