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Everything posted by Pope

  1. I saw The Lookout. Definitely worth seeing. Joseph Gordon-Levitt impresses once again.
  2. I also saw Iron Man yesterday. I keep hearing Samuel L. Jackson shows up at the end as Nick Fury. I didn't see him? There was only this white SHIELD dude.
  3. Finally found me a copy of MotB! So I'll be playing NWN2 soon at last! But tell me, is there a specific installation order with patches/essential mods etc I should keep in mind? Also, I convinced a pal of mine to come play Mortal Kombat 3 with me on the condition I'd play Bloodlines, which he's been quite stoked about for a while now. So I'll be playing that one in the near future as well. Which character builds are recommended, and which ones should I steer clear of?
  4. Not really. Chocolate contains phenethylamine, which is a precursor chemical to the neurotransmitters adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. But not only is it rather weak in potency as a neurotransmitter in its own right, it doesn't get past the blood-brain barrier, and is destroyed in the bloodstream after about 5 minutes. Furthermore, 'love' is feelings regulated by endorphins (natural opiates), endocannibonoids, oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, mainly. Chocolate contains none of these, and even if it did, again, they'd be mostly destroyed in the blood stream before they reached the brain. Geez. I was just quoting Devil's Advocate.
  5. Love is overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate.
  6. Yea well I suck at those kind of things. But I uninstalled it using Total Uninstall, doesn't that remove registry entries too?
  7. I tried system restore and even though that gave me an error saying it could not be completed (another yay for Vista), Firefox hasn't crashed since. Let's hope I didn't jinx it by saying this.
  8. Okay this is quickly getting reeeaaaally annoying. Imagine downloading a 200 MB file, then in a force of habit opening some kind of small file like a doc or torrent without thinking of the consequences. Firefox crashes, resulting in the loss of whatever was already downloaded from the 200 MB file. Now I have more than enough bandwith to spare, but if the download speed of that file was 20 kb and it crashes at 90%, you can imagine my frustration. I used to love Firefox but wtf is this?!
  9. According to this, the same problem can occur in Ubuntu, so it's not OS related. I do agree Vista is a piece of **** though.
  10. Yup I did, but it keeps happening. Norton always scans every file immediately upon completion, perhaps it has something to do with that? Although it's been doing this ever since I started using this computer, and the problem occurred only recently.
  11. Uh wut? There's only the usual File at the top, and I don't see any ExitQuit FirefoxQuit in there.
  12. Since the latest update, Firefox (2) crashes after every download and it's starting to piss me off. I've tried uninstalling and installing Firefox 3 but it still happens. Anyone else have this problem, and a solution?
  13. I have a PS3 and the only game I've played on it was GTA4. Until some really good games start coming out, it's the most expensive dvd-player I ever bought.
  14. I'm not a big fan of the old Bond movies either, but Casino Royale was very decent. I also like the idea of Quantum of Solace being a true sequel to Casino Royale, and not just another standalone story in the life of Bond.
  15. I'm starting to kick some serious ass with Cyrax and Sektor on Mortal Kombat 3 Just bought Ultimate MK3 for the SNES on Ebay. Can't have MK without Scorpion.
  16. Pope

    Isn't it H Stapp instead of M Stapp?

  17. Arrested Development was probably the unniest sitcom I've ever seen. There's a movie rumored to be coming in 2009. "I accidentally blue myself." "I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist." Gotta love Tobias. Anyway I'll likely give Fringe a chance once the season is done. Can't be bothered to wait for the main plot to progress in a show that (also) has standalone episodes.
  18. Mortal Kombat 3 on the SNES with some friends. Oh the nostalgia. I whoop anyone's ass with Shang Tsung.
  19. Arnold to appear in T4? http://www.getthebigpicture.net/blog/2008/...vation-set.html
  20. True. Right now the top option says 'Search on Amazon'. Like that's what I do most after right-clicking something...
  21. After a reboot of my pc it's back to normal. Sure is some weird stuff...
  22. I'm using Vista, and somehow when right-clicking, the option to copy and paste has disappeared. wtf? this does not seem to apply to text I've typed myself, like in this box whilst typing, but once submitted I won't be able to copy it anymore, unless I use ctrl C, but I'd also like to be able to just right-click and copy
  23. When I was 5 or 6, some cute little Asian girl on a vacation with my parents to some tropical island. The setting, the heat, her exotic looks, and a language I didn't understand a word of; it truly was the perfect romance. I still haven't recovered from my Asian fetish.
  24. So how many expansions does Will have in store for this one? Any ideas what might still be added?
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