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Everything posted by Pope

  1. I'm playing NWN2 OC. w00t! At long last!
  2. Does TonyK's AI get retroactively applied to the OC and MotB, or do I still need to override the game for that?
  3. There were (imo) 2 to 3 cringeworthy moments, those being the few cgi moments (I only remember when Bond and some other dude fell down a balcony, and an explosion during the finale). And the fact that the Aston Martin was badly damaged even faster than the one in CR definitely made me cringe as well. The humor was severely lacking, again imo. Gone is Bond's charm, replaced by coldness. And no gadgets is just a step too far. As I've already said, I don't mind the toning down of all Bond clich
  4. Geez, you'll manage. I still haven't been able to play NWN2 OC, so be thankful you only have to wait 1 day or so
  5. Cirque du Soleil I love it!
  6. Burn After Reading Typical Coen brothers comedy with an emphasis on crazy characters. Not quite as good as The Big Lebowski, but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless.
  7. I liked how they got rid of many cumbersome clich
  8. Quantum of Solace this might've been a good action film, but it definitely was no Bondfilm
  9. I once heard a very strange mechanical flying noise above my house at night, two or three years ago. It wasn't moving, so it couldn't have been an airplane, and it sure as hell was no helicopter either. That said, it couldn't have been aliens, because any self respecting alien definitely would've taken a super intelligent specimen such as myself.
  10. Get rid of the time limit for editing posts. I just don't any use at all in that restriction.
  11. This seems to have done it. Thx for the help anyway.
  12. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...844&sd=tech According to this guide, I should right-click the drive and assign a letter, but that option doesn't come up when I right-click. It does appear on my other HD though. I think I might've found it. I selected to add a new partition. I could then assign a letter, and now it's formatting.
  13. Also, why do hard disks always lie about their size? When I bought a 250GB HD, it actually was only 230. With a 500GB HD, it was 455. Now with this 1TB HD, it's 930 (so it says in the menu mentioned above).
  14. No that's not the problem. I've found my way to control panel > performance and maintenance > computer management > disk management, and initialised the disk. But there seems to be more to it. It says it's not assigned. Is that what needs to be done, and if so, how?
  15. I just connected a new 1 TB HD into my pc, but it doesn't show up in My Computer. It got detected upon startup though. I went to configuration > hardware, and the HD appeared in the list of hardware, and it even said it's working correctly, but still I can't access it. The computer is running XP.
  16. I'm totally into Gotan Project again. Somehow it's really fitting in spring time. And it makes chicks horny.
  17. Vegetarians! I just discovered the super hot chick I met recently is a veggie. What a turnoff.
  18. As said in the Yahtzee thread, I've been afraid of clowns for most of my life thanks to seeing IT at age 6. I overcame my fear by seeing it again a few years ago and realizing how silly that film actually was. Other than that, not much really. Women used to scare me during most of my teenage years, but that problem has been fixed quite well now. Oh yeah, I'm still (and always will be) afraid of waking up at any hour that doesn't have 2 digits.
  19. I'll be getting this one sooner or later. My PS3 is collecting dust atm, so any good game is welcome.
  20. Pope


    Also, is the difference in performance between 800 MHz and 1066 MHz worth the difference in price? 2GB @ 800MHz costs €26, @ 1066Mhz €48. So it's almost double, but it's still cheap.
  21. I know the feeling very well. I saw Stephen King's It at 6. It spawned a decade long fear of clowns until I finally mustered the courage to turn my fear into outright hatred. To this day, whenever I see a clown, I must suppress the urge to murder it in a horrible fashion and put its head in my fridge.
  22. You gotta love the scene with the Russians though.
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