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Everything posted by Pope

  1. well, the idea was to dress "psychedelically"
  2. I was responsible for a huge fight last night. It was hilarious. I was the dj on a Fear & Loathing themed party. I was dressed just like Depp in that movie, and I must say I looked awesome. The chicks there seemed to think so too (somehow I'm always more popular on a themed costume party). Anyway, one of them was hanging around me all the time while I was playing the music. She eventually ended up on my lap, and had her hands all over me. I never actually did anything to provoke her to do what she did (other than just being me), but obviously I just let her go at it. Turned out her boyfriend was standing only a few meters away. He didn't look very happy. However, he never had the balls to confront me (don't shoot the dj), so he just yelled at his girl instead. But she didn't seem to give a damn. I just laughed, feeling quite manly.
  3. Echoes - Best of Pink Floyd
  4. Yes, they're all crazy from a man's perspective. The trick is to look at it from their perspective. Once you have a clear image of the typical woman's life, you'll start understanding their actions a lot more. There's such a thing as female rationality. It's not rational at all, but it can be understood.
  5. I thought all three were very entertaining! I saw watchmen yesterday and loved it. Im glad i read the book before though since they had to gloss over a lot, it was nice to get a broader viewpoint of everything that went on. As for 300, i love anything greek really, my avatar kind of gives that away. :D That battle was big and think if the persians would have won that war what this world would be like today. They had no since of freedom, everyone was a slave but the king. Slavery is underrated.
  6. And thats what you get for not supplying a manual with a game this complex. I hate Steam. manual
  7. Warlords are accomplished and competent battle leaders. Warlords stand on the front line issuing commands and bolstering their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand. Warlords know how to rally a team to win a fight. Your ability to lead others to victory is a direct result of your history. You could be a minor warchief looking to make a name for yourself, a pious knight-commander on leave from your militant order, a youthful noble eager to apply years of training to life outside the castle walls, a calculating mercenary captain, or a courageous marshal of the borderlands who fights to protect the frontier. Regardless of your background, you are a skillful warrior with an uncanny gift for leadership. The weight of your armor is not a hindrance; it is a familiar comfort. The worn weapon grip molds to your hand as if it were a natural extension of your arm. It's time to fight and to lead.
  8. Great, thx a lot. Keep in mind that I will be starting as a noob, so are there any of those mods I should avoid for now? I reckon some of them would be made for hardcore players.
  9. Well, whatever people say about it, I really want to play this game. But the problem is that my gaming pc has no internet connection (nor do I want it to be connected), so activating and patching it through Steam is quite impossible. Ah well, I had to skip M2TW because of a lack of pc that could run it at the time, so I might as well play that one. Any recommended mods for it?
  10. I absolutely loved 300, even without having read the comic.
  11. I'm hearing from many people that Empire is good, but not as fun as previous TW games. What are you guys' thoughts on this?
  12. Wait, am I getting this right: you need an internet connection to play? That would suck, since my gaming pc does not have one.
  13. female drivers http://nl.truveo.com/Female-drivers-compil...230385640617168
  14. I'll be getting this game soon. United Provinces will conquer the world I tell ya. So does it look like an expansion will introduce the continents that were left out?
  15. level adjustment I still haven't started SoZ. I was thinking of a planetouched party with 4 ECL races, but that might not be such a good idea.
  16. Pope


    Yes, there's 9 more coming up. Next week is a break. Can't wait for this season's Ben episode. Certainly Sawyer & co will meet young Ben in Dharma, which is probably why he seems to know so much about them.
  17. Pope


    good episode, although not as good as the previous 2 imo more love triangle (square) crap yawn
  18. I need a game to play with my girl. Any suggestions? PS3 desperately needs a Worms game. Preferably in oldskool 2d.
  19. My professor told me to deepen my subject rather than broaden it, so I'll be leaving out the weighted voting parts and just focus on meritocracy, using Plato's Republic, Michael Young's The Rise of Meritocracy and John Rawls' Theory of Justice.
  20. Pope


    Abaddon getting shot was really really lame. I hope we still get to see him somehow (in the past maybe), and that he wasn't just cut because of time restraints due to Fringe. For the rest this was an awesome episode.
  21. Not suggesting, but wondering whether doing so would produce positive/negative results, from a moral point of view. It is a given that some people are more politically involved than others. Do you believe it is fair that they have the same amount of (voting) input into political decision making than politically inactive people, given that the degree of political involvement is often a result of better access to higher education (e.g. children of wealthier parents are luckier than poor people in this regard)? Would it be morally justifiable to add more weight to those people's votes?
  22. I'm writing a paper on voting rights vs meritocracy, and could use some inspiration from across the globe. I'm starting from these two central questions: - What constitutes voting power? - Are we living in a meritocratic society? From these, a number of related research questions can be posed, such as: - Do politically active people deserve more input in the decision making process than those who are politically disinterested? If so, what criteria should be handled? (e.g. political involvement, vision... as opposed to the old criteria of wealth or sex) - The entitlement to vote vs the duty to vote. For instance, here in Belgium, we are forced by law to vote, resulting in apathetic protest votes which might otherwise not occur. - May useless elements be removed from society? What constitutes useless/useful? May convicts' voting rights be suspended? - feel free to add... I'm doing my research atm and although I find it a bit difficult to translate some of my thoughts in English, I will try to add to the discussion later.
  23. Pope


    I thought it was great. The guy who gave Jack his condolences will probably wind up on the Island as well; he gave me the same feeling Desmond did when we first saw him in the stadium in Jack's flashback. I hope Frank does too. And I'm also sure Aaron, Ji Yeon, Charlie Hume, and Clementine (Sawyer's daughter) will end up on the Island as adults in season 6.
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