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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    I can no longer edit my post, but I've changed my mind on some stuff and made some changements in the while so read this one. (and go ahead and delete the previous one, mods) I think it's more than that, rather than simply keeping it intact I believe it can actually manipulate the timeline. Which is why people want it so bad. Pierre Chang said that if they could harness the exotic energy, it would allow them to manipulate time. But he also said you can't change the past. How about the future though? It could also be the reason for many strange coincidences. During the ages, people (Widmore, Jacob?) might have tried to abuse the Island in order to change/control their destiny, but the universe/timeline/destiny kicks in and course corrects itself. Amongst those course corrections is sending a bunch of people, all of them chosen for a very specific reason, ironically to the one place where time travel/manipulation is possible (behind enemy lines sort of), having them go through a series of events that shapes them for their eventual task/destiny and eventually leads them back in time where they fulfill their destiny: undoing/preventing whatever abusive changes to destiny would be made then. All our characters are just pawns in an epic game of Free Will (the Island and/or its exotic energy, Jacob? Desmond?) vs universal Course Correction / Destiny. Course Correction sent Flight 815 to the Island, but whatever force (Jacob?) that is controlling Free Will also placed some pawns on the plane, or tried to use Desiny's own pawns against itself, to counter. Ironically again, Locke, whilst believing to fulfill his destiny, could actually be a pawn of Free Will (Jacob) trying to break destiny. Charlie too was a pawn of Free Will. He was the musician necessary to break the code in the Looking Glass, which caused the Island to be found by the Freighter, and the Oceanic 6 to leave, and thereby break destiny. Destiny was aware of this, and thus wanted to kill him. But Desmond had been radiated by the exotic energy, and had thereby gained its ability to manipulate time. This allowed him to keep Charlie alive long enough. Eventuallly though, rather than abuse this power and change destiny, I think he will have to use it to correct it. And for this to happen, Course Correction sends/sent him Daniel Faraday, who not only saves him from the Island's built-in defense mechanism against anyone with such powers ever leaving the Island (time travel sickness), but also tells him to go to his mother, whose knowledge of time travel is a direct result of her interest sparked by her own son (unbeknownst at the time to herself) in 1954 on the Island (Eloise = Ellie). All part of the Course Correction. Phew, I hope that makes sense somehow. One problem with this theory: if Hawking really is the time cop I think she is (an agent of Course Correction), then Ben would be working both alongside Jacob / Free Will and Destiny. For something totally different: I wonder if Locke, as Jeremy Bentham, will be able to walk.
  2. Pope


    I read somewhere that the voice broadcasting the numbers at the beginning of the episode sounded like Hurley's. I don't recognize it as him, but it would be an interesting twist if it were, albeit a bit paradoxal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNO-dhk_iK4
  3. Well, afaik BG didn't really have dialogue checks, so what would be the point in implementing those skills? This made me wonder: did having a high charisma have any influence on any dialogue in BG?
  4. The first one should be like 15 bucks now. try IT. Maybe I would if Sony wasn't a piece of Hades and actually had PS2-BC in their presently-manufactured PS3's. Yea PS3's non-backwards-compatibility really sucks. I'm lucky to still have my PS2. God of War is awesome. Great production values, and just plain damn fun. But I haven't tried Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry so I can't compare.
  5. Pope


    I was cheering when she died Of course I probably wouldn't have if she hadn't given us some really vital info first.
  6. Pope


    seems like Hell Kitty's got some Charlotte lovin' goin' on
  7. Well, afaik BG didn't really have dialogue checks, so what would be the point in implementing those skills?
  8. Pope


    one of the better episodes of the series finally we're getting a meeting between Ben and Desmond
  9. My new Lacie external multimedia HDD doesn't start automatically when I connect it to my Vista pc. I need to go to Computer first and access it from there. It does run automatically on my XP pc. I know it's not that big of a hassle, but if someone could help me fix this, I'd be even happier.
  10. I could care less for the 3d graphics, but BG in 3E = win I'm just curious how they'll implement the dialogue skills.
  11. I see it differently. Bale's playboy Wayne seems to be an act, at least ever since he's returned from his training with Ra's. Keaton seems to always be an introverted loner, both as Batman and Wayne. But it's been a while since I've seen the '89 Batman.
  12. I actually thought Gyllenhaal was the worst thing about TDK. She looks okay as long as she smiles, but once she gets this concerned look on her face, she reminds me of Miss Piggy. Eckhart was by far the best.
  13. To each his own of course, but my opinion is that Bale has so far offered the best combination of Bruce Wayne's two personalities: the charming playboy to the outside world on one hand, and his inner troubled self on the other. Keaton made an excellent gritty Batman, but lacked a bit of the charm Wayne needs. Kilmer was a charming Wayne, but not dark enough as Batman. Clooney was, well... Clooney. Charming as Wayne, perhaps, but impossible to take serious as Batman. (which was probably more the script's fault than his own)
  14. The only thing worse than having a bad taste is conforming your tastes I'm assuming you're clever enough to at least understand that's not what I meant. But since my assumptions may be wrong, I will clarify. So you must think Clooney was a better Batman than Bale? I'm sorry I've felt the urge to say it for quite a while now, and I just couldn't hold it anymore. I feel much better now that it's out, so I'll quit (for) now.
  15. Archie was the best. Yeah, it was good but it certainly wasn't Snatch, like you said. There were pieces missing which I think were quality acting and a more interesting plot. I thought stolen diamonds (from Snatch) was way better than real estate fraud, which seemed to be the plot here. Although I found the chase scene with the Russians hilarious. The plot was more about the lucky painting than it was about real estate fraud. In fact, that's exactly the typical Ritchie-esque aspect of the film. Lock Stock was about the two guns, Snatch about the diamond, RocknRolla about the painting. And yea, the Russians were totally awesome. PS: Volourn never ceases to amaze me in just how badly his taste sucks. And it's not just his latest TDK comment, it's every one of his posts in this topic. Which, of course, also has it merits; it's just as useful knowing whose tastes to trust as it is to know whose to avoid.
  16. I got my grades for my exams, and scored an average of 75% Yay I rule.
  17. I'd recommend taking Hellfire Warlock levels as soon as you can (I believe level 9 if you plan out your abilities/skills right). It makes the class a lot more fun to play. Yeah I was planning that but forgot to mention it. I still need a link to a good warlock build. Picking invocations is tough. It depends. With 50/50 multiclasses or spellcasters it can drag you down because you can't cast higher level spells quickly or whatnot. Survival and Hide/Move are the best skills for the Overland leader IMO, because the former spikes up the movement speed and the latter lets you avoid +90% of all encounters. There are also mods out there now that reduce the encounter rate. I won't be having trouble with multiclassed spellcasters, since stormlord levels add to favored soul levels (except 2 of them) and hellfire warlock to warlock levels. My ranger/rogue will have survival and hide. What dialogue skills should I give her?
  18. Gah, and I thought it was already hard enough to pick one character. Now I have to create 4. So far I have: Yuan-Ti Pureblood Ranger/Rogue Air Genasi Favored Soul of Talos (later Stormlord) Fire Genasi Fighter (later Frenzied Berserker) Aasimar Warlock I hope the level adjustments won't be too much of a hindrance.
  19. How necessary is a rogue in SoZ? Anyone have a link to a good warlock build?
  20. Just started SoZ. How come, after I create my first character, the campaign immediately loads? I don't even get the option of creating the other 3.
  21. God of War III http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/godofwa...-trailer-1?hd=1 http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/godofwa...-trailer-2?hd=1
  22. Pope


    Natural or not aside, it would still be an awesome twist. The writers have also said it was always the intention of having the Others' leader under the Losties' noses without them realizing it, and they can't mean Ben by that since Henry Gale was originally meant to only last about 3 episodes.
  23. Pope


    I've read this awesome theory the other day. Remember the scene where Sawyer stepped into something in the jungle? Seemed like a pretty inisignificant scene. Unless... his toe gets infected and needs to be amputed, leaving him with only 4 toes. Then he does something heroic way back in the past, causing the natives to erect a statue in his honor. Add to this that James is the English version of the Latin name Jacobus, and Sawyer might just be our Man Behind the Curtain. It would be one of Lost's most awesome twists ever!
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