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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    Ok thanks. So there is no problem filling my 4 slots with 2x1 GB DDR2 @ 667Mhz and 2x2 GB DDR2 @ 1066Mhz ?
  2. Pope


    Which is best: 4 GB DDR2 or 2 GB DDR3 ? And how recent must my motherboard be to support DDR3? Also, is there any limit to the amount of memory in a pc, other than available slots? Say I have 4 slots, two of which already have 1 GB DDR2, can I just add 2x2 GB DDR2, or 2x1 GB DDR3 in the other slots?
  3. Found my old Rubik's Cube. I can still solve it
  4. Far Cry 2 yay but I'm going to wait for my new gpu to arrive so it'll look pretty
  5. Seems like an issue that's easy to mod away. Has no one thought of doing that?
  6. So I saw The Wrestler tonight. Was really looking forward to this one, as I'm a big Aronofsky fan, and just as big a Clint Mansell fan (the composer of all his soundtracks, the score of The Fountain was bloody brilliant). My verdict on The Wrestler: it was pretty good, although I expected it to be quite different than it turned out to be. There wasn't nearly as much obsession in this film as in previous Aronofsky films, and obsession is more or less his trademark theme. After mathematics in Pi, drug addiction in Requiem, and coping with mortality in The Fountain, I was really expecting Aronofsky to explore sports obsession in The Wrestler, but in reality it was more about dealing with loneliness. Mickey Rourke did nail the role; I can't imagine Nicholas Cage (who was originally supposed to be the leading role) putting down the same level of performance. Next Aronofsky project is The Fighter with Brad Pitt. Curious to see how different this will be from The Wrestler. And after that, it's the new RoboCop. I'm hoping for that one to focus on the moral implications of strictly following the law, which is a theme Aronofsky should definitely be up to.
  7. RocknRolla Typical Guy Ritchie flick. Not as good as Snatch, but very enjoyable nonetheless. Tonight I'm seeing The Wrestler, w00t.
  8. The Bastogne episode was one of the best tv moments I ever experienced (on a big tv screen with great soundsystem).
  9. Here, have a bunch! http://www.saintsrow.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Row_2 http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=259566 http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=199270 I might get that on PS3. GTA4's realism was a nice change for a while, but I haven't touched the game since I completed the story, as opposed to previous GTA installments.
  10. might've been posted here already, I'm too lazy to check funny dance act: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA2B5X0LhMY
  11. FarCry 2 is looking sweeter every day, and I'm not even a fan of shooters. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/farcry2/video/6199377
  12. that's bs. that might mean not getting any from said polite company
  13. A Scanner Darkly Way cool. Animated Keanu is a lot more bearable than real Keanu.
  14. I found the same card on another site for
  15. It wasn't bad. But it surely wasn't good either. I saw it for free and I'm glad I didn't spend my money on it. I won't say too much about the plot, except that the film cheated. I felt dirty and used when it ended.
  16. Righteous Kill I feel seriously cheated by this movie.
  17. Is the 4870 still the best choice? Still haven't purchased a new gpu, but now that I've finally installed NWN2+MotB it's obvious how flawed my current card is. I was thinking of getting this one.
  18. Alright thx Since Tony K's AI is being implemented in SoZ, would it be better to wait until that comes out?
  19. Anyone? I've heard lots of good things about some Tony_K's AI patch. Should I install this one before or after I install MotB? How about the official patches?
  20. I saw Hank and Mike at the Film Festival of Ghent. I thought it was a decent flick, but I can see why some people would dislike it. Still, it's not very often that I like a film that only gets a 6-ish rating at imdb. Next in line for the Film Festival are Madonna's Filth & Wisdom, Guy Ritchie's RocknRolla, and of course Aronofsky's The Wrestler.
  21. So if I get this right, the reason they're doing this is because otherwise it would delay the game for too long. So first we're getting the Terran game, and then we have to wait (ideally) a year for the Zerg game, and then (again ideally) another year for the Protoss game. That means at least another 3 years before I can play the Protoss campaign
  22. this is interesting if anyone can pull it off it's Blizzard
  23. Just hope he doesn't disappoint as Cobra Commander. Yea I'm really curious about that one too. Not that I'm looking forward that much to a GI Joe flick, but it's a totally different kind of film than we've previously seen him in. It might make or break his mainstream career.
  24. omg I laughed my ass off at the latest South Park episode
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