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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Is wireless connectivity an option with the PS3 or do you need a cable?
  2. Heroes season 3 is starting in two weeks. Still haven't seen the second one. Also new season of Dexter coming at the end of September. Season 4 of Weeds will be finished in two weeks, so I'll be having a marathon then (haven't seen any of it yet). Anyone seen Generation Kill? Opinions? Same question for Fringe. But tbh, I'm not that excited about this one.
  3. The Merchant of Venice Poor Shylock (Pacino). Granted, he was a greedy ahole, but he was treated really unfair imo. Portia was hot though.
  4. Pope


    It kinda is a spoiler. I was totally surprised to see Walt in the season 3 finale. I was totally surprised to see Desmond in the season 2 finale. Both of those were awesome Lost moments. Had someone told me about those appearances before, it wouldn't have been the same shock effect at all. To illustrate, I was not surprised to see Michael in season 4, because I already knew about it. I'm not that excited anymore. Lost jumped the shark for me with the ancient magic time travel wheel. I think I can handle time travel. I think I can handle an ancient lost civilization. But I don't think I can handle an ancient time traveling island-teleporting civilization. It's not so much that I really despise those story elements. In any other show I might've loved them. But for me, all speculation (which is all of Lost's appeal) ended when they introduced the concept of a civilzation that can do just about anything. I was one of those geeks checking the forums for theories and discoveries after each new episode. Now that anything is possible, what's the point (and fun) in trying to make sense of it all?
  5. I saw Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas again. Sober this time. Last time I saw it was on shrooms. Was an interesting experience but didn't follow the plot at all (not that there is any). I love that film. If there was one dude I'd ever want to be reincarnated in, it'd be Depp. Such a charisma.
  6. Pope


    You could've warned for a spoiler there... Anyhoo... It's official! Lost is dead! All hail the Time Travel Show! sigh...
  7. Gremlins 2 was awesome. New York New York!
  8. Ed Wood Hadn't seen this gem yet. Burton's best film imo, and an awesome performance by Depp. Fallout fans should definitely check this movie, it has pipboy style all over it. "Pull the strings! Pull the strings!"
  9. Or you could actually save your documents in My Documents. Not that I do...
  10. Other question: is the E8500 (3,16 GHz) worth dashing out an extra €140 compared to the E8400 (3,00 GHz)? I'm guessing not. The Dell Inspiron 530s looks pretty interesting. Intel
  11. The Ninth Gate What a waste of my time. And I'm a big Depp fan but even he couldn't save this crap.
  12. So dual core it is. Thanks for the advice. I currently use my pc for the internet only. I haven't played pc games in years, but with my next rig I'd like to try some out again, so it'd be nice if the hardware remains up-to-date for a while.
  13. My current pc is 6 or 7 years old, and it's starting to show to say the least. So it's time for an upgrade. One of the things I'm wondering is whether I should get a dual core or a quad core. Sure, quad core sounds very hip, but as I understand there's no real use to them unless you're working with programs specifically written with these kind of processors in mind. So can anyone give me the lowdown please. Basically, just tell me which to get, cause I'm a tech noob. Edit: I was looking on the Dell site (current pc is Dell and I have been quite content with it, contrarily to some other unnamed brands, so I decided to stick with Dell), and I saw these options: Intel
  14. In the near 24 years I've walked this earth, there have been only two girls I would've allowed to tie me down in a relationship. The first one I've actually been with for 3 years, from my 16th to 19th. We grew apart eventually, starting with both of us attending different universities. After meeting the second one some time later, I realised that up until then, I had never really known what love is. If there truly is such a thing as soulmates, this is the one. She's like Pope with breasts. Never before had I felt such a connection on so many levels, and I probably will never again. But there's no chance whatsoever of ever being with her, and it still hurts thinking about that, so for the last year or so I've been banishing her out of my life. Not that I really want to (on the contrary), it's just the only viable option for my mental health. But now comes the troubling part. Ever since, I seem to block myself from developing feelings for any other girls. Even though I've met some very nice ones lately. My emotional scar seems to be controlling my love life. I've learned that you don't need to be in a relationship to be tied down, that feelings alone can do that just as well. And if those feelings aren't mutual it makes matters all the worse. Luckily time heals all wounds, and being only 23, time is something I hopefully still have lots of.
  15. Waking Life Big thanks go out to Istima Loke for pointing me to this movie. Dreaming is a phenomenon I've been fascinated with for as long as I can remember. Over the past few years, during many a stoned head trip, I've developed my own theories about the relation of the mental world to the physical world. I was amazed at how this one film managed to capture all these things I had already come up with myself. Concepts such as the collective memory and the way afterlife was handled, were presented exactly the way I had imagined them way before even knowing about this movie. So while it didn't really offer anything new to me, it was still way cool to see I'm definitely not the only one with this line of thinking. On a sidenote, does anyone know what it takes to study dreams professionally? I imagine it requires some serious biology and psychology knowledge?
  16. I have a question regarding the new party conversation: Whenever we need to pick a conversation option, will we need to select each character in order to see if anyone else has something different to say? Because if so, this could get tedious fast. It'd be easier if some sort of icon on the portraits indicated which of the party members has a different set of dialogue options than the party member currently selected.
  17. Today my car broke down. Then I heard all tickets for my favorite festival this weeken are sold out, so I started looking online for people who sold theirs. But the only ones I can find are at least 50 miles away from here. And I don't have a car... The fates are conspiring against me
  18. you must have one of them time travel thingies, eh? silly time limit for editing posts. rule makes no sense he wasn't planning on continuing as Chef ever since the Scientology episode, being a scientologist himself. the character Chef was killed off quite some time ago
  19. I used to have frequent dreams in which I could fly; or rather float through the air. It's been a while now. Last dream I recall had a kiwi in it, but that's all I can remember from it.
  20. Shaft was on tv yesterday, and tomorrow I heard Isaac Hayes has passed. Pretty crappy but Bale as an arrogant prick is always fun to watch. anyways RIP Chef
  21. lol this is totally my topic Let's see... NWN NWN:SoU* NWN:HotU* NWN2* KotOR2 V:TM* FO1 FO2* Deus Ex* (*haven't even been installed) *ducks* And that's only the rpg's. And only for pc. I have about 15 ps2 games I haven't even opened yet. On my defense, I bought all those at once second handed.
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