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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Taken Liam Neeson was awesome as Jack Bauer Pathology a cross between Flatliners and the smell of ass. pretty horrible
  2. Se7en has one of the most awesome movie endings in history. I'd much rather have a disturbing ending than a typical hollywood happy end. Edit: Se7en even had alternate endings, which were equally awesome:
  3. Highly under-rated. One of the best horror-movies ever made, if you get the ending. What is there to get about the ending? Seemed rather obvious to me. I already suspected that quite early in the film. But then again, it is 18 years old and in that time I've been exposed to quite some similar themes.
  4. Brick Took a while before it started gaining momentum, but once it did, I was totally engulfed in the main character's persistence. Having seen Manic, Mysterious Skin, and now Brick, I am convinced Joseph Gordon-Levitt not only has the looks, but also the talent to play the next Joker should Nolan decide to use him again. And even if he doesn't, this still is a talented young actor with an eye for good scripts.
  5. I don't play WoW, but Wrath of the Lich King's intro is pretty awesome if you know the Warcraft lore.
  6. Into the Wild pretty awesome, wish I had such balls to give society the finger
  7. Probably not much since I can't remember anything from that movie.
  8. How long would it take before a NWN2+MotB+SoZ box would come out? I'm asking because I can't seem to find MotB anywhere.
  9. Ok, I've managed to detect it using the Configuration Panel. So now I can assign buttons in the game menu, but in-game I get no response. Edit: Ok I have no idea how but I got it to work. So never mind
  10. I'm trying to get my old Sidewinder gamepad (from 1996) to work on XP (and soon Vista on my new pc), but I can't find the right drivers. Anyone know where to look?
  11. IF I'd get a 360, it'd be to play with friends in the same room, not online. So I wouldn't need a subscription to Live then?
  12. So do you need a subscription to Xbox Live in order to play? Or just to purchase it?
  13. I'm very intrigued by Castle Crashers, but I don't have a 360. Are there any other multiplayer games worth getting a 360 for? Preferably the kind of games that are awesome under the influence of well.. I don't need to explain. I see the console is currently at
  14. Reign of Fire what a crappy movie!
  15. Very few things in this world are lamer than the ending of Contact.
  16. It's called already being filthy rich and just coasting along to pay for the new multi-million mansion... hahah I didn't think 21 was that bad, but it was nothing special, yeah. Mickey Rosa was certainly no Verbal Kint, Lester Burnham or Jack Vincennes.
  17. 21 Predictable to the bitter end. What on Earth is wrong with Kevin Spacey nowadays? Such a brilliant actor in such mediocre films.
  18. I'm using this as my tv table. (the bottles inside are empty)
  19. Yesterday I finished watching Stephen Hawking's Universe. It's 11 years old now but still quite up to date. I was very impressed, especially with the episodes dealing with the big bang and black holes. Sometimes I really think I should've become a scientist. I've also discovered dozens more documentaries about intriguing topics such as space, time and brains, but sadly there is not enough time to watch them all.
  20. I'll give Psych and Monk a try, but since I don't have all the time in the world, with which one should I start? Edit: I think I'll start with Psych since it has less episodes out yet.
  21. Ari Gold is indeed awesome, especially combined with Lloyd, but otherwise I didn't think season 4 of Entourage was all that. Dog Day Afternoon still best episode to date, all thanks to Ari and Lloyd.
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