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Everything posted by Powerotti

  1. Takedown combo/disintegration crit, because of highest potential acc multiclass, is pretty offensive Arcane archer/ascendant with watershaper focus can cast triple pull of eora, to instantly immobilize group of enemies and ascend (with high chance to trigger ondra's wrath multiple times)
  2. Blade turning, as constant defensive tactics, is totally viable for Watcher. With high int and some effect prolonging equipment (ooblit, cabalist gambeson etc) it can last about 10sec. It synergize great with blade cascade of scordeo's edge (single handed), that can last long enough, to refresh itself without gaps by sf/hbd chains and cut blade turning recovery to 0. Shattered pillar can generate tons of wounds this way, and use instruments of pain and skyward kick or efficient anguish, to interrupt almost every spell on the battlefield. For mirke it is still possible, but street fighter subclass would be useless in this setup
  3. Forbidden fist ability can do something similar, when community patch is installed, but with 2h weapons (tested with watershaper focus). CP tags FF as melee weapon attack, and that's why it can trigger SF/HBD even without melee weapon equiped. But as far, as I remember it can't proc multiple times
  4. It's optimized for using high aspd in real time, thus won't work in turn based mode There is no such thing as ineffective monk multiclass
  5. It depends what do you want to do with bombs. They're useless on dealing damage, but can be decent as utility tools for some classes. I think, tactican/trickster would benefit the most. Put some points in Res, high dex/int/per, 10 mig with buffs and eq(sneak atk and deathblows gives all you need in terms of dmg), grab wotep (offensive parry + mule kick in cone), nomad brig for mobility. Mirrored image, refreshing defence, and unbending are enough for tanking and riposte. Cinder bomb apply blind and interrupt vs reflex, sparkcrackers - distracted vs will, and implosion charge for grouping mobs. Easy brilliant, good survivability, decent dmg and enjoyable gameplay with some micromenagement
  6. I'm not disappointed at all . I was testing it roughly with character sheet tooltips and the numbers seemed suitable
  7. They multiply, i believe. 50% + 30% reduction is not 80%, but 0.5duration*0.7duration=0.35, so 65% reduction. Each subsequent effect have lower impact.
  8. You can change game mode with console commands without "cheating". Check this
  9. Chanter doesn't need brilliant (tactician), because he regenerates resources anyway. On the other way, tactician won't benefit much from summons if you can't control them. Theese should be used as distraction/meat shields and have tendency, to get flanked. You can resummon them in other place, but it's kinda waste of phrases. Herald would be better if you want meele chanter multiclass. I, personally, prefer chanter/ranger as summon oriented build - pet+summons tanking on frontline, and watcher sniping from back row. Alternative for tactican/chanter is tactican/priest of wael. He can tank and riposte with WotEP while casting, have enough engagement slots to not get "body flanked" and Spiritual Ally is quite decent summon (you can increase his engagements by Champion's Boon). And piriests likes brilliant insp. very much .
  10. It is not. Only stat afflictions works, so berserkers fury is the easiest way
  11. Not only fighter/wizard. Trickster or Priest of Wael can do the same with Offensive Parry and, instead of fighter, you can dual it with paladin. Or actually any class if forcing disengagement attacks with Nomad's Brigandine, but then parrying and casting simultaneously is impossible.
  12. Because? With fire in the hole and axe modal + carnage dps is above decent, melee enemies clustered in one place without need of wall corner, so one can easily CC them. Driving roar have better rage economy vs dmg potential, but in that case it doesn't matter. Besides that, my point was restoring 3 resource instantly, with minimal recovery, would create the same problem with martials, that is with casters already - infinite spam of high pl abilities
  13. Why not both? Cast disintegrate on enemies and then poke, poke, poke. With time parasite it's matter of seconds, to cast disintegrate on all enemies. BTW i called inner death, because WotW is already OP. 40-80 base dmg + bonuses + lashes + 300% on crit - if spammable, it would be like Mike Tyson of Deadfire Archipelago Driving roar every 6s now < HoF every ~2s after ancient memory tweak (even without combusting wounds and avenging storm) and the more enemies, the better it gets. As for casters - does it mean 3 random PL or 3 highest empty spell slots? Anyway, cipher could easly lead more than one caster, to throw high lvl spells all the time I think brilliant restoring random PL spell every 6s is the best way to go
  14. Tweaks always lead to some benefit. It doesn't change much from before, I think, except for 2 people parties, since Ascendant can currently switch party members. It moves cipher to close to ancient memory casting slave imo and some martial classes gets huge adventage. With classic brilliant, barbarian can use heart of fury 2x/encounter and then every next time per 24sec (excluding blood surge). Now he can spam it as long, as ascended goes on. Similar with rangers whirling strikes and monks inner death. Yes, that was my initial intention, I admit. But I had to face the technical possibilities of Gamedata files. If you need to code an effect into [Possibility 1; Possibility 2; Possibility 3], you need to use an object qualified as "Attack". Attack would break invisibility on the caster which would be weird. That's why I went with this twist. Without using an Attack all you can do is [% Possibility 1 ; Nothing] Cycling Tier seems impossible. Selecting Tier is also impossible, you can only use range [1 - X]. That's why I copied Blood Sacrifice way of working : because, well, it works. I don't pretend this is the best design, but it seems to be the best technically possible design Sorry, it's hard to keep people informed about the technical limitations. I don't know anything about technical aspects of modding, so every idea is guessing about what might be possible to do In that case, i think, copying blood sacrifice is most balanced idea
  15. So ascendant with time parasite can restore complete resource pool MUCH faster than current brilliant? I think, you could leave regenerating effect for brilliant, but change it to restore one spell of random PL. e.g. (1-3), (4-6), (7-9) or (1,4,7), (2,5,8), (3,6,9). In addition block repeating the same tier, if it was restored before, or make them cycle. This forces caster to use different spells and keeps regen effect rather balanced
  16. We don't want infinite loop of Brilliant/SoT, or prebuffing to oblivion in solo and it works. If somebody wants to abuse game mechanics, it is possible no mater what you do. Instead using two priests one can spam Ancestors Memory and reaply every effect. There was some better and some worse solutions, but i wouldn't say they are all bad 0:2,5
  17. Maybe i'm more conservative about nerfing metagaming-fun
  18. The only three valid weapon modals are now almost supressed and Strike the Bell - no brainer for most rogue MC. Mortar Shadowdancer got powerfull ability, because mortars targets reflex and now can permanently debuff it in AoE, making crits with Stunning Surge so easy What does it mean?
  19. Ah, yes. I see it now. Must dig into your mod more carefully So shouldn't it be called " A Cute Tactician"? Fighter already can get acute insp by Tactical Barrage *Heart Seeker - infinite until target gets con inspiration? Are you planning to make Carnage and Clear out AoE visible? That would be nice QoL change, even if collide with AoE weapons
  20. SoT+brilliant solution is simple - leave SoT as it is, and make brilliant restore highest used spell periodically for 1-3pl on 6sec after cast, then 4-6 on 12sec, then 7-9 on 18sec, then 1-3 again on 24sec, and so on. So brilliant (or any other effect) can be prolonged for some time (by one priest), but not forever. e.g. if x<15 sec, it will end in 65th second of duration, and needs to be cast again. Long enough to be resonably powerful, but not infinite. Ofc priest must cast it every time if possible and ruin his action economy. WoD could give 0.5sec duration of effect, every 1sec, and won't extend duration so good as SoT, but it's one time cast. Still fun, still reasonable, but not so OP
  21. 10% h-t-c is not that much, especially he gets lots of it from paralyze and singe handed. Dwarf or orlan are actually possible if you use Rabyuna instead of Aelys and sacrifice Devil of Caroc to compensate loss of elf attributes. Dwarf is much more "boary" than elf, indeed
  22. Rumbling Boar Difficulty: PotD v. 5.0 Solo: No - poor defensive capabilities makes foes with stun/paralyze resistance real pain in the ass Class: Hellwalker/Skald Race: Elf Dwarf Background: Deadfire Archipelago Stats: Might - 15 base, 35 final (+2 berath blessing, +2 alchemic brawn, +1 gift from the machine, +5 thunderous blows, +10 hellwalker bonus with max wounds) For dwarf take base 12 might. Dwarf gets +2 and another +1 from Rabyuna's boon. Spare points add to constitution Constitution - 3 base, 12 final (+2 berath blessing, +2 alchemic brawn, +2 the undying burden, +3 brew battered ysae) 6 base if dwarf, so final would be 16 con Dexterity - 18 base, 35 final (+1 background, +1 race, +2 berath blessing, +2 alchemic guile, +1 cauldron brew, +2 firethrower gloves, +2 footprints of ahu taka, +1 chameleon's touch, +5 swift flurry) Dwarf got 2 dex less, so use Rabyuna and sacrifice Devil of Caroc in PoE for compensate Perception - 18 base, 25 final (+1 race, +2 berath blessing, +2 alchemic guile, +2 prostitute) for dwarf final per is 22 due to Rabyuna instead of Aelys and lose elf bonus Intellect - 18 base, 35 final (+2 berath blessing, +2 charm of bones, +1 chameleon's touch, +2 alchemic wits, +10 duality of mortal presence with full wounds) Resolve - 3 base, 7 final (+2 berath blessing, +2 alchemic wits) final 9 if dwarf with Rabyuna bonus Equipment: Head: Survivor's Tusks - 50% for distract enemy after using invocation result in -10reflex debuff from Per loss, flanked helps with melee crits, and invocations which targets reflex Back: whatever... Giftbearer, Mirrorback, Seven Bolts Neck: Charm of Bones Armor: Aloth's Leather Armor or Miscreant's Leather. Later Contender's Armor - good protection and the fastest armor in game, if athletics is pumped high enough Waist: The Undying Burden Hands: Firethrower Gloves - stacking dex for attack speed Rings: Chameleon's Touch and Ring of Focused Flame - dex, int and +10 ACC with Sun and Moon flame head Boots: Footprints of Ahu Taka - dex stacking Pet: abraham (and nalvi on eder if possible) Weapon: single handed Sun and Moon - Frost head is apparently bugged, because it doesn't get +12 Acc bonus from single handed style, but flame part does. Flame part reaches 141 Acc with enduring dance, single handed and Ring of Focused Flame, which leads to frequent crits and multiple procs of SF/HBD (which gets another ACC bonus from power and ability lvl). It does great damage with chained procs, almost guaranteed phrase, and lowers enemy reflex with modal, facilitating hits with White Worms, Thrice Was She Wronged, and The Thunder Rolled. Attack Time = 0.2 and Recovery = 1.3 so in 6 seconds can get 5 phrases (4 generated by weapon and 1 from chant) Food: Brew Battered Ysae - attack speed and AoE Drug: Mouth Char Prostitute bonus: Aelys or Rabyuna for dwarf Abilities: Shield Cracks - Hel Hyraf is enough if you want to add point into Clarity of Agony Her Revange Swept and White Worms - main source of AoE dmg. Upgrading worms is unnecessary, because of Enervating Blows. Both targets reflex. Every offensive invocation have base revovery of 4 sec. Thanks to dexterity, food, armor and SF its cut down to 1.7 sec Its Crash Could Not Be Denied, At the Sound of His Voice, Ben Fidel's Neck - Stun, Paralyze, Frightens and decrease defences a lot Animated Weapons - Animated Pike have 11 Knock Downs and can be resummoned if loose all discipline so it gives literally infinite interupts! Soft Winds, Thick Grew Their Tongues, Ancient Memory, Aefyllath, Old Siec One Handed Style Swift Flurry, Heartbeat Drumming - with high ACC leads to multiple procs and great dps. Chain procs increase chance to grant phrase (50% with each crit, but only one phrase at a time can be generated) Turning Wheel, Thunderous Blows Enduring Dance - ACC, quite easy to preserve if enemies are stunned and paralyzed forever Instruments of Pain - reach every enemy with flail modal debuff without wasting time running around like an idiot Enervating Blows After quick rumbling treatment enemies should be Distracted, Flanked, Stunned, Paralyzed, Frightened, Weakened and with flail modal debuff. Easy target for further care.
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