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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Whats up Pi? I've been away building a supergate for my cruisers so I can blow up yur babyz in another galaxy. What have you been doing?

  2. ...Twirling on an M4 and tossing grenades.
  3. Chernobyl? That must be Archie's summer home. :shifty: Funny, here, its summer now. But it must be winter for those backward ***holes. :shifty:

  4. Well right now Obsidian says that they're too busy, which they are.
  5. You *know* I don't know what that says. I can guess... "McDonald's"? :shifty:

  6. I hope they do not make an MMO. Since they've already ignored us and made The Force Unleashed, the least they can do is be sure to create an RPG. They probably want extra cash if they're truly considering an MMO format. Then again, if they wanted cash they'd had started making K3 a long time ago. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48932 According to this thread, a great majority of people want an RPG. And about Bioware, quoting the good Jediphile: Bioware is not working on K3 unless they are making a completely direct lie.
  7. Let's all be nice to walkerguy so we don't have vtech in the form of a ddos attack. Too late. [insert 100 computer spikes] Enter command: Vtech! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  8. On subject of turrets, keep GOTOs turrets up. They shoot the mercenaries too. You still get XP. :)

  9. What do you mean? *Today* is the 14th, dumb***. Oh yeah, you're in backwards land. :shifty:

  10. Whoa. You're from "Чорнобильська зона"? Archie must live there. :shifty:

  11. You must not care for your loved ones and own enough firepower to supply a small war, no?
  12. Its probably because the forums are relatively unsecure and primitive as far as most sites go. Seemingly.
  13. Recent news about the Discovery shuttle http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080613/ap_on_sc/space_shuttle
  14. Cloverfield Good movie.
  15. We should sell blessing a copy of KotOR 2.
  16. 360 uses less power than a PS3. Just wanted to add. http://www.hardcoreware.net/reviews/review-356-1.htm Then again, Wii only uses as much as a ****ing lightbulb, so...
  17. Do they talk about a cheat node?
  18. Malak's voice wasn't too bad but the laugh was ridiculous. What I meant by "From what I hear, Bioware is not good at plots and stories" is that people keep saying Bio just rehashes. So, rephrase: From what I hear, Bioware is not good at new and original plots and stories.
  19. Speculate KotOR III here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49908 Moderator!
  20. :shrugz: The Hoff were raped by the Wraith, unfortunately.
  21. Huh.
  22. New headset has not arrived yet. Grr.
  23. Brainstorming for fictional purposes...
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