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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Whoo hoo, be my friend!

  2. Family Guy made you think about what makes you angry because the show put it in a hilarious way, then you started a thread for it, then. You can only just barely call it inspiration. Oh well, not its much to talk over, is it?
  3. the mods letting thread get ridiculously long for the lulz? anyway, linkin park somewhere i belong
  4. Chinese water toruture AND throwing knives as a stealth-class weapon (well no matter what you'll be a spy or whatever but you know what I mean)
  5. Its getting ruined with all the expressions of love.
  6. Yay for your work with Bauldurs Gate!

  7. They do still have bayonetts, at least in video games. I saw an M-14 with a knife on the barrel on a video game cover.
  8. I don't watch Star Trek (too old school). I watch Stargate Atlantis and bits of SG-1. Maybe Atton will come through the stargate.
  9. Your profile says member number 13,521, but you'll always be 9,723 in my heart

    what in the world?

  10. Video games are fun but real war is a pain in the arce. I'm not alt.
  11. Advance the dead? And what help are you bringing?
  12. Hey all you athiests won't let me post with claiming science rules over all and I'd bet most mods do too.
  13. How can Family Guy inspire something?
  14. Heiya russo.

  15. Since I'm called a "necromancer" wow its atton
  16. IF it were a conventional war, they'd have no time. As it is, they've got time to relieve their "testosterone boredom." Personally, I don't think they'd be "bored" THEY"RE IN A **** WAR! They still might "want some" but they're not going to be getting overly... how to put it? Get it though, do you?
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