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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. STAR .........WARS ...................AIRCRAFT What is your favorite STAR WARS aircraft*? *Excludes Death Star, Star Forge, e.t.c. Includes swoops, skyhoppers, e.t.c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I say the TIE Interceptor. EDIT: No, no. I change my vote. Puddle Jumper. Wait thats SGA. Ok, TIE Interceptor.
  2. I realize now that this poll must be annoying. I made it like a month ago and it seemed ok at the time. Since then, I've had more expeirence with TSL but I still don't change my vote: KOTOR 1. TSL didnt quite "do it for me". I don't know why.
  3. Whoo hoo twice. You should come up with a cool topic somewheres so your page isn't naked.

  4. Yes, master. Joking. Any how, I want to see face (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair) customized as well as body type (fat, average, slim, tall, short), not to mention clothing (when game permits you to have your "normal clothes"). Also for lazy people have a quik option that gives you the Adam Sandler look and with the "I <3 pimkin" or whatever shirt.
  5. Having mixed religions... that doesn't fly in christianity. 10 commandments, commandment #1: Have no other gods (or religions, idols) before me. Hey its far shorter than the constitution, I'll follow it. Well trying to act super holy is made moot by the fact a christian group I go to each tuesday plays halo 3. Not by much. Would playing halo 3 be a sin? Not exactly...
  6. And I think this goes back to the Gray Jedi discussion in the other thread. The Jedi council would pretty much have you believe that any deviance from their way of thinking would be "falling". We see that especially with the way they treated the Exile. As far as saying Revan was an "inexperienced student" goes, you do have to remember that these people are basically monks who do nothing but study from a very young age. By the time you hit 20ish and become a full Jedi Knight, there should be very little that you don't know, especially in your area of expertise. I can only assume that Revan's primary area of training probably was military strategy. It would make sense. Now, where Revan would have been inexperienced would have been in dealing with the rest of the world. This could be an advantage to a true strategist, and could also play a part in Revan's fall. He wouldn't be the first person to toss aside a life long ideology as soon as he gets a taste of the real world. I didn't call Revan that. Makes it seem like your talking to me when you quoted me then didn't say you were responding to someone else. Good points, though.
  7. Little hard to say non-christian purposes of God since I dont have expeirecne with it. If you know what I mean, with your questions, Xard.
  8. walkerguy in bold (f***ed up the quote system) Now this is great time for my keyboard to act funny. It's dropping out letters and words *sigh* Why do your existance as biological being require God? The universe is god's so that filters down to us. If you reject god, then, well . Not out of spite but of your ignorance. I mean, its free... That second one should be what we need him for... With second question I meaned more like what it would mean if we humans would've made god up. For what spiritual/moral/social/etc. reason we need him for? And why we can't do fine without one? If he were fake he would serve no purpose. You can go to hell without one. "W-What are you saying?" Exactly what I wrote. Why god must be personal or to be even more specific, Conscious Being? God must be personal if you accept...
  9. still like re-phrased quesstion, particular the 2nd one
  10. Your life. Rephrase. W-What are you saying?
  11. Will there be realistic barrel pointing melees or those stupid whacks with the butt of your rifle? Really though, I'm curious.
  12. Which one? Cayman, Jamiaca, Aruba, Trinidad, Virigin Islands, Haiti, Cuba, uhhhhhhhhh, another? Where did this crate wash up from!! I want to get my own crate o' developers to go with my barrel o' monkies so I can make a game for the Wii called Obsidian Monkey and get rich.
  13. Yay, imaginary enemies. Like we want those. Sith, too. AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  14. Thats the problem with star wars is everyone is too likely to fall to the dark side, its easier to go DS than it is to go bankrupt and thats saying something.
  15. She was gray at first then seemed to be sith toward end. Also, I consider Mace Windu as a blue-gray jedi.
  16. Be careful around these guys they'll bite your head off, especially nick_i_am.

  17. God has always existed. Don't ask for proof if you don't beleive it.
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