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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Scandanavia is too strong to put up with Soviets, they would kicked the Reds out decades before the 90s.
  2. That was too weak, Krezak. For one thing its not my claim alone. Also, science is not at odds with god. God integrated science into creation. They're meant to go hand to hand but people either believe creation or evolution. Both, apart, are arrogant views. Both are true, together. I think science still works in expanding the universe but the theory that something came of nothing is 100% unfounded, for a lack of evidence. Science didn't create itself. God made science rather than use lordly magic for the lolz, obviously.
  3. diablo pwns n00bs. :p

  4. I like crunchy nut cereal.

  5. Who won the war there? Russia?
  6. I'm christian but also accept scientific theory such as dinosaurs did exist or carbon dating works. I don't believe that a universe with nonillions of planets and galaxies spawned from nothing but gas and dust particles, however. God created the framework of science to maintain the universe. From the simplest of scientific principles to processes that we'd go extinct before we understood, God made them and so evolution and climate change is part of God's plan. If the world drops 10
  7. Aye, forgot ye did. Well lads, Saint Pats is overs, we doesn't has to wear green 'nmore.
  8. I can see the first pic just fine but theres an error on the second one. Can you turn it into an attatchment, I need the further explanation.
  9. I haven't seen Ark of Truth yet. Requesting Spoiler tags for that info.
  10. Gave you some music and heres a really good SGA video. Music video, Ronan Dex, unlike most Ronan videos hardly any annoying Sateda footage.
  11. "best vid evar" I went above and beyond.
  12. Ok, not everyone. Say, 1 of 3 is rude (U.S.).
  13. Consciousness: Being awake, alert, responsive. Being on your wits mentally or spiritually. Not being unaware...? Also: Free will vs determinism Destiny, fate, butterfly effect? Personally don't accept such a philosophy.
  14. I live in the U.S.A. Manners? What are those? Srsly. We are mostly all jerks over here, kind of similar to what T A described minus the Australianism. In response to rascal whippersnappers, old people are becoming increasingly rude and impolite as well!! Also: rudeness=bad manners, they're not that departed from each other Gorth.
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