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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. No BETAS only ALPHAS. Thats why its Alpha Protocol, noob. Joking.
  2. What the heck Steve? What country uses those ratings? UK? BBFC sounds like it.
  3. I saw Bourne Suprememacy recently, a game with some Bourne elements would be nice.
  4. Who cares for a GAME?! Sorry that sounds like a youtube comment...
  5. Thank you for pointing that out. The blame is often shoved on the teachers, when they are facing overly large class sizes and students who don't have any clue what respect is. My wife's students don't even look forward to the holiday breaks. Time at home = misery for many of them. Not underpaid teacher's fault but the government's and many students nationwide unwilling to cooperate in their schooling. Nick and Nightshade check the political party thingee. Revisions good? You guys don't have to cuddle.
  6. Not in the U.S. Here, it is the bad education policy of the Bush administration and so called "No Child Left Behind". NCLB Act This doesn't precisely show the corruptness of the act, however. Short story: everyone gets average knowledge: dumb kids do learn at expense of smart kids and everyone turns into average numbskulls. Whats more ironic is the fact that theres going to be no U.S. middle class yet everyone coming out of school will have the skills to get nothing but middle-class paying jobs. LOL.
  7. Why not? Teams are for bundles of sticks*!
  8. Yes, anti evils of society. Don't lock people up or anything. Putting it that way, gotta be a moderate on the issue. I label you, Gorth, as "Nuetral" at this point. Plenty of social exposure or whatever but not too much of the trans fats of the world today, is just whats needed.
  9. You know whats a joke on british-english? That they've kept the "u" in words such as "favourite" and "behaviour" while we americans are trying to get speaking english as easy as possible such as petitioning to switch "through" to "thru". Ha. Sorry, don't know who Benny Hill is. +1 ignorance walkerguy dammit! >
  10. Flirting on Xbox Live must be odd. You'll be chatting then you kill the person and they can't hear you anymore.
  11. U.S. must wene itself off cheap imports.
  12. *Walkerguy cheers then whimpers about the prospect of hard parenting in his future* I'd say we're divided... Liberal ~Di Walkerguy VERSUS Conservative Deadly_Nightshade (partially) Samm NUETRAL Independent Tigranes SteveThaiBinh Krezack Hurlshot nick_i_am And I don't mean politically in general (I believe ~Di said she was independent). I mean on this topic. Anyhow, correct me if I'm wrong (do it intelligently or I'll laugh at you).
  13. I'd try to teach what their values and principles should be as best I can, and if they choose otherwise, so be it. Sorry, I don't mean only homeschooling, I just mean don't give them all that the gov tries to slap in their faces. Public schools are fine. And working a sleazy job is part of NOBODY's dreams for their future. If soemone fails in their education then they fail at their desire to become a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, whatever. That is a failure's job to work some menial job (or someone very busy, granted.) I can see you likely practice no faith, so I shall not even respond to that comment on satansim, which is what society would get someone into. Again, public schooling is fine, don't get misconceptions. My intent is that you are against the parents judgement. You want the judgement of society or the government (specifically in this case the ideaology of the school's judgement on sex ed being superior to parent's). A parent shall decide on such matters, not some cursed bureacrat, official, or principal (headmaster for you Euros). Can you see what I mean now or are you just pro-society?? Note: This post has the USA in mind.
  14. Artitcles about sand ninja kids and evil gnomes are as funny as my candy baron article. Very funny, this.
  15. Hitler says your face is funny. Got any untapped green gold? ROFL. I said Americans only care about sex/poop jokes! God, get that into your head!
  16. Guess whats on the news! Local man finds dime on sidewalk! Thats close to Enoch's prediciton...
  17. I actually cheered when I read that! The guy repairing the air conditioner got a bit of a shock, but I don't care. That's the best news I've had this week, and that's the truth. :) Poor A/C guy. Hey Krezack, have you seen Ark of Truth yet? Also I hope Atlantis beats Eureka for Sci-Fi's original series summer programming.
  18. On the contrary. I hate cheap goods made in nations with poor labor standards. I am well aware that oh I don't know, 90% of things in the local store are made in a cheap sweat shop. As for the graduates, looking at population ratios thats not bad. If I were president of the U.S., I'd start the change to domestic manufactured goods, even placing embargos on nations such as China for their poor labor standards.
  19. Samm: Reading this post makes me angry and I don't have kids, and hope not to have any for a while. The parent is the top of command. Society is corrupt, and what the world wants kids to see is largely unsafe or inappropriate. And what are your credentials to say you have expeirience that parents do bad jobs raising their children and the world should do it for them? If the world teaches a kid, that kid will be atheist or satanist, view a lot of porn or star for porn, play video games at least 72 hours a week, do drugs, have pre-martial sex in large excess, have a mediocure education and be a stupid, witless poor worker at the corner diner or cafe. Luckly parents do intervene and this rarely happens. (USA Story)
  20. Whats wrong with stuff made in Europe? What sucks is that stuff made in China- err I'm going to shut up now.
  21. I usually play on a TV thats only 19".
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