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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Well they did buy Eidos and are making the cutscenes for it....
  2. Its my first Stalker game so I'm probably feeling the novelty more than most. Also some people might not be as ready to forgive the general low quality of the story and scripted events but I think the free roaming makes up for it. I own and enjoyed the previous two, I just couldn't resist the urge to get AvP.
  3. Waiting for AvP to finish DL, have a feeling I might regret buying it instead of CoP.
  4. Really? No game retailers here take PC games as trade-in. I would also say that the 2nd hand market is more a console problem. I know, but it's not really amusing. Same happened with Stardocks patches.
  5. Square Enix got it's furry pawns on it, so expect the worst. They are just publishers, don't scare me like that. For a minute I thought you meant SE bought Gas Powered Games. The thought of a thousand gender benders vs a thousand lolitas appeared and almost broke my fragile mind.
  6. So it's like The Witcher? Cheers for the heads up. Your taste in games sucks But I guess your opinion of Drakensang is equally grim? The comment was also meant to remind people that just because it's a devs first try, doesn't mean it can't be good. While I disliked both of those games, they were those companies first games and many people enjoyed them.(Actually upon researching found out Radeon Labs released two games prior to Drakensang).
  7. Can't wait for this. Loved all of Taylors RTS. If it's closer to Arthur then Tolkien I'll be happy.
  8. Let's just some this up, DRM is bad. Why? Because it never works, it only screws around the legitimate owners of the game. Limited installations, legit user can only install game on a limited amount of configurations, pirate never has this problem. Always online, legit customer gets all problems associated with that, pirate does not. Anyone seeing a pattern here? I have no problem with devs trying to safeguard their products, but it should not be at the expense of those that actually buy their game. The best way to go about it, is to make it more appealing to the consumer to buy the product. Stardock/EABio's way of offering free DLC and restricting patches to legit users is a more effective way to decrease piracy IMO(Yes I know, those too will end up on torrent sites). It's a shame devs have to do this, but that's just the age we live in.
  9. So it's like The Witcher or Drakensang? Cheers for the heads up. However the fact that WoT has no Elves or Dwarves is a big +++.
  10. You what? Why would anyone donate to a video game company? You show support by buying their game, hell buy it twice if your obsessed, but donate? What?
  11. Nah we won't see ME3 to 2012. So if those numbers are correct, it means DA would of sold about 1 mil on PC, not bad, but I bet Bio/EA were hoping for more.
  12. How can you do that? I thought you had to recruit everyone before the IFF mission.
  13. So I'm guessing their original attempt at AvP was just a fluke? Damn. Bloody WB buying Monolith.
  14. Why sould I make a case? Where is yours? But honestly you or I are never going to see eye to eye on this and quite simply it's not that important. I was just responding to your opinion with my own. If you don't like it too bad. It's quite funny to be called a troll by you though Boo.
  15. That's a negative. Dune(I don't think it would make a good RPG) I might accept, but any other PnP is a hell no. Honestly if they want to use a sci fi licence, they should go with, ST, Firefly, Battlestar, Stargate etc. Or if they are in a really kind mood Wing Commander(Which EA owns). Let's not go crazy. Let's see what happening with the ME universe in 20 yrs. Nah Trek is far more geeky, with far more cheese and bigger words. (And superior)Also it would be more appropriate to compare the Borg with Reapers. Afraid it does deserve it's status, far more then say BG. I do not want to see that. Bio and WoD = Twilight rpg.
  16. Don't you think Aria looked like her? Seriously is she was an Asari, that's what she would look like. I wonder if they face scanned her. Ask Maria. I'm guessing I missed something.
  17. Don't you think Aria looked like her? Seriously is she was an Asari, that's what she would look like. I wonder if they face scanned her.
  18. Fallout NV teaser About time we seen something.
  19. Can I ask how all of ME2 characters are the usual Bio cliche? As far as I'm concerned: Thane = Carth Miranda = Bastila/Morrigan/Silk fox Zaaed = Canderous/Wrex/ Anyone else and your just bitching for the sake of bitching. Or more likely because it's a Bio game. My complaints. Lack of banter between squad members (Was expecting this honestly) Lack of interesting side missions. (By the way there is about 20 N7 side mission, 10-15 you get by scanning planets. (That's for Boo)) Group power cooling. (Although changing that would probably make the game too easy) Small non-combat zones. Lack of armor options. Lack of credit use. Stupid end boss. Garrus being shafted dialogue wise. (For male Sheps) Bit returning characters (Ash/Liara(WTF)/Anderson) Joker not finding out, . Kal'Reegar not a squadmate. (Make it happen in ME3 Bio) Highlights: Combat (Massive improvement) Soundtrack (Enjoy Suicide mission) Graphics Animation Mordin x 3 Tali Legion Joker TIM Kal'Reegar Quarians Renegade Male Shep(Meer) Morinth Loyalty missions.(Especially Samara/Tali) Final mission Full Helms in conversations Blood Dragon armor (Quite Purk) Story (Better for the game to revolve around the characters, rather then just the big bad) Interrupt system (could use some work)
  20. Brilliant game. That is all. Blood Dragon armor looks sweet. Begone infidel.
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