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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Not a space sim. RTS/RPG hybrid, it controls like Homeworld. You get a mothership, do quests to get money to upgrade it(guns/fighters/systems)and upgrade your piloting skills and those of your party(up to six by the end) by blowing things up. Multiple ways to complete mission/handle jobs through dialogue, multiple ways to go through the game(different sides), and supposedly multiple endings(I got a bad one ).
  2. Star Wolves 3, this game is a serious surprise. Best space game in years.
  3. Supposedly anyway, my AvP DL was not unmetered. I assume it was because it wasn't on aussies servers when I DL it.
  4. Well that is a surprise. Hopefully they might put a bigger focus on C&C, I also want my tower back.
  5. Sure it does. My question was to whether LoF believes it's good.
  6. This is a joke? Right? I only ask because it's LoF.
  7. Sounds like more of the same...I be skippin it. *sigh* high and dry till June Riiight. You and I played different games.
  8. IGN Awakening Hands on Honestly, that sounds quite good.
  9. See I really liked DA characters, it was the plot that I thought was average. Also funnily enough I liked NWN2 JNPCs more then MoTB. It was just MOTB plot that made the difference to me. I don't think Obs/Atari considerd MOTB a financial risk. It was an expansion to a well received game, that had lots of fans. Bio has this 'save the world' thing it's obsessed with, they think that's what the majority of their fans want and quite frankly they're right. I was hoping that an expansion might allow for a more personal story, but Bio decided to go with save the world option again. What? Really? A Bio/EA game with limited budget? I though they have been working on it for about 10 months? That's not that rushed for an expansion.
  10. Half the reason I rate MOTB so highly was due to the fact it wasn't a 'save the world/universe' story, it was about the PC. The other half was because you could actually play a villain and get a satisfying ending. The characters themselves weren't that great IMO. The best two couldn't be had at the same time (OoM/Okku) and I can barely remember the rest. When it comes down to it, I don't give Awakening much chance of being as good as MOTB.
  11. So the Hammerhead is not DLC to be announced at GDC. So I wonder if that DLC is Kasumi or the rumored Liara/Shadow Broker DLC. Either way the DLC seems to be a lot better then ME1 and DA efforts.
  12. Not for me. DA having PCVO would cut the content in half. Also having a Dwarf, Human and Elf all sound the same would be more jarring and hurt the experience even more. Voiced PC are fine where the character is set(Shep, MT, Geralt etc) but not so in a game like DA.
  13. So one of the new character in Awakening is a Dalish elf mage that hates humans. So i wonder if you slaughtered if she still joins you? Knowing Bio, that will be a yes, but still I can hope for something.
  14. Hardly, she had a fling with a Drell while Shep was dead. Purk you disappoint me. How can you not enjoy throwing people to their death, pull+throw = sadistic laugh.
  15. The decision to make cooldown time for all of your powers was just stupid. Add that to the stupidity that armor or sheilds stops biotics and you just have to shake your head. That why I use a mod the removes cooldown time. ME2 combat is better (AI, pacing etc) but ME did biotics better.
  16. This, while I'm fine with it for ME( they're going for 'cinematic') I don't want to see it become standard across rpgs.
  17. Been playing AvP, I've been enjoying it, playing as Aliens is of course the most fun. However the game has problems, I have been having slowdown problems, turning the settings down to minimal seems to have no effect. AvP needs to be patched. Just started the marine campaign and it hurts, why? Because while playing it, I can't help but think how awesome the Aliens RPG could of been.
  18. I want to see the return of the throne room. I demand gifts from my subjects. I also want SMAC2.
  19. Which could also be this WoT game. Dismissing this game because it has a new dev involved is premature.
  20. Hardly, enjoyed to many Japanise games made by other developers. Look, that's exactly it. Did Medieval 2 have blue hedgehogs hopping around once SEGA took over? It's just your prejudice showing, that's all. Having Squenix as a publisher/co-developer doesn't magically introduce or increase animeish content in a game. Game design isn't a cover-up for foreign ethnicity. That's just the bigoted part of you. I have a dislike for a certain art style, that certain Japanese game developers sometimes use. Do you see me hate on MGS, SF, Mario, Shemnue, RE etc? No. It's like saying to someone that because they don't like rap they are bigot.
  21. Awakening just lost half it's audience.
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