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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I wouldn't recomend it. There is a lot of combat and less dialogue. Then there is really only two choices that counts, both near the end. It can also be buggy.
  2. Maybe people are too busy playing it? Honestly, if you didn't like DA you won't like Awakening. No chance. No, that just generated more rage. That and Oghren.
  3. Dragon Age: Awakenings.
  4. Deus Ex 3 ( ) ME 3 AP FO:NV DA 2011 Mount & Blade: Warband Civ 5 Crysis 2
  5. How does it compare with 'Bowling'? IMO it was better, quite funny to know big business/corporations consider us 'peasants'. If you enjoy MM docs, you will like A love story.
  6. Cheers, going to try the heli car combo.
  7. This game is crazy. Wish the demo was more then 30 minutes though.
  8. 10 yrs later and we are still saying that. Because it's true.. I'm not quite sure whether to say that it's unfortunate that it's true that no-game since has managed the blend that well or better.. Or just think that Dues Ex was just that damn good. IW is the second best game done in that style because Deus Ex is a 2 game genre. Other games have done parts of Deus Ex better then Deus Ex, but none of combined it all and in all honesty, none have tried. I look forward to AP, but it's not going to be Deus Ex. So far the only thing on the horizon that sounds like Deus Ex, is Deus Ex 3.
  9. Actually I can, curiously they are games that have no dialogue.....
  10. 10 yrs later and we are still saying that.
  11. Captalism: A love Story, ok not really a 'movie', but still a great watch.
  12. After that gif, I started to dl the demo. Let me ask you, is it as good as Red Faction Guerrilla?
  13. This does more for me then the trailer.
  14. Molyneux to combine Project Natal, Twitter and John Cleese in Fable III - Possible PC release in the pipeline?
  15. You know the FF13 lead(Lighting?) is voiced by ME Liara?
  16. There is a mod out that gives the Sentinel the sniper rifle.
  17. The best Final Fantasy game lists? Isn't that like listing the best Uwe Boll movies?
  18. I have to give you that. But then some might say so do Obs.(NWN2>NWN KOTOR2>KOTOR) Personally, I'm in the camp of 'let's see if the first one is good before we start asking for sequels'.
  19. Infidel! Does this mean you also don't want to see Portal 2 or EP3?
  20. You sure you aren't Vols alt? Because that reads like something he would say.(just swap BG2 with NWN).
  21. Finished Star Wolves 3 for the second time, it appears I didn't get the bad ending, it's just inevitable that the bad thing happens. Obviously it's a set up for Star Wolves 4. Still a good game worth $30AUD. Thinking about getting Fort Zombie, looks like DB zombie game minus charcter interaction.
  22. I'm not 100% sold on: But will reserve judgement until I see it in action.
  23. This is a joke right? Sure MS could become irrelevant in the future(very, very doubtful), but as of now? No.
  24. Nice dev diary, have to say it's looking very good.
  25. Let's put it this way. In 30 years no one will know what Hurt Locker is, however people will still be watching Avatar.
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