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Everything posted by Powerslave

  1. Speaking of food and peoples' needs in SW, another thing pops into mind. There are completely NO latrines/bathrooms/whatever-slang-you-want-to-use in the SW films/books. Makes you wonder whether people in the SW universe have that urge to heed the nature's call at all...
  2. You had to eat in the Quest For Glory series but these are actually adventure/RPGs. You also had to eat in "Betrayal In Antara" but that isn't an uber-kewl cRPG so I guess you have a point
  3. Taken from the Unofficial SW Encyclopedia: Despite its resistance to the blade of a lightsaber, cortosis was unstable in the presence of explosives, and would shatter if hit with a grenade. You should be able to just throw a frag grenade and goodbye world then. So much for an all-powerful armor :D
  4. Why not make it start in Vong-occupied Coruscant and have the character play a Jedi Knight of the Coruscant resistance against the Vong Occupation (KotCRAtVO)? I voted for a trilogy anyway, because I am sure that if made into a trilogy Luca$ shall definitely make 3 more games pre-dating the events of KotOR. Like how Revan's father was born and young Revan grew up etc... <_<
  5. Legolas Greenleaf They will probably rip the name generator off KotOR and use it for TSL too, anyway :ph34r:
  6. Apparently Lucas gave Jackson a purple one because he had asked for a color that nobody had used before... In the end, all that is wrong and/or evil leads to Lucas. Coincidence?
  7. I also believe that, according to the Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia, it takes a skilled force user to form cortosis to a shape of his will, so your average storekeeper having plenty of Cortosis stuff for sale in his store in KotOR does leave room for a lot of pondering... Of course there is always the possibility of your average jedi Blacksmith earning a living crafting cortosis stuff for people <_<
  8. Luca$art$ started that idiotic trend of using the same name for both Male and Female characters in both KotOR (Revan) and Jedi Academy (Jaden). I just hope there won't be any more examples of that, as it is completely lame and stupid. And, Revan definitely sounds Male to me. I just can't picture a woman being the Dark Lord of the Sith and a brilliant strategist, leading first the Republic and then the Sith into battle :ph34r:
  9. Just think of it like they are too busy developing other cool stuff and complex characters to show us, so they don't have the time to come online and show stuff :ph34r: And LucasArts can go find a corner in Hell and sulk there as far as I'm concerned </still pissed off about Sam&Max and Full Throttle 2 being cancelled>
  10. The whole idea of KotOR being full of cortosis-covered swords and spears sounded quite lame to me so I had better stay out of this
  11. IMHO if made Online it would probably turn into another Star Wars Galaxies, only 15,000 years in the past and without having to wait for the 35th expansion pack in order to actually enjoy the game...
  12. Well most of the villains in KotOR sucked (there were no TRUE villains IMHO; all those that appear in the game are more like mad "give me more cash or I will kill you" peasant slaughterers), and those that did not suck were not a lot better than those who did. Thus, you cannot really say I have a favourite villain from kotOR, since all of them had a pint of suckiness and lame-ness in them...I would vote for HK if he was included, though. As for the second one, I am too bored to see/download the stuff that the listed villains appear in, so I don't really have an opinion on them :ph34r:
  13. Indeed he was. He was murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus. Clytemnestra was already mad at Agamemnon for sacrificing their daughter, Iphigenia (so that the Greek fleet would be able to sail to Troy), and then she finds out that Agamemnon is bringing home another wife, Cassandra. Immediately after their return from Troy, both Agamemnon and Cassandra were murdered by Clytemnsetra and Aegisthus. (See the Greek tragedy "Agamemnon" for more info). After some time they were both killed by Agamemnon's son, Orestes. The fact that Agamemnon was for some reason murdered in the middle of the film is yet another deviation from the story.
  14. It is NOT stated in The Iliad that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers, BTW. Homer merely states that they were best friends, and for some odd reason everybody just seems to jump to the conclusion that they are lovers. It is also a public misjudgement that Agamamnon was the uber-warmonger that is shown in the film. "...then every son of Troy will die" is one of the greatest possible HOLLYWOOD cliches a guy can find in the film. As for the mix of cultures in the Greek army...I can tell you for sure that the Greeks wouldn't be 150kg fleshbags full of hormones with dark skin, scars on their faces and no hair at all, shouting at the enemy like animals. I stand by my opinion that Greeks are shown like Northmen who are about to pillage their next Christian settlement. But as already stated this is a Hollywood film and everybody pretty much just does what he thinks will sell more...
  15. Yes, the movie did totally suck. Apart from the fact that it deviates a WHOLE LOT from the historical facts that Homer puts in his epic poem (heck in the movie Agamemnon is murdered outside Troy even before the end of the film! Not to mention that the movie presents the war as if it only took a couple of days to end, in contrast to the many years Homer says.) It also looks more like a Viking invasion than Greeks going to war . Most Greeks are portrayed as blond, completely bald, scarred, dark-skinned Grunts whose only desire is to shed more blood! Not to mention the "awesome" </sarcasm> Karate dueling scenes Brad Pitt took part in...
  16. If there was ANY hip-hop in it, I would assassinate the guys responsible for the music :angry: As already stated it has to be SW music, anyway, so making such assumptions probably does not lead anywhere...
  17. I lost a small bit of my respect for Metallica when they cut their hair, then lost more respect when they released LOAD, then lost most of my respect when Lars made an @$$ of himself with the whole issue about Napster, then lost ALL respect for (the band that used to be) Metallica when they released St. Anger (or St W@nker if you wish...) Bands I listen to: MOTORHEAD, W.A.S.P, Judas Priest, Slayer, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Tankard, Manowar, Running Wild...no coincidence that most of these bands are older than 20 years
  18. I saw W.A.S.P. and JUDAS PRIEST last month...and I still can't believe I did. I carry the ticket from that festival around in my wallet as a constant reminder.
  19. IMHO in KotOR it really SUCKED when you entered certain areas of the game like bars/clubs etc and an annoying techno beat sound/music started playing. COMPLETELY out of the game's atmosphere.
  20. Pretty Greek girls had better jobs to do than travel to Portugal...They prefer to stroll around the beaches here in Greece, and I can vouch for that as an eye-witness B)
  21. It is a national triumph...no other way to describe it! People where celebrating out in the streets in all cities in Greece until the first morning hours. I still can't believe it...WE ARE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS! MWAHAHAHA!!! Now, on to the WORLD CUP! BRING US BRAZIL!!!!
  22. Here's what the handy dandy Unofficial Star Wars encyclopedia has to say on the matter: Massassi An alien race brough to Yavin 4 from a planet in the ancient Sith Empire, the Massassi were red-skinned, yellow-eyed humanoids with a primitive culture. The Massassi were later enslaved by Naga Sadow and transported to Yavin 4, where they were transformed by the Sith Lord's dark powers. They became a race of warriors, with grayish-green skin and large, lantern-like eyes. Over the centuries, in the wake of Naga Sadow's death, the altered Massassi became even more primitive in nature, and were comparatively timid and weak when Exar Kun came to Yavin 4 to seek out a Sith power object. Note that Dark Lords of the Sith portrays the Massassi as savage, Dark Side creatures descended from the Sith themseles. They were the offspring of Naga Sadow's alchemical magic. They were also red-skinned humanoids. This seems to have been a change of heart for Kevin Anderson, who worked on both sources. Kun later enslaved them, and made them build the temples that dotted the forest, as focusers of the power of The Force. They were exterminated when Kun, in an effort to defeat the Jedi Knights, consumed their spirits in order to trap his own spirit in the Obsidian Temple during the Great Sith War. Their bodies were destroyed by the Jedi Knights who tried to defeat Kun. Over the intervening millennia, the spirits of the Massassi remained trapped on Yavin 4, until they were released by Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila, with the help of the Golden Globe. They are termed "Massasi" in Lost City of the Jedi.
  23. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WE BEAT PORTUGAL BEFORE AND WE'LL DO IT AGAIN HELLAS!!! HELLAS!!! HELLAS!!! HELLAS!!!!!! I am going to be in Lisbon for the final, BTW :ph34r:
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