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Everything posted by Powerslave

  1. THIS IS A JOKES THREAD, dammit. All I posted where 3 pics that I happen to have found recently and seemed funny to me. You may criticize my humour and don't laugh if you wish, but please don't start again. I pray this will not reach other similar 17-long threads full of rants... :angry:
  2. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
  3. I've only played and finished IWD2, not the first one, and it seemed to me it was almost completely a hack-and-slash, except from when you visited towns to reload for more hacking-and-slashing action, and perform quests that require more hack-and-slash...You whipe the docks clean of goblins, then you whipe the goblin fortress clean of goblins, then you whipe the caverns undernear the fortress clean of goblins etc etc...It's a goblin genocide, I tell you! I did like the concept of the Legion of the Chimaera, however :ph34r: Don't know if the first one was like that...
  4. It is known that FALLOUT 2 was an easter egg's paradise. Heck, the whole game was based on easter eggs, random encounters and other humorous references to other stuff. FALLOUT 1 was a lot better when in comes to that. That DID have a darker edge. Especially levels like the Cathedral and Necropolis were really imposing. The only thing that annoyed the hell out of me in F1 was the existence of LOXLEY. Gah, just kill that idjit!
  5. I'm booking a ticket to Portugal for the semi-finals :ph34r: :ph34r:
  6. Powerslave

    IQ Test

    Even I got a 141 in it
  7. It is true that I haven't heard of a 3rd Balkan War either. My country fought in the 2 Balkan Wars, if there was a third I believe I would have known You might be referring to the Bulgaria+Turkey vs Greece+Serbia as a balkan war, but I usually add that conflict to WWI in general. And a question that I often like to ask myself is: what would have happened had the Greeks a) launched that campaign to capture Constantinople in 1922, ignoring the threats of the English/French, and b ) defeated Mustafa Kemal's movement in the Asia Minor Campaign of 1918-1922, forcing him to accept the conditions of the Treaty of Serves...
  8. Greece has a change of finishing first in the group. Also a fact! :ph34r: :ph34r:
  9. Plenty of time to increase the lead. Didn't Sweden beat Bulgaria 4-0 during the qualifying round?
  10. ...AND GREECE DID IT!!!! This has to be the greatest victory in the finals of any major tournament for my country. What a glorious day to be alive (and Greek)!!! :ph34r: :ph34r:
  11. ^I will be able to die an extremely happy man when/if that happens sometime
  12. Zang! Who is that, sprinting across the icy wasteland! It is Powerslave, hands clutching a piece of chainlink fence! He roars gutterally: "I'm going to make you cry like the bitchiest bitch!!!"
  13. ^Exactly that. Forcing you to pick a Jedi Class was "teh suX" and greatly restrained the way you want to play the game. That and the so few dialogue options. I'd also like to be able to choose the race of my main character (as long as the game's scenario permits it, which was not the case in KotOR). *goes to find out more about the afore-mentioned romance :ph34r: *
  14. As a party member I mostly prefer Bastilla or Jolee. Other than that HK is almost every time a must, simply for his excellent lines and "meatbag" references "It
  15. I was refering to the metal parts of the armor <_< As you can see here Jango's neck was not covered by any armor.
  16. We l33t fans know that there are actually quite a few materials that can resist/deflect a lightsabert blow. I will try to find the full list. The material from which mandalorian armour is made is one of them, I think.
  17. More changes in the game depending on your gender. I mean, you did a female character and people were STILL calling you Darth Revan, Dark LORD of the Sith (the idea of a female Dark Lord was one of the most idiotic things IMHO <_< ). This trend with a name that goes with both male and female characters (Revan in KotOR, Jaden in Jedi Academy) should be dropped as soon as possible.
  18. If you do a search on "Chris Avellone" at www.googlism.com you get these...facts: chris avellone is the king of comedy chris avellone is the project's lead designer chris avellone is quite busy chris avellone is doing a fallout bible for us guys chris avellone is the lead designer <pinchy> he's sort of a scabby jack chris avellone is chris avellone is doing *something* with fallout instead of letting it fall to the wayside Anybody care to comment that?
  19. Episode 1 was too damned much aimed at people aged 7 and bellow, so they had to come up with an explanation on how Anakin is so potent at the force that would seem reasonable to 7-year-olds. The result: Midichlorians <_< The Empire Strikes Back is still the best film of the series IMHO :ph34r:
  20. Palpatine's appearence was corrupted by the Dark Side. In KotOR you will notice that your character's face becomes corrupted too if you fall too low on the Dark Side scale :ph34r: And, on a more funny note, I read somewhere that the filmings of the scenes in "Return of the Jedi" that involved Leia in that bikini were being constantly interrupted because that metal bikini kept slipping off of Carrie Fisher. We could ask some of the camera men of that film to get us some ultra-exclusive footage of that...
  21. Morrowind's original release did feature the exact amount of nudity that Daggerfall did (you could remove all your character's clothes etc and run around flashing the ladies in town, heheh), but their distributors ordered them to make these crappy leopard-skin underwears for everyone in the game. BAH, I say. Just BAH! And, Morrowind DOES feature a brothel...sort of. It's that house of Earthly Delight thing in...I don't remember the name of the city, the brothel is surrounded by red latterns though, you can't miss it
  22. In the SW universe we don't get much clues about people actually having normal needs (for example we've never seen any toilets in houses or something similar to that; maybe people in the SW universe are more advanced and have gone past the biological need of taking a leak ) so I guess there ain't much use for a brothel as a means of satisfying their sexual needs either. Maybe they would include one if the "staff" there consisted only of some weird freak-of-nature aliens so that no actual nude would be shown and the game would still appeal to low age costumers
  23. The lack of everything that has been described as "atmosphere" in posts above is what makes Morrowind inferior to Daggerfall, IMO ("Bah, did that geek have to mention TES series again? Damn him!" <_< Sure, Morrowind has some top-notch graphics. But it just can't capture the dark atmosphere of Daggerfall, the feeling that this world is in decline and danger lurks everywhere. In Daggerfall you enter a city at night riding a horse, snow showers around you, hearing only the galloping of the horse and that excellent dark/melancholic music in the background that just makes you wanna enter an inn to rest and escape the dangers that lurk in the darkness. In Morrowind, on the other hand, you...run in the desert/shores/tundra, hearing every 20 seconds the nerve-wrecking *screetch!* of those stupid lizard-birds that where apparently conceived by some sick person and whose only purpose in the game is to slow the player down and give him Blight disease. Gah! Daggerfall still has the best ambient sounds and music selection, IMHO.
  24. Mentioning "Pool of Radiance" did bring into my mind the horrible memory of it...Argh, the pain!!! As some reviewer greatly summed up in his walkthrough of the game: "Party Member 1 attacks Orc - Miss! Party Member 2 attacks Orc- Miss! Orc attacks Party Member 1- Hit! -10HP! Party Member 1 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 2 heals Party Member 1, +10HP! Orc attacks Party Member 1- Hit! -10HP Repeat this for about half an hour then try something new: Party Member 1 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 2 casts Magic Missile at Orc- Immune! User Exits to Windows..." You can read the walkthrough at http://alexandria.rpgclassics.com/PC/ruins...thdrannor_2.txt , it is hilarious
  25. HEAVY METAL TO THE BONE!!! :ph34r: (Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Slayer, Manowar, KISS, Judas Priest, etc etc) Some Classic Rock like Zeppelin never hurts, either. And..."just say NO to Nu-Metal!"
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