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Everything posted by Powerslave

  1. Yes, us lucky Greek Orthodox people. 2 weeks vacation, an eggs gallore, and all the traditional easter cakes the oven can contain without the oven door jamming. What more can a man ask for?? You don't have to answer that
  2. HOW MANY FORUM POSTERS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE A LAMP? -1 to change the lamp and start a thread stating that the lamp has been changed, -9 to share past experience on the subject and suggest different ways the process could have been completed, -4 to warn about the risks the changing of a lamp includes, -1 moderator to move the thread to the "About Lamps" forum, -5 to object to this moving, and suggest it be moved to the "About Electronics" forum instead, -7 to indicate the spelling errors in all previous posts, -18 to whine/complain at the moderators who allow such spelling errors to occur, -4 moderators to delete the flames in the whining/complaining posts, -3 to argue on whether it should be spelled as "lam-p" , "la-mp", or "lamp"... -...and 3 more that regard the previous 3 as "complete retards", -5 professionals who claim that the correct word is "light bulb" and not "lamp", -19 know-it-all's who consider themselves professionals and say that the word "lamp" is completely correct, -8 to say that lamps do not concern this forum and the conversation should take place in a forum that deals with lamps, -11 to say that, since we all use lamps, this forum should be concerned about lamps, -27 to discuss on what's the best way to change a lamp, where one can find the best lamp, which brand of lamps is the best/worst, -11 to post links that contain info on different kinds of lamps, -5 to post the correct links because the above links were wrong, -2 to quote ALL the above posts and then just add a smilie on their post, -6 to state that, since their intentions are misunderstood, they will not post on this forum again, -7 to say that this issue has been debated on previous threads, -11 to say that whoever needs info on lamps should first perform a google search on "lamps", -and 1 forum n00b who posts on the original thread after 4 months of it being dead and starts the whole debate again...
  3. ...is that a "size: 270 mb" I see there? Hmmm, I shall download it after my dial-up connection has passed into history...
  4. ...how exactly did you have any more choices of action in K1 than in K2? And I certainly didn't feel anything being "forced on me" in K2. Even with the flawed endings, I still consider K2 to be far superior to K1.
  5. HK's lines always crack me up. Atton did use some good ones on TSL as well. Jolee drove me to extreme lengths of aggravation because he JUST KEEPS MENTIONING HE'S OLD (Player: "Tell me the whole story". Jolee: "I'm too old for that." Player: "why did you come with me?" Jolee: "Because I'm old". God damned!) Jar-Jar was created by GL in order to make Ep I more appeasing to the 5-year-old audience it was directed at. Never before has a more vile creature polluted our screens and violated our personal aesthetics.
  6. Oblivion's engine will feature Voice and Dialogue for all NPCs, so at least there's no chance of seeing Morrowind's horrid dialogue boxes being used in Fallout 3. That's one small step to achieving "memorable" NPCs IMO.
  7. He might have simply had a bad hair day or just some nasty pimple on his nose that had grown the size of Texas, and thus had to conceal it with his hood/mask. Who said the Dark Side has to do with everything... :D
  8. For now, we just know they will use S.P.E.C.I.A.L. in it, plus an engine similar to the one in Oblivion. The rest is just speculation
  9. ΤIE Fighter, of course. This, along with X-Wing Alliance (at least the first few missions...After joining with the rebels the game just flops down) and the "Wing Commander" series, are the only Flight Simulator games where the plot and mission quality kept me going for hours and hours. Also, I think "Star Wars: Supremacy" (also known as SW: Rebellion) is pretty good and kinda under-rated IMHO
  10. There's a fan film called "Dark Redemption" or something like that, which is quite good as far as I can remember... OF COURSE, there's also... ...which totally PWNS!!!!!!!
  11. I guess I'm mostly Neutral Good as well...or maybe a bit Lawful Neutral sometimes.
  12. Exactly! " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...And this is how that prophecy I mentioned about him being the Pope before the last Pope gets credit. See? It does seem credible!!!
  13. Yes, I guess it shows in...the way I type, doesn't it I heard that while being Cardinal he expressed that people who have divorced should not receive a proper Christian burial, that abortions are a vile and satanical thing to do, that the Catholic dogma is the one true religion in the world and all talks with other religions should be stopped at once, and other "liberal" views like these. Fun days are coming...Already the Israelis fear that he will stop all the work John Paul II has done in discussing with them. Not to mention how doomed the talks with the Orthodox church are...
  14. There's also some weird prophecy going on about this Pope being the one before the last Pope, so when he dies and the next Pope takes the position, the end of the world or sth like that will come. Neat
  15. I agree that "Metal Age" is a better game overall, and it also contains the greatest mission a human mind could possibly design ("LIFE OF THE PARTY"! The night stroll through the city's rooftops was totally amazing!). "Dark Project", however, was much more atmospheric in most cases IMHO. The undead contributed majorly to this, despite being totally annoying to kill (again...) in most cases, especially the Hammerite skeletons (that sound of someone dragging chains on the floor as they walk towards you still gives me the creeps!). Also, the Hammerites are much more awe-inspiring than the Mechanists IMO. That mission in THIEF I where you had to infiltrate their temple was excellent! Not to mention all the levels after Constantine's...revelation, which makes you see the game in an entirely new prespective... ...Bah, off to replay those! Except for "Deadly Shadows" of course, which, with a few exceptions, is nothing compared to the first 2.
  16. DEFINITELY gonna download this. I was so dissappointed with the majority of the console-oriented inovations of "Deadly Shadows" (I guess that makes me hardcore ), that I've been looking all ovet the net for expansions etc on the previous 2 games.
  17. As long as it is something more than C&C with lasers (like "SW: Battlefront" was nothing more than "Age of Empires" with lasers), I'll probably look into it.
  18. The name "Malak" did sound quite funny to us Greeks, since it is 2 letters short of the most commonly spoken Greek swear word "malakas", which has a...special meaning in Greek but can be freely translated as something like "@$$hole" As for "Plagieus", it is very close to the Greek word "Plagios" which means "Lateral". Maybe he will have some extra tentacles sticking from his sides or something in the movie...
  19. Heh, playing Gabriel Knight 3 is what made me get extremely hooked on the whole Grail and Bloodline theory. I swore to visit Rennes-Le-Chateau sometime in the future As I read "DaVinci Code" it was quite fun knowing most of the stuff that were about to be revealed to the book's heroes prior to the heroes actually learning about all that As for the greatest games...difficult to tell considering the amount games I've played, but "Fate of Atlantis" and all of Lucasfilm's old games, "FALLOUT", "The Longest Journey" and the "Quest for Glory" series are some of my all-time favourites. I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of others but anyway.
  20. The first RPG I remember playing (at a rather tender age as well...) is "Might and Might 3" on the Amstrad. The beautiful days of 16 colours and PC speaker sound... And, the "Quest for Glory" series PWN! I must have spent HUNDREDS of hours trying to play through the entire series with the same character, max possible points, and as a Paladin...
  21. And running around naked with a helmet, sword, and a shield with a red upsidedown V on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Saying that the Spartans had "institutionalised military homosexuality" is...well...rather gay :ph34r: The only case of PROVEN military homosexuality in ancient Greece is of an army group the Thebans had formed that consisted solely of homosexual troops, and they kicked quite serious butt too (take the expression as you will ) And I also believe Mandalorians quite resemble the Spartan way of life, but with the fundamendal difference that the Spartans never razed entire cities just to provoke their enemies...
  22. I suppose the patch will fix such issues, but such minor dialogue glitches are hardly a serious reason to call the game "bad" <_<
  23. Maybe if people stopped checking the forums every 2-and-a-half minutes to see if the patch has been released and went out to have a beer or two instead, the waiting would not be so unpleasant (w00t)
  24. I too selected Jesus at my first TSL game...and corrupted him so far down the Dark Side scale that his face would scare even the Apostoles.
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