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Everything posted by Powerslave

  1. Force Commander was pretty decent IMO, seeing as it was the first real attempt at a SW RTS game. The campaign sucked major @$$ (OF COURSE the Rebels have to win at the end), but I enjoyed some LAN skirmishes with my friends. Nothing real spectacular, but it was good fun for a while. Galactic Battlegrounds was...an AoE II SW total conversion mod, nothing more. I finished the Campaigns and then abandoned it, if I want an AoE-like game I will play the original. Still haven't tried Empire at War, but will probably get it when the expansion is out if I can find a bundle pack or something.
  2. Thrawn was at a numerical disadvantage in most of his battles with the New Republic, AFAIK. At the battle of Bilbringi Shipyards, during which his death (a.k.a. "biased good-side ending") occured, he only had 4 Interdictors and a few ISDs in his fleet if I remember correctly, and was winning the battle up until his death. I also agree that it is only natural that Revan has more votes, seeing that we're in a Forum that deals with the games Revan appears in. Let's see a vote like that in a TIE FIGHTER forum, people would probably roll on the floor laughing at the mere comparison between Revan and Thrawn
  3. A tie between: -Bandon (Bioware having him kill these troops just to make him t3h eevulz0r was one of the lamest things in KotOR. Then again, isn't this the typical bully Bioware believes Dark-Siders to be?), -Darth Maul (as far as I know, he just massacred everyone he saw in the Darth Maul comics as well), -Anakin in Ep II (typical annoying angsty teen. He might as well be listening to Nirvana, or their SW universe equivalents, when not on focus).
  4. Thrawn, all the way. He truly was a brilliant strategist, and did not have to rely on the Force for his accomplishments.
  5. The Clans, according to the Warcraft 2 manual: -Blackrock Clan. Leader: Orgrim Doomhammer. Dominion: Blackrock Spire, Azeroth -Stormreaver Clan. Leader: Gul'dan the Warlock. Dominion: Stormwind, Azeroth and Balor, Azeroth -Twilight's Hammer Clan. Leader: Cho'gall the Ogre-Mage. Dominion: Northshire, Azeroth -Black Tooth Grin Clan. Leaders: Rend and Maim, sons of Blackhand. Dominion: The Black Morass, Azeroth -Bleeding Hollow Clan. Leader: Kilrogg Deadeye. Dominion: Ironforge, Khaz Modan -Dragonmaw Clan. Leader: Zuluhed the Whacked. Dominion: Grim Batol, Khaz Modan -Burning Blade Clan. Leader: None. Dominion: Nomadic. Looks like you need to study the Lore more "
  6. Name the Seven clans of The Horde during the Second Great War, as well as their respective Clan Leaders and the names of their respective Dominions (their base of operations on Azeroth). And, Warcraft Adventures is not really considered canon AFAIK. They kept Thrall as canon, but his adventures in the cancelled game are not considered canon.
  7. I decided to dig out and play Warcraft 2, and am seriously hooked up on it. I HAVE to finish both campaigns by the end of this weekend!
  8. The Desert Eagle is not that rare an item. In every single Bloodlines game I start there's bound to be an enemy that drops the Desert Eagle when killed. Mercurio, the Pawnshop, or any other store that sells guns, might also have it.
  9. Hellhammer - The Third of the Storms (Evoked Damnation)
  10. I'm going to Germany on Monday (Wacken Open-Air, yay!), and I was thinking about the possibility of bad weather during my stay...
  11. I do not believe they will charge for the patch. The "downloadable content via purchase" is already controversial as it is, if they start charging for game fixes that are results of THEIR poor scripting as well... But even if they DO charge for it, in 3-4 days time it will be available for free all over the internet just like the downloadable content, so...
  12. Of course it has no flaws. It is the RPG of t3h future with next-Gen Graphics and a significant amount of "OMG-ness" in it. Phear Bethesda.
  13. Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays
  14. ...and this was posted under "General KotOR2 Discussion" because...?
  15. For me, the single fact that Generals has no FMVs whatsoever was enough to ruin from the get-go any C&C feeling it might have had, horrible scenario put aside. The only thing I actually "liked" in the game was how the Terrorists' pickup trucks' armor could be upgraded by salvaging junk from destroyed armored units. Tiberian Sun was...OK. Nothing fancy, but not a bad game either. Plus, Anton Slavik's aide in the FMVs was t3h h0t.
  16. That is also covered at http://www.cnc-source.com/ I've been hearing stuff about "C&C 3: Tiberian Twilight" coming back into production. If it's true, it could be really interesting. I think that the "Scrin" alien race is one of the available factions.
  17. Indeed. You need to be Level 2 to enter the Kvatch gate, so theoritically the game could be completed within a few hours at Level 2, what with the horrible level scaling and all. Realism at its finest. The world is saved by a Level 2 n00b ex-convict. Yay!
  18. True Ninjas are unseen. If you've seen a Ninja, he wasn't a real one. "Pirate vs. Ninja" convention? Sounds interesting, but also quite wrong at the same time.
  19. I consider TIE Fighter, along with the Wing Commander series, the greatest flight sim I've ever played. X-Wing Alliance had very nice graphics, and an extremely easy to use mission editor which could produce some amazing battles). Scenario-wise, it left me totally uninterested.
  20. Nocturnal Shrine. Northeast of Leyawiin. Map pic: http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/114/shrine0ze.jpg
  21. As far as a Thief character is concerned, Lockpicking essentially is a routine business once you get the Skeleton key (UNBREAKABLE lockpick, +20 to Security) as a reward from the Nocturnal shrine. Challenging game for t3h win!!111
  22. My vote went to FALLOUT, which I still consider the greatest RPG ever made, followed closely by PS:T, then Daggerfall (which isn't on the list, but anyway).
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