Sorry, I miss-wrote PS2 with PS3 (that's why the edit). I once owned a PS3 and played Drake and MGS4, but what stuff do you think is good (and exclusive) on the PS2? No Sqauere-Enix stuff please. I heard Primal, God of War, Ico+Sequel are good for starters.
God of War for sure is a must buy, Grand Turismo 4 is my recommendation, If you can get some stuff from ebay buy Crash Bandicoot 1,2,3 (all ps1 games, but ps2 versions of crash are not so good imo), Metal Gear Solid series, Devil May Cry series, and still i have to reccomend you Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series
Oh yeah i forgot Tenchu and Onimusha series...
EDIT: and yeah i recommend you to buy PS3 again after it's price hit bargain bin like the price of PS2 is atm if you are full time PC player there will be lots of worth-to-play of exclusives aswell...