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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. Not accounting for Treasure Cards, it's mostly useful for using wands. With Luckstones being a side benefit.
  2. By the way, I'm talking with folks internally about hosting a card creation contest where you could get your card built and in the game.
  3. At this point it's working as intended. Though admittedly, we could communicate how all of this works a bit better.
  4. The other community members answers are correct! I want to just note that we intend to grant experience for defeating banes even if you fail the scenario in Quest mode in the near future. Thanks everybody!
  5. Divine checks to acquire (like divine spells and all blessings), BYA Divine checks to play spell, and of course Divine checks to defeat monsters like Spectre, Ghost, Rogors Craesby, Iesha Foxglove, Seleval and Zaelsar. So there are a few things
  6. The other posters have done a good job of answering your questions it seems. To address #1, we are planning to improve the way we display and allow you to interact with your characters and parties. This will likely come out ahead of multiplayer. Our current interface has more in common with a Save/Load screen than a party management screen which is the result of starting out with strict party saves in development and evolving to a more flexible system of party management. It all works right now, but is admittedly a little cumbersome.
  7. Hi All! Just jumping in to say that we currently don't have any card trading plans in the pipe. While I won't rule it out completely, I would say this is a very unlikely feature at this point. Thanks!
  8. I just put in a bug for this. I originally intended these to play once per scenario, but they were coded to play once per "campaign."
  9. Awesome! And my feelings on Seelah being the best are well known.
  10. I like it. Would take some doing, so it's not something we'd turn around quickly, but I like it.
  11. Thanks for the feedback! We are working to clean up our Legendary Quest Maps so that the travel lines aren't so mangled. For number two, are you talking specifically about Here Comes the Flood or all of the map flybys?
  12. Generous Hint: It's also in the Orik convo. By the way Longshot, I read the Longshot mini-series a couple of months ago and just finished Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe last week (which was inspired by Jay and Miles Plain the X-Men). So, repect!
  13. This is now my favorite thread <3 Juat to throw it out there, ther are six cards to date that affect dialogues.
  14. Hi all! First of all, thanks for bringing this to my attention. The team has a fixed the issue that is causing cards to be displayed in the Gallery that are not meant to be there. This fix will come out in the next update (which I expect we'll release within a week or so). The short version is that we generated the data for the cards it is possible to get in the gallery via one table that happened to have all cards we developed (even if incomplete). This was separate from the tables that determine what is included in the Treasure Chests. We now have a better, more cohesive system for doing this. We didn't catch this in our internal bugtesting because we run with more inclusive card drops from our Dev Treasure Chests for testing purposes.Though we regularly look at the live game, we didn't catch this error. I sincerely apologize on behalf of the team that this caused confusion. I understand that some of you are trying to have the most complete set of cards you can and this bug has frustrated that goal. Let me assure you that we at no time intended to deceive anyone about was available And honestly, it took me a bit to fully wrap my head around how extensive the error was (even though the fix has been straightforward). As we build more decks (which gives us more tools to use in card creation), we will continue to add to the Treasure Chest card list. Most Uncommon cards require new art and all cards that don't already exist in the physical game require an extensive review process which takes time. The next month or so will see a steady infusion of cards, after which point it will slow down. I will discuss with the team how to best be transparent about these in the future. In the meantime, I can provide you a list of cards that are visible in the gallery that should NOT be. There are a number reasons these cards may not be released. We don't currently have the tech to do some, the design is incomplete or was not approved by Paizo or myself, or it just needs to be tested and/or fixed before release. Cards that should NOT appear in the gallery: Deck B: Bone Spikes Available in the next update: Holy Symbol Holy Text Healers Kit Portable Ram Potion of Resinous Skin Shovel Spell Component Pouch Veterinarian's Kit Wayfinder Silent Enforcer Blessing Of CaydenCailean Blessing Of Milani Favor Of Calistria Favor Of Sarenrae Favor Of Shelyn Favor Of Torag Deck 1: Flaming Returning Throwing Axe +1 Social Climber Centipede Venom Wand Of Flame Wand Of Lightning Bolt Available in the next update: Challenging Shield Bounty Of Desna Bounty Of Norgorber Bounty Of Torag Doctrine Of Abadar Engineers Workgloves Heavyload Belt Deck 2: Cook Favor Of Lamashtu Favor Of The Gods Black Marsh Spider Venom Hat Of Glamour Wand Of Ice Whet Stone Renewal Available in the next update: Legion Armor Deck 3: Valet Varisian Illusionist Favor Of Abadar Bloodroot Poison Staff Of Healing Staff Of Improved Healing Staff Of True Healing Deck 4: Displacement Nine Lives Stealer Available in the next update: Blessing Of Sivanah Favor Of Norgorber Warhammer +3 Deck 5: Belkzen Warchief Metal Spikes Aid Of Shelyn Blessing Of Achaekek Doctrine Of Calistria Well Of Many Worlds Wyvern Poison Life Leech Venomous Bolt Available in the next update: Death Initiate Dragon Smiter Pathfinder Venture-Captain Spellward Shield Winged Shield Of Storms Favor Of Gozreh Deck 6: Bewilder Available in the next update: Favor Of Nethys Thank you all for vigilance and your patience. Nathan Davis
  15. The developers of PACG hold a PACG Open at GenCon which introduces a competitive element to the game that I like. You don't compete with others on your team, but your team competes with other teams. I would like to incorporate something like that.
  16. That's gotta be the shortest way to explain months and months of work As we wrap up RotR, I do want to evaluate SotR to see how costly it would be to build. Online MP is in progress. And we are approach the Class Deck concept differently overall.
  17. We are looking to do this kind of stuff in Quest Mode!
  18. Our next update will make those reward cards for completing Legendary consistent. Thanks everybody!
  19. This weekend is like my first one at home in almost a month, so it's a lot of looking after my toddler and heavily pregnant wife, and chores/errands (I get to go to the DMV tomorrow, so fun). Somewhere in there I'll do design work for multiplayer because this is my life. If I'm lucky, I'll catch up on some CW DC shows. I'm like 3 episodes back on everything (since I've been out so many weekends).
  20. Salvaging from the Treasure Chest screen and adding a quantity selector for Salvaging are both good improvements. I'll add it to our list. Thanks!
  21. Sure. But you don't have to. We are going through and fixing them up right now.
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