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Everything posted by E.RedMark

  1. there are many ways to kill him and the pirates never went hostiles for me . I mean unless you bust in and kill him... I went the others routes (found 3) to kill him..and nobody go hostiles . The trigger is really just the alarm horn thing. that one is just one route... or are you saying when you use the horn everyone goes hostile? Yes, the entire place turn red if the horn is blown even once. You can stealth in and butcher everyone in the dungeon and still be blue with everyone else if they fail to sound the horn. hum... the horn is part of a route . did you do it? Talk to the guy in the forge ?
  2. there are many ways to kill him and the pirates never went hostiles for me . I mean unless you bust in and kill him... I went the others routes (found 3) to kill him..and nobody go hostiles . The trigger is really just the alarm horn thing. that one is just one route... or are you saying when you use the horn everyone goes hostile?
  3. there are many ways to kill him and the pirates never went hostiles for me . I mean unless you bust in and kill him... I went the others routes (found 3) to kill him..and nobody go hostiles .
  4. take a look : https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Lost+Grimoires
  5. hearing about what Éder say about Orlan...Tsk Tsk..... Anyway...this.....remind me of that
  6. So did I . I mean , I did do all their quest...hoping they put their bickering aside and join me in the end . You know..to stop a disaster from happening? And like you , I end up with rauata showing up and Maia never said anything . But then , you see that the Gods themself are acting like the factions leaders , not getting along either . Double facepalm ! Two things here : 1- dialogues are bugged like hell . So I advice to wait till patch fix them and see if we get anything new from that . 2- Story was built so the real stuff will happen in POE3 . So while it feel like a let down , let's remember that all the factions weren't perfect . They all had their flaws one way or another . Maybe they weren't mean to join force...maybe it's impossible . Maybe it's written that way for a reason we cannot see . Maybe it just lazy writing Alas....it is what it is . The Journey though is still fun
  7. no she is bugged . I wanna romance her and she is going for Éder Also some dialogues are missing . So yeah , totally bugged .
  8. it's bugged . what I did was..forget about it and move on . They gonna fix it with the patch hopefully .
  9. Ah sorry, I keep on forgetting that I created the states not imported them. So he is less bugged in my game... Its the import in general that is messed up. I didn't import either . It was a pre-made save . You know..from the one you can choose from ? Edit: Ah..also , don't apologize . if it's working great for you thats awesome ! I can wait for the fix lol had that issue back in DOS2 too and just waited for them to fix it
  10. no.. His..uh..how to say...I went with 'Kind' pre-made save and he was Leaden key leader . So that's like bug.. also...his personal quest is bugged like hell...couldn't finish it . And the ending slider for him is screw up as well . And I only got 2 dialogues with him . So yeah..bugged bugged... the others companions , the only bug I have with them is mostly missing dialogues here and there and some of them triggering too fast .
  11. oh Aloth is bugged all right and so are the others . Hopefully the patch will fix them and their quest and their approval and all . But so far, he is the most bugged of the lot . At least for me .
  12. Yeah he seems a complete jackass in this. When I talk to him he replies.. 'Can I HELP YOU with something' in an irritated voice. PFFT! Get off my ship if you're gonna be like that! he was probably reading.. That's like knocking on the bathroom door when someone is in there... well..hand him over , you can take the Seraf off my hand .
  13. I was screaming at that calm down grandpa option. It was too perfect. (And god how I wish I could say that sometimes at work). It's a giant hunk of adra so he should be okay? Mostly. Shoving him infront of my enemies is my way of showing I care I see an issue there...hummmm.. *Nod wisely*... You need to get Éder a leash! hummm...cose you know how he goes right ? He see a pinguoin and he be running off ! Then your party is stuck at 4 cose some Genius decided that a party of 5 was fine ! Ohh maybe you could run around with a squeaky toy? that should get him back fast
  14. same here (as friend that is) . And he has the least dialogues... Kinda bummber , cose everyone need that akward yet a bit snob elf..and soo nerdy in the group Obsidian don't like elf ! Let go REVOLUTION and throw Leaf at them!
  15. Oh that's what Eder is for. He's my perma bro. (Also the one that always takes all the hits ) tell me he still is carrying that shield you get from the smith that look like a door.. otherwise...Ouach!
  16. romance or friendship.. same thing when you think about it . You can be happy to see Garrus back! Or hate to see Kaidan is back... Doesn't have to be a romance . I was cynical...too..then I took an arrow to the brain , nowdays I laugh like a maniac at everything..and I'm banned from alot of places
  17. romance that carry over can be good or bad . Sometimes it's good..and sometimes it's bad . So on that one , it's really depand on which romance we talking about . But..I'm more fond of 'Love at 1st sight' ..even though I wasn't a believer of such a thing . Hear my past self scoff at the idea ! 'Love at first sight ?! Ridiculous! probably some Teenager fantasy like those BBF stuff.....'' . Then it happen..and you age fast and know you were the one being ridiculous
  18. how can you tell ? can't zoom close enough..... But he is kinda cute in the bath house..still nerding!
  19. why not make a dwarf request yourself ? Trying to guilt us huh.. AHH! Tha pain..it really working..damn you Vader!!! *Shake fist* *Pout*...fine..I actually still have to make a dwarf and I find them super duper cute anyway.. so gonna make the request ! Happy? Oh God of redimensionning these pretty pictures , can you find it in your spare time to do the same for this picture ? Amen!
  20. It's my favorite of all companions. I tend to get distracted when this animation starts playing during conversations, I just stop looking at the dialogue window and start watching Xoti instead. ha ha same darn thing! I have been going around saying 'I wasn't paying attention!'' ..now everyone will know why
  21. should've posted in the spoiler section.. Anyway , may wanna take a look at this : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98199-can-you-lose-companion-for-siding-a-faction/ depand on how far you are . Also some of them are bugged...so could be a bug .
  22. I like the idle animation of all of them . But Maia animation kinda look weird when near water
  23. Thankee! was gonna ask if anyone think the animation of Xoti when she shake her little lantern , is cute ? cose I think the animation is super adowable and useful !
  24. I enjoyed it for a few levels but man it was so long. Was too long for me, sometimes I would do part of it then come back to finish it to break it up. it wasn't long enough....imagine Diablo 1 kinda of long...you be running away screaming lol. I just get tired of being kinda locked in a certain area for a long time but it was fine. It was what it was. I was glad it was in there for the people who really love that kind of thing. I did enjoy it. I think it was mean for you to do a few level , then come back again at some time to finish it . As in , do it at your own pace . That's what I did for the most part but I still always had to fight the urge to keep fighting down until I got to the end. Tumbling down the stairs..is your boots fault!
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