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Everything posted by Morpten

  1. The written line does not match the voice over, Hamuto Stoneheel says: "Cowards. There will be a reckoning, for I know each one of your faces!"
  2. Unnecessary and false referral link to the glossary entry on "Hurt" in the description of "The Red Hand" unique arquebus:
  3. Should read "those who are so oppressed they are willing to perform horrific" in the first sentence:
  4. Scourging Blight(s) in "The Realm of the Beast of Winter": Soul Collector, also in "The Realm of the Beast of Winter":
  5. Neither the PC or Xoti know or have heard of someone called Maia at this point: Is it really that hard to have the game keep track of which companions you haven't even come across yet and adjust the selection of dialogue options accordingly?
  6. You probably meant well with the added "companion(s) to bring along for certain quests"-recommendation in the journal - but shouldn't this be disabled on Expert Mode? Similar to the earlier reported issue in regards to qualifiers still showing during CYOA scripted interactions despite having Expert Mode enabled it's the companion recommendation meta-information that's directly going against the whole point of Expert Mode this time. With the companion recommendation still showing players can't exactly "rely on their own faculties and intuition" now, can they? If the appropriate option ("Show Companion Recommendation") to tick/untick in the Expert Mode section of the Difficulty options would be too much to ask for - having the recommended companion hidden except when the cursor is placed over the little circular frame (similar to how the quest difficulty is revealed with the opened book icon) would be an acceptable alternative I think.
  7. There's also a slight issue with the so-called "thumb" element of the scrollbar. And not just on the one on the character sheet but anywhere the scrollbar is utilized.
  8. It's the same for the circular frames around the character's portraits in the reputations and records sections of the character sheet as well, by the way.
  9. Would appreciate an option to hide the "Fast Mode Active" notification too.
  10. There's an unnecessary and false referral link to the glossary entry on "Will" in the description of the "Armor Invoice" item:
  11. Missing punctuation (right after "Abocco"):
  12. Have yet to install the latest patch, did anybody notice the until now not functioning Expert mode features working correctly with v1.2? Thanks in advance.
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