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Everything posted by Morpten

  1. Not exactly "occupying the same space", but a very or rather too close call nonetheless. Another instance of "too close", also in Serpent's Crown. The Kuaru Artisan also doesn't seem to actually sit on the bench if I'm not mistaken:
  2. The trophy on the wall in the Prince's Chambers on the upper floor of Kahanga Palace in Serpent's Crown to be precise. Clicking on/interacting with the "looking glass" doesn't trigger the expected on-screen text. Instead the text is exclusively put out in the log.
  3. South exit in Serpent's Crown: East exit of Serpent's Crown: West exit, The Sacred Stair: South exit, The Sacred Stair: East exit, The Sacred Stair: East entrance to the Spire of the Soul-Seers in The Sacred Stair:
  4. One more on the 2nd floor of the Valera Estate: Nungata in Serpent's Crown: Animancer next to the western entrance to the Spire of the Soul-Seers in The Sacred Stair:
  5. Might just be the case for certain areas but neutral NPCs in general behave very inappropriate when there's an active encounter near them. Take the bounty on Katrenn in The Sacred Stair, for example. Here's me and the gang fighting the remaining Ironclad Construct of Katrenn's ensemble when a Neketaka Guard casually walks up on the action and, because he's unable to recognize the danger to immediate bystanders as well as unable to find an alternative route, just stands there. It's only when the Ironclad Constructs' Flame Shield goes off and hits the Neketaka Guard too he's finally showing a little bit of reaction. Not that he joins in on the fight against the Construct, like you would expect, but at least the Flame Shield knocked him back a bit so that he's off on his patrol route again. In short - more often than not there's a severe lack of realistic and appropriate (neutral) NPC reaction to combat in close proximity.
  6. Ydwin, right before recruiting her on top of the Spire of the Soul-Seers:
  7. Another small one this time. Note the flickering bottom right corner of the active effects panel, next to the timer on Thief's Putty running out:
  8. After having resolved Family Pride in favor of the Valeras the Vault Door appears to be closed again, but actually is passable like it's not really there.
  9. That's after agreeing to get rid of the Bardattos once and for all and way past anything not involving any bloodshed. But yet you are still able to select certain dialogue options as if you're still at the beginning of the Family Pride quest line where it's not open war yet.
  10. Another issue related to the dismantling/plundering of the Bardatto Estate after resolving Family Pride in favor of the Valeras. If you enter the Bardatto Estate and come close to Ezzali Bardatto's office a short scripted cutscene is played out during which two "Valera Youth" NPCs flee the office from Ezzali Bardatto's vengeful spirit that has manifested there. Following the two Valera Youths to the Bardatto Estate entrace resp. exit to Queen's Berth reveals that they don't get removed from the indoor estate area and just stand there, unresponsive to any interaction as well.
  11. Decided to do the heist myself, so I went in (the stealthy way avoiding the guards and patrols), lockpicked the impressive vault door, stole all the things, so far so good. But isn't it odd that the vault door standing wide open is not raising any suspicion let alone the alarm at all? The Bardatto Halberdier patrolling the adjacent hallway and the vault entrance room itself clearly has direct line of sight on the vault door upon entering the room from the hallway but carries on like everything's hunky-dory. Wouldn't be much of a problem if you could close the door from inside the vault to have it look like it's still locked/closed but not being able to do so makes it even more ridiculous that the patrol would not notice the vault door standing wide open.
  12. Two more examples (not quite as off-center as with Sanza of Sanza's Map Emporium but off-center enough I think):
  13. Just making sure this doesn't go unnoticed. First instance with the gentleman in the blue attire in front of the Wild Mare in Queen's Berth seems to have been fixed in the meantime, as he's not doing the idle leaning any longer.
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