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Everything posted by kgambit

  1. Maybe but Ryan's defenses have been mediocre at best. Here's how his defenses ranked: Year / Team / Def Eff / Rank / Record 2014 Saints -11.2 31st 1-3 2013 Saints +0.3 10th 11-5 2012 Cowboys -5.4 27th 8-8 2011 Cowboys -1.8 20th 8-8 2010 Browns -1.7 26th 5-11 2009 Browns -3.8 28th 5-11 2008 Raiders -3.1 25th 5-11 2007 Raiders -1.3 24th 4-12 2006 Raiders +4.4 7th 2-14 He pulls the rabbit out of the hat in 2013 only to regress badly this season. 2004 and 2005 are not shown in that chart but the defenses in those years were both near the bottom of the league. 2 defenses ranked above the league average in 11 years is not a sterling resume.
  2. That sums up the NFC south perfectly. Any ideas on who replaces Ryan as Saints DC?
  3. A retrospective: Ye Olde Butt Fumble- 2012 It's still funny ...... but damn Sanchez how could you not see that ....
  4. 44k+ $ short and only 28 hours to go - not looking good for The Gullet.
  5. Wow indeed. Bumgarner was dealing. Sorry for the Pirates but not much you can do against a pitching performance like that.
  6. Madison Bumgarner (18-10, 2.98) vs. Edinson Volquez (13-7, 3.04) I'm rooting for the Pirates.
  7. You've crossed the line, Nonek. We men do not steal, we crush those before us and loot their corpses. And we would eat meat, not bread. I'm not sure if I can be a part of organization, which has no cake. We make cake out of the bones of the fallen enemies. YUM! Chocolate!
  8. I shut the game off when it was 7-3. Wished I had gutted it out to the end. What a total meltdown by the bullpens. Now I can only hope that the Angels get booted as well.
  9. No. If existing projects are unaffected then Exxon Mobil should be able to continue their 700 million $ joint venture project (signed in 2011 which makes it a pre-existing project) with Rosneft involving development drilling in the Kara Sea and the Black Sea. Even XOM believes that the sanctions can apply to existing projects. On September 20, Exxon Mobil issued a statement that the company was shutting down its joint project with Russian state-controlled oil giant OAO Rosneft in the Kara Sea, north of Siberia. Remember that the contract was signed in August 2011 and expanded twice: once in 2012 and once in 2013. Here's a statement from ExxonMobil company spokesman Alan Jeffers: Note: The 10th project is the XOM Sakhalin-1 joint LNG development project. It is the sole XOM-Rosneft joint venture project not affected by the sanctions. The financing might be an issue but otherwise it is exempt from the sanctions because the area involved doesn't fit the areas stipulated in the sanctions (Arctic, Deepwater, shale oil). or this: The first highlighted text is simply to point out that not all projects are affected by the sanctions. Projects inside of the specific areas are affected by the sanctions even if they are existing. Or Bloomberg: http://royaldutchshellplc.com/2014/09/15/potential-serious-impact-on-shell-from-new-sanctions-on-russia/ Just read the language of those statements. "Winding down" or "shutting down" a project, operation or activity imply that it is pre-existing. For future projects you simply don't initiate them. There's nothing to shut down or wind down because the project hasn't commenced. We both agree that sanctions apply to new projects. Fine. We disagree about existing projects. You can protest all you want, but when Exxon shut down the Kara Sea joint venture it clearly indicated that they believe that existing projects are subject to sanctions and are not exempt. Their actions trump your opinion. As a practical matter as long as the sanctions are in place, it makes no difference if the contract was cancelled or simply suspended since Exxon can not fulfill the terms without violating the sanctions. When sanctions are lifted it's a different story, but until then .......
  10. Forced a policy of no new projects. Existing ones are exempt- obviously- or Exxon would not have been involved up to this point. No. Existing projects are not exempt. Further interaction on existing projects must be suspended (unless State authorizes an exception) or terminated and no technology can exchange hands (until sanctions are lifted). Exxon was able to complete drilling on the Arctic discovery well because they were granted an extension to bring the drilling safely to a close. Beyond that EM can have no further dealings with Rosneft on their joint exploration development project. According to Reuters: ExxonMobil suspends cooperation with Rosneft on Arctic oil project -Kommersant newspaper http://af.reuters.com/article/commoditiesNews/idAFL6N0RU07B20140929 As reported in the NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/20/business/exxon-suspending-700-million-drilling-operation-in-russian-waters.html?_r=0
  11. They aren't called Men of Mayhem for nothing. Bloodiest season of them all. About 1/2 of the way thru Season 2 of Arrow. Just finished watching the episodes with Barry Allen in them. Nice intro for the Flash.
  12. Wish they had made the clip longer - looks like he picked up the spare on that one.
  13. I'm currently using a corded optical Logitech Mx518 mouse at the moment but the scroll wheel is failng. I've tried cleaning it but no go. So I'm looking for a replacement. I would prefer a corded optical or laser mouse. I'm right handed and I don't play MMOs or RTS so I don't need something with a huge number of buttons so the Razer Naga is out. I tend to use a claw grip. Would like to keep the price under 100$ but will consider splurging. Anyone have any recommendations?
  14. Again you are confusing capitalism with feudalism. In capitalism aristocracy don't mean crap. It doesn't matter who you are or where were you born you could be Kings son and end up in a dumpster and you could start in a dumpster and end up as a King. Capitalism promotes smarts and talent, it awards the best people, socialism awards laziness, dumbness and ineptness. Anders Breivik - good parents, good public education, great social status - killed 69 peopleChris Garder - bad parents, second rate education, badly social status - was homeless but managed to rise a kid and become successful - never resorted to crime. Yes, I really think that people choose who they are and how they live their life unless they are in extreme situations like war etc. So either you are for "everybody is responsible for himself" capitalist or you are "we need to help everybody to live their life" socialist. Make up your mind. Am I going crazy? Because I don't recall writing any of these posts. You're not crazy. All of those quotes should have been attributed to Naurgalen. Seems that Sharp-one doesn't know how to use the quote function.
  15. I'm still waiting on the boxed copy.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
  17. Can't you choose? I will have to check this myself, but am to lazy to do it now. Steam and GoG are both options. PS: There's a new stretch goal for an expanded section of the Bloom. Check out update #32. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/torment-tides-of-numenera/posts/988605
  18. Release: Friday Sept 19 at 8am GMT/ 12am PST
  19. USA 96, Lithuania 68
  20. You could also use special items with unique bonuses tied to the creatures that have filled bestiary entries. e.g. Shields or a breastplate made from stone beetle carapaces. Or perhaps tie the knowledge to additional crafting recipes that would not otherwise be available.
  21. It's the only way to be sure .......
  22. I'm not even going to read further. By your brainwashed US logic, all homosexuals who've been to UAE and had sex should also be extradited to UAE to be stoned to death. Your laws have absolutely no power over anybody but you, you can shove them up yours. LOL I should have expected that you would have cut off any attempt to actually educate yourself since you're much happier believing the tripe that you read on blogs or parody sites and accepting it as fact. Fine by me. It's not brainwashed logic. You are, as usual, dead wrong about your fictitious UAE example. Homosexuality isn't a crime in the USA. So an extradition request from the UAE aimed at prosecuting anyone for those crimes would likely be denied. Read up on a principle called dual criminality as it applies to extradition. It basically states that in order to extradited the crime committed overseas must also be a crime in the defendants home country. Not a crime in the USA? No extradition. The UAE analogy wasn't pertinent when you tried to make the same argument in the Assange discussion and it isn't pertinent now. Germany is one of 8 countries that prohibit extradition of their own citizens but that does not make citizens of Germany immune to prosecution for crimes committed in the US (even if the crime is done at a distance - cyber crime). These countries including Germany often have laws in place that give them jurisdiction over those crimes. By virtue of such jurisdiction, they prosecute and try their own citizens accused of crimes committed abroad as if the crime had occurred within the country's borders. Again the principle of dual criminality applies. If it is a crime in both countries the foreign national is still subjected to prosecution but in these particular cases it is the foreign nationals country that prosecutes. The accused does not get to skate simply because they committed a crime in a foreign country. And there was a recent cases of computer hackers from Russia being arrested in the Netherlands and being extradicted to the US to stand trial. Do some reading before you start spouting legal nonsense. http://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/98-958.pdf
  23. No one ever said that it did. However your notion that simply being a foreign national makes you 100% immune to another countries laws is so misguided as to be laughable. That's why extradition treaties exist. That's why it is the nationality of the victims that frequently determines who has jurisdiction. Look up passive personality principle. Here's an example. Russian hackers Smilyants and Drinkman were arrested by the authorities of the Netherlands in 2012, Smilyants was extradited weeks later to the U.S., where he declared a not-guilty plea and has been in U.S. custody since. http://thehackernews.com/2014/04/dutch-court-accepts-to-extradite_19.html#sthash.bXQjdczz.dpuf But then again I shouldn't expect much from somebody who believes that the National Reporter is a reliable source of news. LOL
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