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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Its all made up anyway....you didnt think it was all true did you?
  2. hmm you are a strange little person but welcome to the boards anyway
  3. Just a little But yea I would like to find more of these things, maybe not just on dead bodies and sellers, but maybe in sith tombs ala indiana jones with traps and stuff
  4. Yes it does change the story. Not the end of the story, but it changes aspects of the story. In one decision, the Vulkars are wiped out. In another, they're not. My point was that people say that NOTHING they did changed the story, because they expect every little action to change the FINAL outcome. That's a completely misguided notion. Certain actions changed certain aspects of the story, and that's exactly how it should be. I wouldn't want the fact that I stole that wraid plate from that widow on Tatooine to drastically change the rest of the story, because that would be rediculous. I thought KOTOR did an admirable job of altering the storyline based on your actions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm its the butterfly effect, you know the one "a butterfly flaps its wings in China, and causes a hurricane in America" or something like that, but not every wing beat would stir up a hurricane only a select 1 or 2! Not every single decision you make has or should have a dire consequence on the games outcome, only a select few things, such as joining or spurning Bastilla (big thing) but a couple of little things that you didnt think relevant (little thing) should be able to snowball, if you get my meaning?
  5. I always play DS so i'll be putting foot to ass whether they are sith getting in my way or LS fairies :ph34r: I dont care! mwahahaha :D
  6. Well there has been a bit of speculation recently that there are more than 3, based on nothing, so I'm not convinced, I still think there are only 3
  7. I think someone is a tad too obsessed with the Bastila character and places her on a pedistol (sp?) she doesn't deserve to be on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D :D yeah like every post is praising bastilla! granted i thought she was ok, nice voice, nice face (for a game) but god you can take things to far
  8. You the PC are the only KNOWN jedi left! Dosnt mean you are the only actual jedi left
  9. Crush is the best ive seen so far of the new powers! who wouldn't like to fold up enemies like a piece of paper?
  10. The music is the key to emotionally attaching the viewer to anything, be that game, movie or whatever! IMHO the score dictates the amount of drama a scene can generate, Conan the Barbarian had a great score, as did LotR and blade had the best, most exciting opening sequence in movie history IMO thanks in no small part to the music! Now watch the above with no sound and see how much difference it makes, you will see what I mean But man as a species has embraced music as a form of provokeing emotion for thousands of years, to inspire your comrades or to dishearten your enemies with the sheer force of your drum beats! Thats why IMO John Williams is a legend to me! and always will be! I'll shut up now
  11. Or a mutiny me harties oh arrr But seriosly Im sure you could bump off a couple without the rest of the crew finding out, like take them on a mission and off them there, then go back and say "they didnt make it, I barely got away myself" :ph34r: Not saying I agree with it though I stand by my earlier post:
  12. :D exactly, I mean to enjoy a good fantasy is all well and good, but to live in one <_< not so cool
  13. He claims alot of things do you even dream that they are true?.......thought not :D
  14. How can you obliterate the dark side with a dark act! supershadow = supersaddo! There will always be darkness, tis the ying and the yang, one cannot exist without the other :ph34r:
  15. IMO they represent a prestige class we can achieve, sith lord, maurauder, assassin, but thats just my opinion, I dont think anythings been confirmed yet p.s that is also assuming there are only three sith lords, which if im not mistaken has been common belief untill recently
  16. The biggest problem is that every time the siths are destroyed, there is always some stupid padawan or jedi to fall to the dark side and some nasty long-dead sith lored to teach him... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who wants them destroyed? Not me certainly, I think DS is best, but even if you are LS the sith are the main enemy in the game, so if they were destroyed....no game
  17. I doubt the remnants of the jedi order would be at Coruscant, I mean that is the first place the sith lords would look IMO anyway
  18. and the stupid slow idiotic little duck wouldnt avoid s***
  19. Or bring it december and release a few new planets and options in an add on pack, I would maybe consider getting xbox live for something like that
  20. You really have got something going for Bastilla havnt you
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