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Everything posted by GamerSerg
I have to say I'm just as baffled as Josh on why Deadfire did not sell well. Maybe it's because games like Deadfire are right in my wheelhouse. I greatly enjoyed all of the games he referenced, PoE1, PoE2, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Divinity, etc. Both turn based and RTwP can be great if done well so I don't think one is inherently better than the other. RTwP worked great for Deadfire in my opinion. I tried the turn based update and hated it. Turn based worked well for Divinity but even DnD computer games tend to use RtwP. Honestly, of all these games Divinity was my least favorite but not because it was turn based. It was good and I liked it but I can't understand why it sold so much better than PoE unless I am just in the minority. I think for me the depth of the character creation with so many ways to build characters and each one still being unique plus all the added options of subclasses and multiclassing is what I love most. This is something that Divinity lacked. Each class in Divinity has a few active abilities at any one time and you quickly learn which ones are the best and you rarely have reason to deviate. Also, the AI script system was something I really enjoyed in Deadfire and is great for RtwP. As for resource management, I also prefer limited resting and long term resource management. Maybe it is just more realistic to me to not be camping in a dungeon or wilderness full of hostile monsters after every fight or watching your HP shoot back up to full as soon as the battle ends. A dungeon should be a test of endurance. I've always liked how 5e DnD has the concept of the short rest and long rest. They generally recommend only allowing two short rests per day which partially restore some health and resources (but not all) before you have to take a long rest which would require returning to town to sleep at an Inn or your stronghold / ship. When you return to town with your team exhausted of all spells, out of arrows, beat up and down to your last few hit points, carrying empty potion bottles and hard won loot, you feel like you have truly been through an ordeal that challenged you to use every last resource at your disposal and barely survived to tell the tale. I've actually been thinking of re-installing Deadfire as I wait for any news on BG3 just because I need something to scratch that character building itch. I don't know if anyone from Obsidian would read this but I want them to know that I loved Deadfire and I really hope the "poor" sales do not result in the end of PoE games. Thank you for creating one of my all time favorite games, from someone who has been playing computer RPG since Ultima IV!
There are a lot of things I like about Deadfire but if I had to pick one, it would be the general design of the game mechanics, Inspirations vs Afflictions and the buffs/debuffs they provide, how the character stats work, the skills, class design (sub & multiclass), I also really love creating my own AI scripts for my characters. Basically everything associated with building a character. That counts as one thing, right? My least favorite was how the final faction choice can result in a companion leaving you. I spend so much time building my party, developing tactics, AI scripts, upgrading gear and building relationships and then you take one of my team away from me right before the big final battle ?!?!
This will be a full playthrough (all DLC and as many Mega Bosses as I can beat) What would be a good way to get resource regeneration? Should I replace someone with Ydwin as pure Cipher? Here is the team so far.... Watcher: Battlemage (no subclasses) - 2H Weapons - Skills: Athletics / Insight & History Miaia: Ranger (Gunhawk) - Arquebus - Skills: Stealth / Survival Serefan: Barbarian (no sub) - Dual Wield - Skills: Athletics / Streetwise & Bluff Tekehu: Druid (Watershaper) - Two Handed (Rod, War Bow or Arbalest) - Skills: Arcana / Religion Pallegina: Herald (Fremas mes Canc Suolias) - Sword & Shield - Skills: Athletics / Intimidate & Metaphysics
So Ranger is better than Scout for Maia as ranged DPS? I was thinking Sneak Attack and some of the Rogue skills looked good but Driving flight is nice too. Is Arquebus preferred for any reason? As much as I love Crusader, and I will miss Armored Grace and Constant Recovery, I think I will give Herald a try for Pallegina. 1H with Shield is probably best although I kinda like the idea of 2H for her. I will stick with Tekehu as pure Druid and I also like the idea of pure Barbarian dual wielding. I think I will go with Serefan though because I haven’t really used him in my previous games and I’d like to see what he has to say. What type of weapons for the Battlemage? I’m leaning toward 2H, especially if nobody else in the party is going that route and it leaves the door open for Spirit Lance if I want to use it unless dual wield would be obviously better?
I started a new playthrough to try out turn based mode. Veteran difficulty, all upscaling. I could use some help deciding who to take as companions and developing the builds. I do like suggestions on gear for each build as well but I do not want a build that is all about getting a specific weapon or gear combo to "make the build work." I have too much fun trying out new weapons and armor when I find them to stick with one fixed weapon which is why I couldn't bring myself to take Devoted I'm kinda torn between sticking with what I know works and trying something new. For example, Pallegina is crazy good as a Crusader but I keep hearing Herald is fantastic too. I've never had much luck getting Chanter to work well but I would maybe like to give it a try. Same for Tekehu, he was awesome as pure Druid but is Theurge good for him? Do I want two Chanter multiclasses? Cipher is another class I haven't loved in the past but I'm tempted to give another try if I get a good build. I have only played through Port Maje so far but I'm finding spellcasting much more frustrating in turn based. Targets tend to move or die before spell is actually cast. Here are my thoughts and questions, any suggestions are appreciated... Watcher: Battlemage (no subclasses) - Can't decide between Dual Wield (maybe Modwyr & Duskfall) or Two Handed (WotEP or Spirit Lance maybe). Tekehu: ? - Can't decide on class combo. I like him as pure druid for awesome Foe only AOE and healing but wondering if I should give Theurge a try? His subclass can't summon, how bad is that? Pallegina: ? - I want her to be a sort of tank / support / passive healing. I was thinking either 2-Handed (Twinned Eel maybe) or sword and shield (I know Lethandria's Devotion is good) but I think she is pretty tough even without a shield so maybe 2-h would be more damage? I know Crusader is awesome for this role but should I try Herald? I know I would miss Armored Grace and the good Fighter passives but I don't really know if Chanter has equally good stuff to offer this build? Maia: Scout - I made her a Geomancer last time and didn't like it so I'd like to try Scout for a ranged DPS build. What type of gun is best for her? Any specific gear I should look for? Other - I will likely rotate the last spot in and out for companion quests but would love suggestions on who might best round out this group. Especially any good sidekicks since I haven't really used them much. Ydwin or Rekke maybe? I used Fassina as a Sorcerer in my first playthrough and she was amazing. Great support class with plenty of healing from druid side and great damage from wizard side but I don't think I need her with Tekehu already serving basically the same role. Thanks for your suggestions!
I have to disagree. Limiting free actions would seriously destroy many builds. You have to understand that in Real time with pause mode, those free spells cost .4 second because you are supposed to be able to buff up your character in two seconds and get right into the action. Otherwise your Battlemage type characters who depend on those buffs would spend half the battle just casting buffs and never get into the action. What fun is that? Being able to "buff up freely" is how the game has always worked and how the classes and abilities were always designed to be used. Really it is no different in turn based than it was in real time mode.
I have always liked Palagina as a companion and in my first playthrough with imported save from Poe1, I really felt bad about how things ended up for her after she supported me in Poe1. So, I supported her and helped the VTC as much as possible although I did side with the pirates in the end. Again, she still ended up with a pretty sad ending slide and again I felt like her life is ruined just for being my friend. So, in my second playthrough I dediced to support Huana. I was really torn over this decision because I knew it would cause Pal to leave me. The thing is supporting Huana actually gave her a much happier ending. Apparently her decision to leave me and report back about my decision was praised and rewarded and she ends up living happily ever after. So, crazy as it sounds, not taking VTC to Ukizo actually worked out well for her. Keep in mind also that by the time you go off to Ukizo the game is basically over. You only have like two easy fights on Ukizo so you will have your companions for like 98% of the game.
Same here. Got the event with the giant wave. Been sailing all around Tikawara for days and nothing happens. I took the afternoon off from work to play this and I can’t even start it. I have season pass and dlc appears to be installed properly on main menu. I have never installed any beta branch. Just playing my last save from after last dlc.
My understanding is that births will continue as normal for awhile because the souls already in the beyond can still be reborn but as people die those souls will be stuck in the in-between and unable to move from there to the beyond and eventually reborn. So the crisis is not immediate and the world at large may not notice anything for awhile (depending how many souls are in the Beyond at any one time). Many people have asked what happened to souls before the wheel was built and I think it's the same idea. The Beyond is a giant holding area for souls that are next in line to be born and that could last years, decade, centuries, who knows? The Engwithians eventually realized at some point they would run out and built the wheel to begin recycling souls (trapping them in the in-between and then moving them to the beyond) allowing life to continue forever while also feeding the newly created gods. I see it as a metaphor for our own natural resources. Life has existed on Earth for a very long time without running out of natural resources but we are just now at a point where we are starting to understand that natural resources will run out eventually along with issues of pollution and global warming pushing the need for people to start recycling even though it wasn't something people worried much about a 1,000 years ago.
In my playthrough she placed barrel bombs in the water around Ukaizo in addition to the storms and it's pretty well insinuated that she means for no one to claim it, not even herself. She also doesn't steal the Hangman, I think it's assumed that you no longer need it given that you're heading back to the Dyrwood. I actually found this to be the best ending, not the worst. All the others require you to either side with a demonstrable faction or throw the region into total chaos. I guess it depends how you read it as to if she steals it, I know she never asked me if she could have it! She does say that she plans to plunder the island. Both the VTC and the RDC plan to work towards fixing the issue of the broken wheel. VTC plans to use animancy to find a new solution and RDC plans to use their engineering skills to repair or rebuild the wheel. The pirates it seems plan to lock Ukiazo away and do nothing about the problem. So it may seem like an ok ending now but it seems disastrous for the future. Plus, it kinda makes me angry that we went to so much effort to find the place only for her to lock it away from the world again.
The end game choice is clearly about choosing whom ever you see as the lesser of four evils but I found it difficult to know who to assist throughout the whole game. As the watcher I thought my duty was to protect lost souls and the ardra they depend on. The RDC wants me to destroy the arda so they’re out. VTC only wants me to restore it so they can come along later to smash it and sell it. I wanted to help the Huana return to their original home but they will only accept my help if I agree to frame an innocent man, really?
The issue with Adelys comes later. If you bring her to Ukizao she steals the Floating Hangman from you and turns the storm machine back on so she becomes the only person who can ever travel there and back and she can plunder anything she wants. It may be the worst possible ending so basically none of the factions are a good choice. I guess you have to decide if the ends justify the means for each faction.
I love this idea and I may incorporate this into the Monk I have been planning for my next game. A couple questions... 1. You're switching between unarmed and the pollaxe, would you recommend taking both two handed and two weapon styles? 2. The cyclone aoe is awesome and probably better than a cone aoe but on the other hand that pollaxe hits friend and foe which could be a big issue in a party. Would this work with any melee weapon that hits AoE, like maybe Whispers of the Endless Path?
The underlined skills are the ones I plan to invest in as the characters level up so The Hunter will be getting more stealth but I couldn't find a good way to get more at level 1. All of the backgrounds that add stealth don't have anything else that I want. I went with Hunter because at least it boosts two skills I want. I like the Nature Godlike suggestion. It fits well thematically with Druid and the PL boost helps both classes. Has anything specific been said about NG being nerfed? I'm leaning toward the Cipher/Rogue as the main character. I feel like there are a lot of stealth and survival checks where party assist won't cut it. He also has Bluff and Cipher as you mentioned. The Priest of Eothas is the other one I'm considering just for story reasons. For the Scientist, you make a good point. Maybe M14, C10, D17, P17, I17, R3
Yeah, based on my first game I wanted to go melee heavy this time. The Clergy is intended to be the tank / support and will focus on healing and buffs. Even with engagement I find that many fights are chaotic and you can't expect the "tank" to hold all the aggro. Everyone needs to be able to somewhat defend themselves. The druid/wizard can also be a back up healer as needed.
I’m putting together a custom crew for my next game and would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions! Planning to give PotD a shot with level scaling. I'm also undecided on which one would be best as the main character. Thanks! The Hunter – M14, C10, D16, P18, I10, R10 Mindstalker (Soulblade / Rogue) Male - Death Godlike - The Living Lands - Hunter (Survival, Mechanics, Alchemy) Proficiencies: Dagger, Mace, Spear, Sabre, Stilettos, Pistols Style: Two Weapons Starting Active Skills: Mechanics (3), Stealth (1), Alchemy (1), Slight (2) Starting Passive Skills: Survival (1), Bluff (2), Insight (1), Metaphysics (1), Streetwise (1) Suggested gear: Stalker’s Patience, Pukestabber, Drunkard’s Regret, Magistrate’s Cudgel, Azure Blade The Dissident – M15, C11, D16, P16, I10, R10 Brute (Devoted / Barbarian) Male - Savanna Folk – Rauatai – Dissident (History, Intimidate, Stealth) Proficiencies: Great Sword Style: Two Handed Starting Active Skills: Athletics (2), Stealth (2), Explosives (1) Starting Passive Skills: Intimidate (3), History (2), Survival (2), Streetwise (1) Suggested Gear: Whispers of the Endless Path, Giftbearer Cloth, Casita Samelia’s Legacy, Helm of the Falcon The Philosopher – M14, C10, D17, P17, I10, R10 Brawler (Shattered Pillar / Devoted) Male – Savannah Folk – Ixamtali Plains – Philosopher (Insight) Proficiencies: Unarmed, Swords Style: Two Weapons Starting Active Skills: Athletics (2), Alchemy (1), Explosives (1) Starting Passive Skills: Insight (3), Streetwise (1), Metaphysics (1), Religion (1), Intimidate (1), Survival (1) Suggested Gear: The Scientist – M17, C10, D17, P14, I17, R3 Sorcerer (Animist / Wizard) Female – Pale Elf – Living Lands – Scientist (Explosives, Arcana, Metaphysics) Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, Rod, Arquebus Style: Two Handed Starting Active Skills: Arcana (3), Explosives (2), Alchemy (1) Starting Passive Skills: Metaphysics (2), History (2), Diplomacy (1), Insight (1), Religion (1) Suggested Gear: Chromoprismic Staff, Brightheart The Clergy – M18, C10, D14, P14, I19, R3 Templar (Kind Wayfarer – Benevolent & Passionate / Priest of Eothas – Benevolent & Honest) Male – Mountain Dwarf – Deadfire Archipelago - Clergy (Religion) Proficiencies: Swords, War Bow, Flail, Morning Star Style: Two Weapons Starting Active Skills: Athletics Starting Passive Skills: Religion, Diplomacy, Metaphysics Suggested Gear: Modwyr, Duskfall, Saint Omaku’s Mercy
My take is that each faction knows they can't accomplish their goals and get to Ukaizo without the Watcher's help so right up until you make your final choice they are each trying to stay on your good side and still hope you will choose them. Once you make your choice the other factions do become hostile and actively try to stop you. Also, I don't think any of the factions expect you to be 100% loyal as you are an outsider and not an actual member of any of these organizations. As long as you are doing more good than harm for their faction overall they will still see you as useful and have an overall positive reputation. As for companions, Xoti and Pallegina got into a huge fight in my game over religious views and it was looking like one of them was going to leave but I was able to calm Xoti down, maybe because we had developed a relationship. Also Tekkeu left my party because of choices I made and he sent me an angry letter about it!
- 14 replies
At one point the gods mention that by the time they had even a hint of what Eothas was up to, it was already too late to stop him. The only hope they have is that the Watcher is the only person who Eothas might listen to so no matter how much you disobey or disrespect them they don't want to punish or stop the watcher as they need you to reach Eothas and hopefully change his mind. Even if you flat out say that you support Eothas in breaking the wheel, all they can do is try to persuade you to change your mind or at least convince you that when the wheel is rebuilt they should be allowed to continue to siphon essence. Attacking or punishing you would probably make you more likely to go against their wishes or convince you that the world is better off without them. They need you more than you need them.
Dragon bosses in PoE 2?
GamerSerg replied to mjo2138's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Anyone know how much metaphysics is necessary to siphon the dragon in watershaper guild and is it watcher only check? I have a companion with very high skill but couldn’t pass the check.