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Everything posted by Tale

  1. They generally only do it when you're doing door breaches of some kind.
  2. I like the way you think. Palpatine's failure was that he wasn't subtle enough. Tyrannus and Maul went around flaunting that they were Sith. What would Windu have done if it hadn't been so publicized that Sith were involved in the war? I don't think Palpatine's status as an old man of differing philosophy is going to hold up in court as a crime. After that, just oust the Jedi as obvious racists (against the ever so kind Sith), and just off them quietly with little fanfare.
  3. Zombie Jesus, YES! I love that game. It needs a sequal (with co-op support). Just imagine it now; Imperial Commando and you get to purge Jedi.
  4. Looked at the No More Mutants interview. Promising! He's motivated by a story, not simply by systems, though he seems to have a focus on systems. I also looked at the screenshots and I have to say I'm far more optimistic than I was earlier. The guy definitely has a sense of humor and supposedly has a story he wants to tell. So, I'll try to remember to keep up to date on this.
  5. *gets out a waterhose* I always come prepared... to ruin someone's fun.
  6. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch! *casts Nahal's Reckless Dweomer attempting Chromatic Orb on thepixiesrock* WILD SURGE thepixiesrock's gender has changed.
  7. I find it awkward that anyone from a country who has been attacked by Jihadis more recently than the US can try and find a position to claim that the US is being attacked for a reason. It just seems kind of a weird to sympathize with people who are attacking you by villifying their other victims. Unless of course, you also villify your own country. Edit: On the topic of the article, how old is that woman? I kept getting the impression that she was a child. The constant references to getting parents to take others away. Or is that typical for women in that culture or particular sub-culture?
  8. *Tale casts Magic Missle* WILD SURGE It begins to rain cows.
  9. This is awsome! Are we gonna fly through space, fighting monsters, and teaching alien women to love? - Fry
  10. Hippies are no good.

  11. Here kitty kitty.

  12. I may disagree with your position on air vents, but I still like your ava.

  13. Obviously she means that in a good way.

  14. Cry more, Architect.

  15. I now have two more questions. Will Mask of the Betrayer have better 16:10 support? Standard NWN2 only has 1440x900 as a 16:10 rez. 1280
  16. Sven Co-Op
  17. I have a new widescreen monitor. I'm finding 61:10 support lacking in a lot of games. I'm hoping they have plenty of resolutions available.
  18. Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword There's so many fracking options in this game I don't know what to do. The mods and scenarios are aplenty and like the main game can take forever.
  19. Baldur's Gate I & II Halo 1 & 2 (XBox version only) Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

  21. Architect, want to know what helps?

  22. I would e-hump you senseless.
  23. Oh, of course. It's all his fault. Gotcha. He started it.
  24. That's it children. You're both going to your rooms without any dinner. I mean it, no cheez-its for either of you!
  25. Me 2. Bleeding misquotes. I was wondering why in the world I would have mentioned my Persona 3 pre-order in this thread.
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