What I dislike about the KOTORs (I like them, this is just a facet I dislike) is that they do a very poor job of being SW. The Star Wars elements come in two flavors in KOTOR: 1) Completely unrecognizeable and unlike the movies. (everyone running around with swords, Mandalorians that look like Gorillas wearing giant condoms) 2) Recognizeably Star Wars, but they beat you over the head with it to try to give the game Star Wars flavor (1/4 of the game's population are either Jedi or Dark Jedi, everyone who is a bad guy is a Sith and will be called a Sith everytime they, Sith, remotely reference that character, Sith, or who he works for, Sith, Sith Sith).
Also, some utterly redonkulous dialogue.
There is actually some good Star Wars elements, though. The ship designs were beautiful and seemed like they could have existed somewhere along the universe's timeline. The SITH troopers had a good design. The Jedi robes were a reasonable adaptation, though they could have just gone with the standard movie designs.