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Everything posted by Tale

  1. She didn't ride her bike through there. She took a guided tour just like everyone else does, wore a biker jacket, brought a helmet, and posed for pictures. Aspects of it are true, she did visit and some of what she is describing is likely true, but the narrative part of her riding a bike through alone is not.
  2. Tale

    Hey everybody, it's empty in taks's comments, pile on in! Bring the booze!

  3. Next thing you know they'll be putting guns in military games. How would that be for irony?
  4. I did that in Oblivion, but I didn't really feel compelled to in DMoMM. I thought it was poor in Oblivion. In DMoMM, I fell in love playing that way. If you ever feel interested to try again, try it and let me know if it made the game more interesting for you.
  5. Never played it, but have the machinima. He's an awesome concept.
  6. Specialize in stealth.
  7. I agree with Darth Mortis. I'm not sure they're going to fight the True Sith, either. But to give a little background Mortis doesn't touch on: Jedi practicing the dark side of the force were long ago banished from the Jedi order. Eventually they settled upon Korriban (correct me if I'm wrong), which was the home of the true Sith, a seperate species. The Dark Jedi and the native Sith interbred over time and the descendents, humanoid dark side practicioners, became known as Sith.
  8. That narrative was more interesting before I found out it was a lie.
  9. I would have liked it if they had at least been reasonable with their designs. Bioware's Mandalorian designs were ridiculous. Obsidian's Mandalore design was perfect.
  10. What I dislike about the KOTORs (I like them, this is just a facet I dislike) is that they do a very poor job of being SW. The Star Wars elements come in two flavors in KOTOR: 1) Completely unrecognizeable and unlike the movies. (everyone running around with swords, Mandalorians that look like Gorillas wearing giant condoms) 2) Recognizeably Star Wars, but they beat you over the head with it to try to give the game Star Wars flavor (1/4 of the game's population are either Jedi or Dark Jedi, everyone who is a bad guy is a Sith and will be called a Sith everytime they, Sith, remotely reference that character, Sith, or who he works for, Sith, Sith Sith). Also, some utterly redonkulous dialogue. There is actually some good Star Wars elements, though. The ship designs were beautiful and seemed like they could have existed somewhere along the universe's timeline. The SITH troopers had a good design. The Jedi robes were a reasonable adaptation, though they could have just gone with the standard movie designs.
  11. Konami has only said that it might have to take steps. People like to misinterpret this as a statement that they're considering going multiplatform. It's a possibility they may be considering, but not what they're saying as it could be among several. It'll be very awkward if Konami decides to do 360 as Kojima has been pretty adamant in his stance. It might go to Xbox eventually, but it'll almost assuredly have some exclusivity on PS3, even if it is time limited. The game would require serious reworking for the 360, at least, and I don't see them holding back the PS3 version if they were going to work on a 360 version.
  12. For me: ME might be better than KOTOR because it's not an awkward bastardization of a beloved franchise, now only with everyone and their mother packing steel. KOTOR rubs me the wrong way a little because it behaves like those ripoff toys at the supermarket that call themselves STAR BATTLES to get around licensing, but they actually have the danged license so they don't need to play with that nonsense. Also, the female companion sounds like Dizzy Flores from the Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles animated series. KOTOR might be better than ME because KOTOR doesn't feature JACK BAUER IN SPACE! OMG, this guy is so XTREEEEEEME!
  13. I agree. I'm hoping Sony pulls out a bunch of surprises today or they're going to continue to have a hard time in the US. I want some bloody competition, dag nabbit. At least a reason to ponder getting the PS3 beyond MGS4 (which I'll get if I have to buy a PS3 at the time of MGS4's release, but I want to have something before then).
  14. Tale

    What came first?

    I was a vegetarian for a while. Then I realized I don't actually care about the animals and went back to eating my shrimp ramen with glee.
  15. Tale


    Is there another?
  16. hehe I've gone through 3 graphics cards in the past 3 years. Luckily all of them under sufficient warranty. I grasp the point.
  17. I hear that there's a very explicit sex scene involving Harry and Hermione in this one c/d?

  18. Tale


    No, but Goku does save her from Hitler. And they fall in love. It's so very sweet.
  19. Tale


    I have a recording on my home computer of a Goku - Anne Frank fanfic being read over Teamspeak.
  20. That doesn't mean "no worries." A dead console is still a waste of time sending it in and waiting to get it back. And a dead console 3 years from now is still a bad thing for those of us who like our consoles lasting longer than that. Eventually they'll get it fixed, but I won't be buying before I'm certain it'll last. Or they have a game I'm willing to risk it for.
  21. Tale


    Harry Potter books got me back into reading in '06 after Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis got me out of it in '99. Since then I've been back, baby! Amazon.com has pre-orders for the book at 17.00 with guaranteed (or it's FREE) release day delivery on standard shipping. Edit: Misplaced apostraphe.
  22. If Airborne was a sci-fi shooter, I'd be remotely interested. If CoD4 was both sci-fi and not titled CoD, I'd be remotely interested.
  23. I'm sure the next DOA Beach Volleyball will be on 360 for you guys.
  24. What's so exciting about Heavenly Sword, anyway?
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