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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I've played through maybe 4 times. I like to find new ways to slaughter whole groups of clone soldiers before they even notice I'm there. Horror games are difficult for me to play. FEAR is quite easy. In a horror game, I get very stressed out and the game does nothing to relieve that stress. I know I'm scared when I'm quicksaving everytime I cross a room. Condemned has me doing that occasionally.
  2. I've played FEAR. Monolith is either my second favorite game developer after Valve or my first favorite tied with Valve. I loved FEAR as an action game. It was not scary until the final part of the game. For that game Monolith made a point, and they say so on the developer commentary with the collector's edition, to let you know about enemies ahead of time so that you can choose how you want to approach an encounter. That and the slo-mo (even if surprised you can turn on slo-mo to get the edge back) eliminated any element of scary in the game. So, I find it ironic the game is titled FEAR. As an example of all of this, prior to the very end of the game, the scariest enemy in the game were the invisible guys. However, you could hear their cloaking clearly, they'd break glass to get to you, and if you turned on slo-mo they were very easy to see. I usually ended up just meleeing them with my gun.
  3. It's pretty scary. There's some freaky moments in the game, and it's the fear factor is upped by the fact that you are usually having to use melee weapons over guns. I can't quantify the fear for you other than to say that it scares me a bit. Note that I'm a pansy in scary games.
  4. I find your new sig to be incredibly disturbing.

  5. Playing a lot more Condemned. As I get used to it, I'm getting braver. Thankfully Monolith doesn't go overboard with horror. 9/10 the enemies will come from in front of you. If they don't, it's because they flanked around. The other time, you have a chance of hearing them. What this means is that if I stick to the outside of the room and maintain view of the center->forward, I can see most enemies that might approach. And I have to watch the occasional pillar for a guy hiding behind that.
  6. I'm pretty sure in this case it's a backronym. They wanted to call it SWORD, so they came up with the words for each letter. I, for one, plan on purchasing 50 of these for my robot army. They will be remote controlled by my penguin lieutenants.
  7. I think equating the dorsal fins flopping over to losing the will to live is quite a leap. I'd sooner think it's a physical effect of a small tank compared to a big ocean over psychological affect. Like a water pressure type thing? Possibly. I also read a theory about them constantly swimming in circles having a potential effect. Loss of the will to live would be more visible in other ways, loss of apetite, decreased activity, unresponsiveness to commands (which could also be a possible result of the previous two).
  8. I think equating the dorsal fins flopping over to losing the will to live is quite a leap. I'd sooner think it's a physical effect of a small tank compared to a big ocean over psychological affect.
  9. I'm pretty sure Shamu was here in Texas. Been to both a few times, I much prefer Six Flags. The rides, the arcades. I beat Killer Instinct 2 so many times at Six Flags. All of them with the Werewolf guy on just one credit. They are all called Shamu. Sea World for me! It's just a two hour drive form me. Wow, you're right. They're all called Shamu, but the only one to have the name Shamu was the first one in San Diego. These are the San Antonio ones: Taku, Kyuquot, Keet, Unna, Tuar, and Halyn. I don't know which was there when I went. Edit: And holy crap, Orcas (Killer Whales) are actually classified as Dolphins! Thinking about it, I shouldn't be that surprised.
  10. Performance in regards to rendering as measured in frames or as measured by percieved graphical appearance? Because with that whole plastic people look, I'd say that save for shadows it seemed a bit behind. I like Source because when there's another character in the game I don't automatically feel like I'm interacting with a plastic doll. Or are you speaking in terms of some sort of efficiency?
  11. You be friend?

  12. Tale

    Gorth may be older than me, but I bet I have more grey hair.

    He's also pretty neat from what I've seen.

  13. I'm pretty sure Shamu was here in Texas. Been to both a few times, I much prefer Six Flags. The rides, the arcades. I beat Killer Instinct 2 so many times at Six Flags. All of them with the Werewolf guy on just one credit.
  14. Budget DX9 card for failure.
  15. I think he looks like a bleedin' hippy.

  16. My personal photo is actually of me. Just for the record.

  17. They've already made statements to the effect that they'd like to go back and revisit it, but this is no sure statement that they will. They can't make a statement that they will until they've started and gotten significantly into it that they feel confident with what is being created. You won't be able to end any speculation on who's going to make it until a contract is signed for someone to make it, anyway. Ultimately, a definitive statement requires them to be definitive about whether they're going to make it or not. Game companies don't plan on definitively making a game before they even have the manpower to work out the concepts. The most they can do is say they'd like to, which they have.
  18. Tale

    Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was on the Obsidion Entertainment website. I must have made a wrong turn and ended up at 4chan.

  19. I know plenty of things I really really shouldn't. I went to college. Crazy stuff happens there.

  20. I really enjoyed the first series. The second raid is a full sequel. The "semi sequel" would more likely be Fumoffu. However, I've never watched either, only the original. Which one has the lesbians in it so I know which one to try first?
  21. Palpatine's failure was that he wasn't subtle enough. I have to disagree. I believe Palpatine's arrogance, ignorance and overconfidence was more his downfall than him not being subtle enough. Look no farther than ROTJ, he was so confident that he knew the future and that he would bend Luke to his will and that he couldn't be denied nor defeated, that he didn't see that he couldve been wrong and that the revelation that Luke was Vader's son aswell as Luke's pleas, could sway him away from Palpatine's influence long enough to destroy Palpatine. Why? Like I stated above. If he'd been subtle, Luke would never have been against him in the first place. A Rebellion would never have formed and he never would have been seen as a bad guy. Heck, the twins might not have had to be hidden from Anakin, and would have grown up under the direct influence of their father. But no, he had to go cackling and wearing a black robe.
  22. I don't even know what to play anymore since I bought that id pack. It's just too many games. Today I've tried out Commander Keen, Spear of Destiny, Quake, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I still haven't touched Heretic or the Hexens and am planning on now trying Quake II. I need to organize my play. All the while still needing to finish Hitman 2, No One Lives Forever 2, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Final Fantasy 4 Advance, Shadow Hearts, and that one game of Civ 4: Beyond the Sword. I think I realize why I like episodes.
  23. Sometimes I wish I had that game. I really enjoy the machinima.
  24. Just because they won the fight in Sweden doesn't mean that the largest gay pride event in Northern Europe is exclusively for Sweden. Are gay people supposed to all just move to Sweden for equal rights? Or are the gay people in Sweden supposed to not care about people outside of Sweden?
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