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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I don't even need to put in the disc for most of my games on my PC. And I've got tons better games than Crapdown.
  2. Game Boy Advance. Alternatively, Nintendo Dual Screen.
  3. So does the fix work for your then? Nope.
  4. From the Steam Community beta changelog! Friday, August 10th The Steam Community Update Notes: - Fixed an overlay crash when certain games would exit
  5. Deraldin is A-okay in my book. And considering that I *hate* everybody, that means something.

  6. All of the above.
  7. A knife can cut clean. A dull spoon can't cut all all, you'll at most build up some friction, give an "indian burn."
  8. Okay, I think I know the issue with Deus Ex: IW. Browsing Steam forums, it seems that people playing UT2004, Red Orchestra, and me with Deus Ex: IW, all BSOD on exiting the game while being part of the Steam Community beta. So, the Unreal engine and the Steam Community Beta don't seem to be too friendly. I'll just opt out of the beta while I play!
  9. What lame schtick? The gag where he posts like a caveman with dissociative identity disorder?

  10. There's a setting that makes it so you have to authorize comments before they can be viewed. Use that for a while. Or, as an alternative, find out where they live and break their kneecaps.

  11. Give me the +30 or I'll saw off your leg with a rusty jagged edged spoon.
  12. Stop on in, have a drink, it's on Walsh.

  13. Tale

    My name's not Chris. :shifty:

  14. Tale

    I actually like the Harry Potter books. The movies are getting better, too. However, teen idols are tons of fun to destroy!

  15. Ahh, I remember high school summer marching band practice. God, I hated that. I hated it to death. So I stopped going! I stopped going to performances, I stopped actually playing my saxaphone in class. And they kept giving me A s.

    I have no idea how that happened.

    PS: If it's annoying you, delete their comments. Don't let them clutter up your profile page.

  16. I like you, you're silly.

  17. I've considered it a few times. But, the word Action RPG keeps getting thrown around, so I fear it will lack depth of storyline and play out more like an arcade sidescroller.
  18. Playing driver juggle again. When playing Deus Ex: Invisible War I get Stop Errors (BSOD/Restart) whenever exiting the game or loading a level beyond the first one. So, I'm going to try using the new nVidia driver's I previously rejected with a fix for the widescreen scrolling issue (supposedly can make a custom res and fix it). But, not tonight. I'm too agitated. More internet TV!
  19. Ravenholm was scarier than anything FEAR brought to the table. Until the non-canon Timegate expansion. That was pretty scary.
  20. Man, I need to replay Fusion. But, I've got 5 RPGs (four of them Final Fantasy), and a Castlevania to play through on the GBA first.
  21. I'm undecided. I thought FEAR had better action, but HL2 was more diverse and interesting. But FEAR really had better action. Maybe if they'd thrown in an interesting boss fight somewhere in FEAR I could give it top accolades easier.
  22. I not only purchased the $20 Deus Ex bundle, but the $10 Painkiller bundle. I'm not even a fan of mindless shooters!
  23. *puff* Indeed. *puff* *puff*
  24. How much would that cost to install and maintain, though? I imagine it would be quite a pretty penny.
  25. I like it. How many European countries have CCTV? I'd be surprised if there was even a single US city that had anything like it. Most we have are security cameras belonging privately to the store they're located at and the odd traffic camera.
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