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About dodger

  • Rank
    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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  • Location
    California, USA
  1. Good luck with your new job, we're going to miss you

  2. Good luck with your new job. If you ever come back to read your comments!

  3. Yeah, I'm trying to post more regularly. I haven't gotten my reminders set up in enough threads like I did back on the IG forums.
  4. I do have a penchant for alliteration, though sometimes I squash it in favor of other rhythmic conceits. Basically if my sentences don't scan I consider myself a failure. Alas, they don't scan most of the time.
  5. Two does not a plethora make, but it's a start.
  6. I think that's part of what makes it a fun job. 'Course, I don't know that I'd necessarily trust people like me or my co-workers to do dental surgery... or handle my money.
  7. Good comedy, painful bumps.
  8. Hmm, I should bring in my Razor Scooter. That was my favorite thing about Insom... buzzing around the hallways on my scooter. 'Course, some of the hallways are pretty small, could make for collisions.
  9. I'm doing another play-by-blog on my website, if anyone's interested in playing. (dodger.uselessopinions.com). I had a few people from the OE community come by last time, which was pretty neat. This one's gonna be called "Dames, Dollars, and Derringers" -- a noir-type story. Voting today is for the viewpoint character, first episode goes up on thursday. So if you want, come on over, register, and play the game.
  10. I like you, you're silly.

  11. That's awesome. I'll have to try some of those. I have to admit, though, the thing I like most about the ICB is that all you end up tasting is the Bailey's.
  12. It's kind of like shotgunning a can, except you use a bendy straw to get the air into the bottle instead of poking a hole in the side. Basically, it makes it come out really fast and then you drink it all quickly. Glass of Guinness + (1/2 shot whiskey + 1/2 shot Bailey's) Drop the shot glass into the glass of Guinness and drink it all within 5 or so seconds. It's pretty good -- all you really end up tasting is the Bailey's.
  13. I'm always down with the drinking. I just learned how to torpedo a bottle of beer a few weeks back -- that's some fun times, right there. My favorite drink is the "irish car bomb" which I highly recommend, if you're good at drinking quickly. [disclaimer]And, of course, if anyone reading this is not over 21 (or whatever the legal age is in your area) I would recommend not drinking at all[/disclaimer]
  14. At the moment, my group is playing a lot of Dogs in the Vineyard. It's an amazing system for anyone who likes the narrativist style of play. Recently, we've been playing a lot of those and most of our group really likes them. We've also played Primetime Adventures and My Life With Master, which are in a similar vein, but much more focused. I highly recommend both.
  15. I invented a drink I call "A Ton of Bricks." The latest version of it has three shots of raspberry vodka, two shots of triple-sec, and two shots of sour mix. You pour that into one of your big red plastic party cups and then fill the rest with Red Gatorade. The thing tastes like candy and hits.... like a ton of bricks. Anyway, that was the last drink I had.
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