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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale

    Or is that Pixie?

  2. Tale

    It's a well known fact that Krookie lies about his age. He's actually 40.

  3. Ice Station Santa! The good: - Flint Paper is back! The bad: - Sybil's still going out with that stupid head! We were going to be married. She'd be dressed up in rope, mumbling through her gag for help. Everyone would be there, including Sam & Max, who'd tell me "You'll never get away with it!" A man can dream...
  4. Err, I think I'm off-topic. So, how about that PC v. Console fight? Consoles be getting thrashed up in hya!
  5. No.
  6. Holy ****, are you serious? Fascinating bit of information: More people own Nintendogs for the Nintendo DS than own an Xbox 360. (more copies sold, maybe significant numbers of people bought multiple copies?) Though the numbers I have for that may be old. Perhaps it has changed.
  7. UMDs are actually cheaper to produce than the DS equivalent cards, massively cheaper. The screen is significantly larger than a DS. And if you think some design philosophy of Sony towards making it a console keeps developers from developing for it like it's a handheld, I can't imagine you've played many games on it or the DS. PSP titles like Portable Ops actually only require brief playtimes, while other DS games like the first party Phantom Hourglass require commitments. Examples can be found both ways, so that claim is just invalid. Though, with Nintendogs being the highest selling DS titles (and not to be scoffed at, I know people who love it), perhaps I should give that claim more merit. As for UMDs being a "dead media," I can't argue with that, but fail to see how it has any bearing on it. It's not a dead media for the uses that apply to the PSP. It's only real failing is that it's simply not as succseful as the Nintendo DS. Which isn't an actual failing. Success the DS is assured because Pokemon and backwards Advance compatability.
  8. Yeah, maybe they won't cease funding developers.
  9. Tale

    The kid in the picture has to be like 12.

  10. Reading a book instead of playing a game?! NERD!
  11. Intellectual property rights don't make a company. Properties will often be safe because when a company goes bankrupt they can just sell them off to whoever, though that's not always the case. Atari, Inc. (the company going down) was responsible for actually publishing games, which means, in some cases, funding the development process and support. Infogrames might not want to take that up with the same developers (such as Obsidian). And I doubt they really have the obligation to. This could mean a few things. What seems most apparent is that it may mean that support for Neverwinter Nights 2 ends up the responsibility of Infogrames as they have the rights to develop Hasbro (consequently Wizards of the Coast and D&D) properties up until 2015. If such a case, they may do things differently than Atari. As fans of Neverwinter Nights 2, this may or may not have noticeable effects on us. It may also result in any project Obsidian has currently with Atari, Inc. to be shut down. This probably wouldn't be immediately noticeable to us, but may be bad for Obsidian as it means one source of future revenue is gone. Again, this is only a possibility. Not "pointless," and as a layman I can only speculate as to the ultimate consequences of it with little accuracy, but there seem to be possibilities both bad and neutral.
  12. Good luck with your new job. If you ever come back to read your comments!

  13. PSPs are great! Aside from the homebrew potential, which can and has been harnessed for SNES games, it has an actually very decent library with quality games from Katamari to Metal Gear Solid to Silent Hill and ports of the immensely popular Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea with new content as well as original titles like Jeanne D'Arc.
  14. Tale

    That's just swell. I'm surrounded by teenagers.

  15. Any "gamer" who does not own at least a Gameboy Advance or Nintendo DS isn't a real gamer. They're just a nerd. -.- PSP ownership can be substituted on a case by case situation depending on age, use, and game library.
  16. http://www.frostportal.com/IESE.html I don't know if this is the one I used or not. If I were home, I could just look in my downloaded applications directory.
  17. Hey Tale, I've finally got my second card. It's the one with the waitress chick, Venna or something. Anyway, is it supposed to be Hot Coffee after the , and then revert to Ice Tea on subsequent viewings, or is it supposed to stay Hot Coffee? I must say, she has a glorious pair of...aprons, used exclusively for tidying up of course. It should stay. Are you the one using a mod? If you only see it the first time, it's because you only have the uncensored .bik files, responsible for the reveal.
  18. Yes, they exist. Save file editors, I believe, are what I used.
  19. According to wikipedia.org, the relationship is odd. And by "odd" I mean, "what the hell? this doesn't make sense!" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari Atari Interactive is a wholly owned subsidiary of Infogrames. Atari, inc. has licensed the brand name and assets of Atari Interactive. Atari, inc. (a public company) is a 51% owned subsidiary of Infogrames. According to wikipedia.org, Atari, inc. was the company involved in publishing, production, and distribution. Infogrames is a holding company.
  20. http://kotaku.com/gaming/atari/atari-ceo-q...tion-322376.php Atari's CEO quits, the company is ceasing production (but not publishing), and has sold Test Drive back to Infogrames for $5 million. I didn't think Infogrames actually did anything other than own majority stock in Atari. Where'd they get $5 million? This means that mostly their internal game development is gone. Beyond that I won't speculate.
  21. He lives in Australia. He's not Australian.
  22. Tale

    UFO story

    I know someone who seriously believes the purpose of the pyramids is to resonate the Earth to a specific frequency.
  23. BioWare's power is so great that they made Austin part of Canada. Never liked that city anyway. -.-
  24. Except Austin is in Texas.
  25. To speak of only situations where criminal intent is absent is to artificially limit the scope. To represent the population, it would need to include situations where someone wasn't intending to commit a crime and situations where crimes where intended but not carried out. Because you are a single person. Your liklihood of playing tennis is binary. You either play it (1) or you don't (0). There's no likliehoods involved because it's either 100% or 0%. If we get a 100 people like you who don't like to play tennis, give them a tennis racket, and if some of those people turn around play tennis with it, and if the number of people is significant, we can abstract that to the population to say "people, who don't like tennis, if they have access to a tennis racket, are more likely to turn around and play tennis." But, you're again going back to talking about intent (if I don't like tennis). How much of gun crime is domestic? How much of it is relatively spontaneous? Your notion of intent flies straight out the window in crimes of passion. These typically fall back to the weapon most available to them, the hands. But, if those aren't available (the victim is fleeing), the available weapon capable of the crime would be? But, all in all, you can't just seperate it saying intent or interest is a catch all discriminator.
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