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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale


    It could be moving? Like a boat? How many of the oceanic 6 do we know now? 5? Kate, Jack, Hurly, blank and blank? Kate, Jack, Hurly, and Sayid. What about ? Only people who were on the plane count towards the Oceanic 6.
  2. It's okay, I'll eat enough for both of us. Especially since some of it literally has my name on it!
  3. you mean, a continuation of the storyline of NWN2 and MOTB? I don't believe he said that.
  4. Tale


    It could be moving? Like a boat? How many of the oceanic 6 do we know now? 5? Kate, Jack, Hurly, blank and blank? Kate, Jack, Hurly, and Sayid.
  5. Region coding is not mandatory. The majority of releases don't even bother using it. Of course they will. There are two questions though. How much will Sony charge for the usage and will Microsoft/Nintendo want to pay it? The same licensing/royalty fees that everyone else has to use. People need to stop talking like Sony is the owner of Blu-Ray. They're not. The Blu-Ray Disc Association is and it consists of more companies than just Sony. As for Nintendo, Nintendo is specifically using optical discs that get them out of paying fees to the DVD forum. Chances are that Nintendo will never use anything that's not proprietary. HAHA, no it won't. Movies aren't like music. The key reasons it's taken over for music is their small size, portability for MP3 players, and the ability to buy single tracks. None of which carries over to movies. Something that is immensely large files (assuming good quality) that take forever to download unless you're willing to sacrifice quality. And then there's the sense of ownership which people get from discs, which music only got around by transferring it to the MP3 players. With most online download systems only bothering to use rental schemes, the sense of ownership is completely absent. Until someone starts selling online enabled movie download boxes (with a catchy name and massive hard drives) AND the ISPs overhaul the internet's capacity to be able to handle it, it'll never take off except for a few.
  6. Watching Persona: Trinity Soul. It's a sequel to the Persona 3 game, but the connections are limited. It has a lot of the music from the game, Apathy syndrome, the long nosed guy, and the titular personas, but none of the characters, no dark hour, no evokers (which probably wouldn't fly for broadcast, anyway), and characters fight exclusively with their Personas. It's very giant roboty and I'm enjoying it at 3 episodes in.
  7. Because we all know the quality of a game is entirely dependent upon the franchise. Not the developers. That's not what I meant... okay maybe a little. The point is, Sonic games have been spiraling downwards for a long time now, and they haven't been getting any better. I don't see the point of trying to "revive" it when every other developper has failed. Because "every other developer" has been the same developer. When things are failing because of the same developer, try a different developer.
  8. I hear it's going to have co-op.
  9. If they're so BADASS why are they dead?
  10. Sand doesn't understand encryption.
  11. Too bad that game will never come to the US. Edit: I feel like I'm in giant robot withdrawal right now. I can't think of anything to watch that I haven't.
  12. Because we all know the quality of a game is entirely dependent upon the franchise. Not the developers.
  13. Seriously doubt it. It would be like, THE first handheld game ported to a PC ever. Phoenix Wright had a Windows port.
  14. A) They're encouraging the production of this porn. Which encourages the exploitation of the children to produce the porn B) It's a gross violation of the child's privacy. There's nothing (legally) wrong with fake images of child pornography. Drawings (assuming no model), models that are legal but don't look the part, etc. It's not about the deviance, it's about the photograph. It's about the making of that photograph. It's about the distribution of that photograph.
  15. I see... I guess I presumed that it was Canada because I heard they had stricter laws regarding digital pornography. I don't know about Canada, but in the US under 18 is strictly verboten.
  16. I fail to see the link between psychic abilities and violent behavior.
  17. Canada? US searches laptops at the border.
  18. Ours is constantly updated, too! And by "updated," I mean "flogged."
  19. I need to rent this new season. When do the DVDs come out? I've missed it all so far.
  20. Thought I might be able to finish Snake Eater last night before I went to bed. But the end sections of the game are longer than I remember. Here's basically how it goes. Sneaking mission Boss fight On-rails section against soldiers On-rails section against soldiers on bikes On-rails section against a boss Another boss fight, but not on-rails. On-rails section against soldiers on bikes again Escort mission I saved and went to bed at the escort mission. I'm kind of hoping that MGS4 doesn't do this. I typically prefer that once I get to the home stretch, I can go all the way in that sitting. Having to turn off a system because the end battles take 2 hours is kind of disruptive to the excitement. But I think I'm almost done! Only one more boss battle. I swear, this game has a lot of boss (or boss-like) battles. There's 11 off the top of my head. Considering it's an under 10 hour game, that's quite a few. But many of them have very unique gameplay.
  22. It's the thought that counts.
  23. Why, during my last week at college, there was a sharpened pencil massacre. The guy got into a crowded room of 100 and killed 30 people!
  24. This looks like a rip-off of National Treasure.
  25. *one of the minority of people who thinks OpFor was nothing impressive*
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