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Everything posted by Tale

  1. How's Lost Odyssey?
  2. Gizka is cool guy.
  3. Texas
  4. I only lie when it's funny.

  5. I feel obligated to buy a 360 soon. But what game should I get when I do?
  6. Sounds like you know more about Austin than I. I think I've only ever been there once, back when I was but a wee one.

  7. I can neither confirm nor deny. Not that I'm not allowed to say who, just that I choose not to.

  8. So, apparently the interview today went better than I thought. I got a call from the recruiter and was told that the company would like to make me an offer. I'm going in tomorrow for paperwork. I will be, in a short time, employed in the video game development industry. I like being vague. No, it's not with Obsidian.
  9. Tale


    The Watchmen graphic novel arrived this afternoon. I'll be reading it once I get home.
  10. Piffle. If mother nature wants to rumble with me, she best be prepared to lose!
  11. It works so good that the only input you need to make for most battles is to move closer to the enemy. The game plays itself.
  12. It's not, unless you're a convicted felon. And then it's not necessarilly illegal, but some states do carry penalties. I have a job interview tomorrow. It's temporary work, but I'm excited and nervous about it.
  13. It's only really him if they're all female and wear assless pants.
  14. You won't know until you try. Why can't you be a real e-girl?
  15. lol, likeable and enjoyable are not the same thing. Yeah, he wasn't near cute enough. They should have included Brad Pitt somewhere.
  16. Indeed. Devils got the shaft in that regard.
  17. zounds! D&D alignment was always illogical, but at least it was symmetrical. It is symmetrical. Lawful Good (Buzzkills) - Good (Hippies) - Evil (Goths) - Chaotic Evil (Bat**** Death Metal Rockers) Unaligned (everyone else)
  18. Tale


    Mitchell has been saying this stuff for decades. The guys a bit of a nut. He tried running paranormal experiments with his friends on earth while he was in space and claims to have been remotely healed of cancer.
  19. "I have never understood the appeal of dark and dreary story lines."

    That's it, I'm breaking up with you.

  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman_Live...an_vs._Superman
  21. Tale


    Hearts in Atlantis made me give up on Stephen King. That book bored me so terribly that I gave up a book every 2-3 day habit in favor of not reading in my leisure time again for several years.
  22. But then Graz'zt shows up. Seems like they combined Neutral Good and Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil, and got rid of the whole "balance" nonsense from neutrality. Then they took it a bit further and decided that none of this should have any mechanical relevance. Basically, it looks like they let the extremes keep their own special clubs, while everyone else just went good/evil/doesn'tcare.
  23. But I do. There's only one way to settle this. Knife fight.
  24. I haven't heard that it's been "removed." Just that it's not important anymore. Really, the only reason the Blood War even existed was because the designers were straining for a way to establish the Devils and Demons as seperate forces. But now they've better established that distinction. The Devils are angelic traitors trapped in their dominion. The Demons are corrupted primordials and elementals (who were already pretty bad to begin with). And the concession to just two non-material planes means their positions in the cosmos seem less arbitrary but opposed, instead of just being the "law aligned plane, lol" and "chaos aligned plane." Which both sit right next the good, evil, Jim, astral, shadow, earth, water, wind, fire, and heart (by your powers combined) planes. They'll surely go to war at some points or another. They just need to have a reason for it, now. Though I do kind of miss Tanar'ri and Baatezu.
  25. Tale


    The finale was awesome, but it still took too long to get there. Wolves of the Calla was the worst offender of the final three because it didn't do anything else other than the Calla, hahah. And the Reverend was a good character to have. Damn straight.
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