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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Yes, yes, it is. It's also free on the internet in a few places. Legally.
  2. So wait, Call of Duty Black Ops includes Zork? I might just have to buy my first Call of Honor game since the third one.
  3. Totally. I'm palping it right now.
  4. I'm both an Aliens fanboy and an Obsidian fanboy. Thanks for opening old wounds, you jerk.
  5. Dragon Age did.
  6. Cliff Briscoe shows up during the final battle controlling Dinky the Dinosaur. Apparently he is the true mastermind behind Caesar's Legion. I thought it was pretty stupid how we go through this wild west frontier/manifest destiny tale only to end up in a Godzilla knockoff. But what are you going to do?
  7. A little more than 100 employees, but they're usually split on a lot of projects at the same time. Really, I don't think there are complicated explanations, it's just that Obsidian is not good at scope managing. Bug fixing is the responsibility of the publisher. Of course, but Obsidian has a history of buggy games across many different publishers! And ironically, the only relatively bug-free game they managed to put out (Mask of the Betrayer) was with a publisher that came out with a mess like Neverwinter Nights 2! Seems clear to me where most of the fault lies. I like trivia. Mask of the Betrayer had a fun bug where if you didn't have Gann when talking to the witches or whatever the conversation would drop early and you'd get stuck. Thankfully I was able to drop the required Gann line in the toolset to workaround it. Fun. Most of the big Neverwinter Nights 2 bugs actually seemed like they were introduced by the early patch (the one that included natural spell). People who rushed through it in the first two days did fine. Slower players I spent a lot of time helping get workarounds. Not really disputing your claim. A buggy early patch is still buggy. And I only had the one gamestopper for Mask. But I like reminiscing. I actually miss doing that stuff.
  8. Is that really what you see when you look at this game? Shooting, survival, and XP? I should hope you're in the minority. Let me know when Stalker gets casinos, companions, and complex side quests.
  9. I ended up starting my third character. Was going to wait for the patch, but couldn't. Female with 4/6/4/7/7/6/6, Agile Frame, and Trigger Discipline. It's basically a challenge run. Only using clothes and disguises, hard mode, lower endurance, and weaker limbs from agile frame. The first few locations were mostly just me looting mines, setting up the field, then getting people's attention. She can't handle a straight on fight at all. And I only see that getting worse. Forces me to use every advantage, but she's also a speech character, so I expect to be able to talk around a bit of it.
  10. There are no Gauss Guns in the wild. Only available from the Brotherhood of Steel.
  11. "Human reaction" isn't going to be something it can do long term, unless they start replacing their entire cast every couple of episodes. Within two episodes they've almost retread every single common zombie movie trope except for a corrupt guy turning out to be behind it all. And also battle bus.
  12. Enclave, maybe? But he seems too young. And it might be redundant since there's two Enclave linked companions.
  13. So far there has only been 2 episode relationships are barely building amongst characters, third episode it's probably going to be the most emotionally charged. If you think fidelity drama is going to be this show's identity among zombie fiction, we can probably all delete our DVR programming right now. All I'm saying is the show, despite being good, is probably going to need a big hook to not start failing drastically when season two rolls around. Zombies are good and all, but I'm not entirely certain audiences will be interested in a long term one that doesn't go anywhere special (except family drama). I could be wrong, people love cheap drama.
  14. Really ?, I was underwhelmed when I finally got the gauss rifle. It had a nice animation, but it took way too long to reload, didn't zoom very far with the scope, and low damage compared to what you could get with guns and a number of damage amplifying perks like 'Cowboy' etc, and the thing used 20 MFCs per shot if I remember. Hard to find enough to keep going. All scopes seem to have the same zoom modifier. Cowboy doesn't benefit any sniper beyond the BB gun, apparently. It's the highest base damage non-unique gun in the game. Higher base damage than the Anti-Materiel by a good 10 points. Each shot only takes 5 MFC. A sneak attack from the Gauss is enough to take the head off your average deathclaw. You can make an argument that the sniper rifle beats it based on that reasoning, but the sniper rifle also beats the rifle the tier above it. The sniper rifle is the outlier. The Gauss beats the AMR for damage, and the Gauss has a unique variant as one of the two strongest DAM guns in the game. The other being the Wild Wasteland alternative to the Gauss.
  15. Lots of companies do sequels. Original IPs often only come out of studios that have significant enough name recognition or self funding. How many studios are stuck doing shooter sequels? Obsidian's lucky in that they seem to be able to do various sequels instead of being stuck to one franchise. Maybe that's due to them being relatively independent. Some publisher owned studios have been doing a sequels to a single franchise for longer than Obsidian has been around.
  16. Isn't there a WoD MMO in production? Yes. I thought there was also a single player game, but I can't find reference to it.
  17. If I don't feel like heading back, I'll often just start repairing loot with each other. Sometimes this actually provides a net value boost.
  18. You know what this calls for, right? Ouga chaka!
  19. I think Shimmering Isles shows that Bethesda learned a lot from Morrowind. They just didn't apply all of that to Oblivion.
  20. Energy Weapons are fine, especially once you get to the high end. Plasma Defender is incredible, Guass is highest DAM weapon in the game that's not a unique. With the unique guns that are higher also being energy weapons. Lasers just have trouble with armor. That's all. Plasma rifle isn't too thrilling, either, I'll admit. I found myself excelling with the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in spite of all that, for a while.
  21. I don't know how I'd feel about Obsidian doing another Fallout game. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing some other, perhaps original, works from them. Maybe they have the teams to do both, however. And Bethesda I'd prefer to see working on Elder Scrolls 5. In short, I'm not in a hurry to see Fallout 4 from anyone.
  22. Oh well, if it's a feeling. Can't argue with those.
  23. The market hasn't changed that much in three years. The STALKER games sold fine PC only, being released in '07, '08, and '10.
  24. I could never fathom carrying that much around. Crikey, how much weight do you have?
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