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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I just bought Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Persona 3 Portable with some christmas cash and gift cards. With God of War: Ghost of Sparta this brings up my Christmas gift games to 3, all of them PSP games remarkably. I wonder what I should play first.
  2. Tale


    One big thing I like about it is that there's only the one server. So, whenever you read about scams and wars, that's on the same server. It's like 'holy crap, I know those guys,' but all the time.
  3. Tale


    I liked EVE when I played it. I was a part of Goonfleet back when they still existed and were in SU. It was a good time, I liked the crowd. I hated the PvP. Late night or all nighters. Couldn't stand that part of it. And that's when I quit, when we started moving everything into a war against the Russians.
  4. Tale


    Release Date: Dec 27, 2010 Nope! I'm going to have to buy me a second copy now.
  5. Indeed. Independent Vegas can still be on good terms with the NCR. But you have to have good enough speech to get Oliver to step down. Hard to be on good terms when he's determined to kill you.
  6. Yeah, makes me sad. Stargate Universe was great. Yet they keep that Sanctuary and Warehouse 13 crap. Tried them both for a season and they were bad. But they're getting more wrestling! At least they still have Eureka. And are doing an American Being Human (don't know why, the british one is fine).
  7. I think people are really misled by Yes Man's "assertive" dialogue. He's just making it to he doesn't need to rely on the player for decisions anymore, freeing the player up to roam the wastes instead of managing Vegas. He was never manipulating anyone. Otherwise, he wouldn't have settled for the player's choices and been more like everyone else.
  8. So, apparently the problem was the headphones. They work fine on the Win 7 laptop, but various sounds are muted while others play fine on this one. An older pair of identical, but partially broken, headphones plays all sounds just fine. The reformat was basically for nothing. Though the compy did need it.
  9. Nothing now. While playing Back to the Future my sound effects and voice cut out. Music is fine, though. After every possible troubleshoot and google search I could imagine, I am left with no recourse. A total reinstall.
  10. Don't do anything drastic on our account!
  11. Tale


  12. Atari hasn't impressed me in a while. Last I heard they were very MMO focused. And checking their website shows casual games and MMOs mainly.
  13. Why didn't anyone tell me Amaretto was this delicious? I think I need to start having a drinking problem.
  14. Brand new releases almost never get sales. With the exception of how Best Buy marks down movies for the first couple of weeks.
  15. Legion would have stayed on. Total bro.
  16. Tale


    Now you're just doing it on purpose.
  17. Tale


    Also have played all of those. I don't think I ever finished the last one, though.
  18. I never really cared for the "the player is supposed to be an X, why can't they behave like an X." A lot of them are designed around a shooter core but then fumble the actual shooting. I don't really care if my character is a school teacher, if you toss me into an area with a gun versus an army, I better be able to fire the gun straight.
  19. Tale


    I already own Syberia. Hated it back when I played it when it was released. Broken Sword are good. I've finally played them all, in a weird order. 3, 4, 1, 2
  20. I probably wouldn't even like Deus Ex if it was released today with identical mechanics. Mainly the shooting. fffffffffffffffffffffffffff the low skill shooting.
  21. Tale


    I miss the adventure genre. Every now and then I browse Steam's selection. 3/4 of the games are action/adventure or RPGs. They list Just Cause 2! A few puzzlers. And the remainder I don't know if they're any good. Ooh, Sherlock Holmes Collection at 75% off!
  22. Tale


    It doesn't mean what I think it means right? What do you think it means?
  23. There's not much wrong with mixing the two. It's just that three games in is a little late to start. Though 1 had some elements of it, but I hate that game with an unending passion.
  24. The player shouldn't have to aim in a crpg, your character should do that to the best of his skill when you instruct him to Edit: For the record, I hate QTE's almost as much as mini-games. Second Edit: (because I'm all for recycling) The shooter mechanics in ME2 weren't particularly fun, merely felt as a filler not a selling point. My excitement or not for ME3 depends on whether the party members I invested a lot of time and effort in helping makes a re-appearance. Particularly Grunt, Mordin and Samara I can somewhat agree. But not necessarily as a "should" position. I agree that it's what I consider more in line with my defintion of an RPG. But for games like Mass Effect and the new Fallout direction since 3, they should follow their precedent. Then again, I thought the shooting was the fun part of ME2. If I wasn't a completionist, I could have spaced half the crew just to get away from their family drama.
  25. The DLC answer is scary. The DLC was basically terrible and the only thing they got out of it was that "players wanted to play their warden."
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