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Everything posted by UrbaNebula

  1. I'm running the game on an i7 970 and a GTX 970 (I love me some 970, huh?) and even though I'm only running it at Very High and 1920x1080, I'm getting a buttery smooth framerate so far.
  2. Just a note, right from the off, I am NOT asking for third person gameplay. I'm absolutely fine with first person. First of all, I've only sunk 2.5 hours into the game so far as it released at midnight and I have to work today. However, so far I am loving what I am seeing and if the game keeps to the standard I've seen so far I can see it easily becoming on of my top rated games of all time. One little niggle I have is that it's very tricky to get a decent shot of my character when taking screenshots. Everything is already in place with the panning camera system, the hidden HUD, the different idle animations when equipping different weapons and so on. The only thing that bothers me is the character is so small on the screen. Why not add a photo mode which works in the exact same way in every respect, but just gives free control of the camera, even just within a restricted radius? The character models are really nice and the armours look awesome, but it sucks that I can only see my fella in the darkened inventory screen or when the camera starts panning when idle. Let us get some lovely close up shots of our lovingly crafted characters and your stunning models Obsidian! x Love ya
  3. I enjoying this dev doggo and their regular updates.
  4. The footage has got me absolutely pumped for this game. Looks like exactly what I was hoping for
  5. Same logic as Fallout New Vegas, even though I dislike making that comparison. Yes Man was the only essential NPC. The game needs at least the one NPC in order to drive the ever dwindling narrative.
  6. This is causing some real internal dilemmas. While I am super excited to check all this stuff out, another part of me thinks that I already know too much about how the game is going to play. I think the character creation, stats and perks are something I would like to experience first hand once the game is out. I much prefer the "Ooh, I can get this perk now" on my first run, rather than "I need to buff these stats so that I can get this perk later on."
  7. I was listening to this just this morning after seeing a tweet from Megan. It really fits the nature of the game and story perfectly. Gonna grab it for sure.
  8. I don't think it's going to be traits so much as perks and flaws. For every flaw you receive, you get to pick a new perk, so I guess that is similar to traits in that sense.
  9. I'm not so sure. TTD looks like the only way to apply debuffs to enemies. I could be wrong and it might just be more obvious with the TTD HUD. I also assume that you can issue commands to your followers using this system, like you could in Mass Effect.
  10. I don't think we'll be seeing any terrestrial animals in OW... but I've been wrong before.
  11. I've learned to never pre-order, but would purchase on release day if they are smart and send out press review copies in advance. If release day rolls around and there are no reliable reviews out there, I will wait a week. It'll kill me, but I will wait.
  12. My first playthrough of New Vegas I never took on a single companion and had a blast. Of course, in subsequent playthroughs I've travelled with companion characters and loved their story arcs as well. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lone wolf style perk that helps to buff your character when travelling alone. Yes, this has been a lot harder in more recent Obsidian RPGs, but I think that's more because those games were party focused and you had control of every member of your group. That's not so much an issue with a first person, immersive title such as TOW.
  13. As someone who plays exclusively in first person, I agree that the developers should include a third person option. If not on release then at least some time afterwards. I don't suffer with motion sickness and I'm even fine with a restricted FOV, I don't really notice it. However, I have a number of friends who would struggle to play this game if it is FPP only, which would be a shame as they are huge Fallout: New Vegas fans.
  14. It would be a shame if there was no visual customisation, but I recall them saying that you would see your character in the inventory screen and when idling for too long. I doubt it would be extensive like Fallout 4's character creation system (the one thing that game got right, I spent my entire first hour in there...) with the insane level of face morphing and body type controls. I imagine it will be the standard affair. One body type (average build) and a selection of preset faces, hairstyles, skin and hair colours and that's your lot.
  15. I just grabbed a screenshot during the trailer, but I would like some official wallpapers and such. Maybe a press kit? :D
  16. Yup. Time dilation confirmed. Essentially a mix of bullet time and minimal VATS influence in that you see details of the enemies health and armour.
  17. There's no information on this yet. It obviously won't be called VATS, but it's not unreasonable to think that there might be some colonist equivalent that the protagonist has access to. I'm not sure to what degree copyright infringement effects these things, but pausing and targeting specific body parts might be enough to earn them a lawsuit from Bethesda. Maybe? No idea.
  18. If this is the start of a new franchise... Man. Gaming is in safe hands.
  19. Bioshock inspired certainly, but it's an original IP.
  20. I am excited by the mere idea of simply knowing more about this project a week from now. Tim Cain's 2017 talk on RPGs and seven common mistakes that he and other developers have made in the past give me VERY high hopes for this project and I already know I'm going to love the art direction based on the two teasers alone. Obsidian are now my go to developers for when I want a deep, singleplayer RPG experience. CD Projekt RED are fine too, but I feel they make more action oriented games with RPG elements and who even knows how far Cyberpunk 2077 is from release. And Bethesda Game Studios? Ha! I have seriously lowered my expectations with their releases. Fallout 4 was shallow as hell and Fallout 76 is just... well... There's plenty of vitriol online that pretty much reflects my feelings towards the game. Fastest I have ever refunded a game. But Obsidian? They are one of only a few beams of light, cutting through the smog and the layers of crap that is the modern gaming industry. TL:DR; I'm excited.
  21. Does that include Project Indiana, which has been kept behind closed doors since it's conception?
  22. This is where you buy a Nintendo Switch and surreptitiously play PoE2 on it at work. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
  23. So after I posted this I discovered that Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is coming out on the 3rd of April... the day I go back to work after ten days off... It may have been announced prior to my post, but I don't care! This is a personal attack on me for finding their trademark filing. They clearly found out who I was, where I worked and when my holiday was booked, then went back in time and changed the release date to April 3rd! Now sure, I could push my holiday back by a week but then they'll just delay it and I wouldn't want to bring that on you all.
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