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Everything posted by FireWolf

  1. Nothing wrong with the Sith. Fine upstanding fellows.
  2. Yeah so what if I got dathomir and dantooine mixed up they, like, star with the same letter or something. *puts nightcleaver on the list* Carth is not going to just die peacefully, he's some big-old pilot in the republic fleet so he'll probably get back to that. Bassilisk war droid. I wonder if I can part-exchange the ebon hawk for one...
  3. Well aimed shots were in fallout and shooting people in the groin was a very effective means of incapacitating the opposition and dispatching them at your will... Don't look at me like that... stop it...
  4. The republic prior to the Events of palpatine was supposed to have existed for some 20,000 years? Something like that anyway. There's always advances in technology but usually its improvements in design and use rather than whole new invention. Look at some of the things we use right now: the use of the oven hasnt changed, but as technology becomes available it advances. The great innovation comes through war. The problem is that once you reach a certain stage of technological development, those wars become somewhat...destructive and one of the main goals on either side is to develop bigger and better technologies to beat the enemy, of course the other goal is to blast the opponent's technology centers to cripple their development. So that can hold back innovation. Think about it this way, before about 3,000 years ago modern humans had inhabbited the earth for something like 100,000 years or so. Not a whole lot of technological advance there, I faith.
  5. And what's this? Atton has come back from retirement and is on the field! OH! He just got mullered by a Sith Saber to the groin. That had to hurt!
  6. Interviews have told us that OE arn't making any mod tools for the game. So modding is going to be just that little bit more tiresome. Icebox, putting something in to please a few people is still putting the damn thing in.
  7. The limit on force persuade can be through numerous instances. There were will-improving neural enhancers in the first game, some actions you propose will not work on some people if the action in question is entirely against their nature (a miser wont give you free credits), strong willed characters like force adept, shrewd characters and so on. I think more general use would be preferable to specific instances of its use. Being able to gleam a little more information from people than you would otherwise (without being overly charismatic) at the cost of reputation and relations with that person. Someone who uses Persuade and force persuade is a more sedate character who wants to experience more dialogue than someone who just wants to swing a lightsaber. I'd like to see this character path explored and rewarded more fully with both the option to complete quests using wit and charm and gain more of an insight or depth into the story than an action gamer. Diplomatically, Jedi have been known to use force suggestion to project feeling into their speech for example when calming a situation, or emphasising a plight or point of view.
  8. I'd like to see more flawed characters not one-dimensionals. Mira - not sure if I'd call her good looking from either concept or in-game screenshots, plus I can't help thinking of Miria in Fallout 2. For some reason the numbers 36, 24, 36 come to mind. Atton - better not be a loveable scoundral or, if at all possible, he's out the air-lock.
  9. As long as it remains relivant to the story and not some tagged-in rubbish. In Kotor it can be used as a lever against Bastila, so it was ok. It didn't feature prominently either, even though the relationship was entirely expected from the first moment "connection" was mentioned.
  10. Carth, for a great war leader, was just plain soppy. He wouldn't even let me mug that sod on Taris. I mean, the guy gets blasted on the planet so all those credits go to waste. Meddler. Because Telos is featured the chances of seeing Carth are very high, and while he was annoying his character was well performed. Ordo was a fun guy. Him and HK telling you to kill stuff never ceases to appeal. Perhaps have him and his Bassilisk War Droid? :D Mission was annoying. Perhaps she was the only Twi-lek I can remember in the game who didnt have thighs the size of the death star, but she was still irritating. If there has to be a Twi in Kotor2, let it be the sith woman, Yuthara. HK only ended up on Tatooine after Revan was assumed dead. Without contrary evidence the Bot got sold. He was funny, his combat was semi-useless, but I liked his dialogue and goading enough. Juhani should be killed on general principles. She annoyed the hell out of me, so much so that I have never actually done her side-quest or even chatted to her very much since her rediculous accent and whiney mantra irritated the hell out of me. She dies on every occasion and as a Sith she suffered from Lack of Vision. She was too easily swayed. I can't say I was inspired by anyone on Dathomir, and since the planet was blasted, I'd like to considder they're all so much force sensitive toast. Jolee should go back to hermitage, since he only went back into action to help Revan redeem himself (or manifest his destiny as Sith Lord). Bastila-Revan, if they don't make at least a Cameo I'll be dissapointed. Bastila's revolving door relationship with the Dark side is entertaining, and Revan doesn't seem like the kind to dissapear from the Galaxy after saving it twice (mandalorian war & malak).
  11. I don't know if you can call one of the more successful RPGs of recent years, with high critical acclaim and the Star Wars Licence, a "hand me down" or "scraps from the table". I think that, considdering some of the past successes of the people involved, that Bioware made a good choice. Bioware are good, but its nice to see a successful game followed up not as a carbon copy, but a new direction by new people. As far as first impressions of the characters go...I can't really make any since how the character behaves, is voiced etc makes all the difference and I'd take that as my first impression rather than the odd screenshot and snippit of info from devs.
  12. What I mean about force persuasion being more common is that it becomes a more useful trait, not just for dialogue with your party members, but as a means of achieving what you want. Like bluffing your way past a guard or convincing someone to help you out. Just utalitarian stuff which shows the option is more than just a bolted-on extra. I think Jedi would have some knowledge that they're being manipulated through the force, they might go through with it, but they'll be real angry at you for it. I just think that if the persuade gets buffed, there needs to be obstacles like high willed individuals (jedi are strong of mind, since it is their mind which they use to manipulate the force, not this crude matter). Palpatine used the Dark side to cloud the Jedi's knowledge of his actions. He manipulated Anakin through fairly conventional means: played on his ego, his youthful angst and resentment of authority, his lack of a father figure his arrogance and his desires. As for manipulating your party members, if you convince your Jedi followers by conventional means to join the Dark Side, they would no longer object to you abusing the minds of your minions. It has to be force persuade because this is a very under-used power that opens a lot of possibilities for achieving goals without resorting to violence. Probably not the most evil way to accomplish your goals, but certainly very manipulative. Power, in all forms, is attractive.
  13. Just making a bit of a tangent point. Without a mouse life is just so much harder. Can't play fps nearly as well, can't do rts, cant really do rpg. Doesn't allow you to use an OS GUI effectively. Not entirely sure how that related to custom soundtracks, but for some reason it did. I still don't like the idea of rejecting the ambient sound for your own music. It detracts from the whole experience. You wouldn't go into a movie theater and replace the score with your own music. In vice city it's a bit different since it uses actual music from an era, and if you want to stay in-character you can just put 80s music in the folder. But with star wars the game's score is specifically designed and the effect is far better with the right score than randomly played music, even if that music is from the same universe. It'd just spoil the mood if during some emotional communication with carth about his troubled childhood and the imperial march (metallica version) blares out.
  14. Not a huge amount of difference between a sith lord and a sith assassin. One is brash and boastful while slaughtering the innocent, while the other is quiet about slaughtering the innocent. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference if you give a sith assassin a crossbow or something, since lightsaber/force powers are more devastating and versatile anyway. Perhaps the class could affect some skills, giving you affinity in some, other than that....Just have to see how it turns out.
  15. What is there beyond colour and shape? Or do you want to design the inner workings too... Shinichiro, the difference between Kyp Durron's use of the force and your PC's is that Kyp wasn't taught by the Old Jedi Order. Plus how can you show the negative aspects of using the force in a computer game?
  16. No mouse/keyboard for xbox as far as I know (heard you can get a usb plug for the controller ports which usb peripherals can plug into, but not seen hard evidence of this) and thus proper games like CRPGs and RTS don't belong on them.
  17. Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic: The Sith lords feat. backstreet boys, 5ive and westlife.
  18. Bah! romance. Just force persuade them women into bed. Romance is for non-FS people.
  19. HK goes from assassination droid with fully working legs/arms to be "upgraded" by little anakin solo in ep1 to have no arm movement, and walks like he's got the falcon up his butt. I also cant imagine c3po saying "meatbags". You forgot the big gold statue of Revan in the middle of the ship, burning candles and all that. Maybe a nice one would be finding carth's body in a very small container?
  20. Perhaps having bastila, revan and the others involved in the story, but really I'd prefer not to have them returning to the party for the most part. HK should definitely not join your party since he's the property of Revan and while he was the most popular (as far as I've read) I'd prefer to encounter newer characters and explore their back-stories. Ordo is a possibility since he's a Merc and I would expect him to return to working for the exchange, or involved in other nefarious activities. Other than that I can't really think of any characters I'd particually like to see again.
  21. It was that blasted moisture farmer that caused all the trouble. Damned Luke! Palpatine was thrown into the pit by Vader. Vader was not his victim, Luke was. Palpatine's weakness was his overconfidence in his minions and his own foresight. I'd like to play a Dooku-like character. Both deft with charisma and a lightsaber and a few force powers. Basically if they allow more character exploration through dialogue I'll be happy. More persuade options (force or otherwise). I'd like to see Force Persuade far more a frequent an option. I mean, Obi-wan used it on storm troopers and drug pushers. I want general force persuade use. I think force persuade on Jedi characters should be ineffective and you have to rely on your wiles to convince them to do things out of character, or convince them of a different point of view. Dialogue is important, and if it can be used to solve quests rather than smashing stuff (and still gaining approx. same xp) the game becomes a whole lot more open-ended.
  22. I think the loss of connection with the force is the best way to go. Some kind of tragedy in the PC's past or some other influence separates you from the force and you have to re-learn your affinity with it.
  23. Long as she isnt a love-interest her looks don't matter a whole lot, at least insofar as she's not butt-ugly when her bio says shes beautiful or whatever. If she is a love interest she better be kill/corruptable. Sith mistress.
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