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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Also, in English, the baton one would actually be the smaller staff (since that'd be baton size) and the big one would be a staff. I agree though, having actual magic staves would be cool.
  2. The only baguette I know is a type of long bread, so, Baguette Magique sounds like Magic Bread to me.... At least that's what I thought when I saw your Twitter post earlier.
  3. It's just like the Republicans to use the bible to justify things... I don't think the bible ever says how old Maey and Joseph were when she had Jesus. The establishment guys in Washington are condemning the thing though, so, it's kind of Alabama Republicans vs the establishment. Either way, the Dem candidate still has really long odds just because it's Alabama.
  4. I can imagine Trump bizarrely switching between Clinton and the actual opponent or trying to include comparisons to Clinton or attempts to connect that person to Clinton. The midterms will probably be more or less expected, in the paradigm of what Trump has done anyway. It's possible that we haven't seen the nastiest it can get yet. Though for really colorful attacks, look to the 19th century, politics have always been a mud fight. Also, Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore has had allegations come out about having sexual encounters with teenage girls while in his 30s. I think Democrats chances of nabbing the Alabama seat just went up, especially if Luther Strange manages to do a write in or something and splits the Republicans.
  5. It does look cool, but the gun weirdly lobs the spark at it. It would be cool if the animation matched up with the idea of a gunshot/bullet. I realize it's probably just not-tuned yet... dunno, though. I can't think of a weapon that would lob an elemental blast at anyone. Maybe a wand? But those still kind of launch it straight out, and they semi-homingly "fly" towards their target, like a magic missile, but not as fast and sporadically. Annnnnnnnnywho... I thought it was maybe initially one of those hand mortars, but I moved it slowly and saw that it looked more like a regular pistol.
  6. From the article I linked the other day Continuing to slide in the rural areas isn't good news for the Dems going forward. We'll have to see how the trend goes in the midterms a year from now.
  7. Um, drivers licenses? Pretty sure those are compulsory if you want to drive a car, legally anyway.
  8. There's already a thread for the Onsidian game teaser thing guys.... Color and font tags don't work on URLs... Anyways, as the wolfgeist guy in the comments says, looks like an unique pistol or possibly San enchanted pistol, or an unique pistol with an enchantment on it. Cool effect though.
  9. GD you know Im a Democrat supporter but I am concerned with the lack of prominent Democrats who have a sustainable and constructive vision for the party and the USA At the moment it seems the Democrats live and respond only to what Trump says or doesn't say ....I dont see or feel real inspiration like I felt for Obama The Democrats need to focus more on there own narrative of why people should vote for them and focus less on Trumps fairly regular vacuous or controversial comments The Dems really do have a leadership problem, the Clintons are done, Obama is staying in the background mainly because he'd annoy Trump and anything he does is instant foil for Trump, though he's doing what he can from the background. There are leaders in the sense of leading the minority party, but as you say, there's a lack of prominent voices like in the way some longtime senators in the past have been. Or rather, right now, there's a lot of popular voices trying to fill the vacuum. The Republicans are having a similar crisis in that they lack the same kind of prominent leader, except that while there are prominent Republicans, Trumps election has sent the whole thing into array. Usually the President leads the party, but they are now finding that they don't really have a backup leader (unless you count Reagan, who's dead). Both parties are going through similar crisises of identity.
  10. Have you looked at their Senate electoral map for 2018? Five Democrats are in solid Trump/Republican states, just maintaining status quo would be considered a victory. An unlikely but not impossible victory in Alabama will help a little. It's true that the cycle of the party not in the WH gaining ground will continue, but they're at a big disadvantage. And the cycle has actually been going on for much longer than 25 years, it's one of the few near absolute constants in US politics.
  11. In other words they need to be careful not to get c0cky.
  12. Maybe it's the new (and still secret at the time) project that accidentally got slightly sneak previewed in that tour Fearhus was giving to that guy? The guy said it looked like Tyrrany or Pillars stuff to him.
  13. Lol the little rivalry between the two Air Force bases.
  14. @Zoraptor: I guess one can otherwise assume that the Saudis are having a moment. It's clear that they're in the midst of some kind of power play among the royals. I also saw mention on CNN something about rumors that the crown prince may only be in power for a few more months, I hope there isn't a succession crisis in Saudi Arabia. Also something that the US definetly wouldn't want to get sucked into.
  15. Dammit Dems! Stop making the intra-party feud worse!
  16. I found it funny with the smaller Twitter icon covering the guys face, and to be fair, he's the Foriegn Minister, his party wouldn't matter. Bit surprised Kushner is meeting with him and not Tillerson because Tillerson is the Secretary of State (counterpart to Kono Taro), not Kushner. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised as Trump has been treating this like its a family operation.
  17. Oh,okay. Does still sound like the Aedyrians are pretty invested in their colonies though.
  18. Saudi Arabia is middle of political cleansing and it seem that they need outside enemies to keep people distracted from domestic politics. Who are they trying to distract though? Their own populace? I guess it remains to be seen whether they actually act on their war declaration. Not surprising that all of the allies would turn on each other when ISIS was mainly defeated and no longer the focus. The Saudi Arabia -Iranian rivalry and proxy wars are starting to look a little like the Cold War between the US and Russia but without nukes.
  19. Don't they have to pass through Jordan to get to Lebanon? I get they're trying to fight against the Iran affiliated Hezbollah, but what exactly are they gonna do? Bomb Lebanons parliament? Seems like they'd have to directly invade Lebanon, which they clearly think of as a vassal state. And Trumps cheering them on doesn't help things either: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/359036-trump-voices-great-confidence-in-saudi-arabia-amid-royal-purge
  20. PoE didn't have quest markers, so, we can safely say that Deadfire won't have them. I like the more subtle cue of an NPC saying something since you can just ignore it.
  21. I know they did it after a mass shooting, but not sure if it was a problem like it is here, I can wiki/google it. According to wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Australia , I'd say they certainly had something of a problem,, though not quite the same frequency, doesn't say anything about daily gun crime though.
  22. And the Dyrwood was an Aedryan colony, I think the independence happened in his parents lifetime, not sure on the timeline here.
  23. You absolutely sure about that? They're going to have to start soon anyhow if they want to stay on schedule for a first quarter 2018 release. Josh Sawyer has set a personal deadline of March 2018, but not gonna hold his feet to the fire over it since it's not an official release date and they shouldn't use it as a hard release date if they need some more time. Though they do have to use the marketed release date when they set up one because they have to tell all of their advertisers and set up media releases, etc.
  24. Ongoing conflicts arent the same thing as intermittent shootings, unless you want to change the definition of war to include gun crimes with many victims.
  25. Broken image Boeroer? At least for me on iPad.
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